Who will be the next Strawhat

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Truly takes a special mind to ignore the mountains of evidence piling up for Yamato over the last 20 months to focus on single panels from half a decade ago with no actual bearing on the plot that don’t really support any sort of candidacy for Carrot, then or now…luckily, we’ve seen TWO geniuses in this thread doing it, even though the first might have finally abandoned the cause :neesama:
Yeah, I haven't seen Dizzy in a while. Do you think he finally saw the writing on the wall?

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
When it's one on one, bet on Yamato. :sanmoji:

It's why I'm hopeful that at least Carrot will redeem herself and join alongside Yamato. Or even a scenario that @Sigran101 presented where she gets a satisfying send-off Rebecca Style.
As we said for Shift, Davidsuxx, and all the other Carrot fans who can state their case without foaming at the mouth, trust me when I say the Yamato fandom wants people like you to get some amount of closure for your girl even if she isn’t on the Sunny at the end of this arc :shocking:
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Yeah, I haven't seen Dizzy in a while. Do you think he finally saw the writing on the wall?
Ask his friends, they came through for him the last time we tussled and I haven’t seen him show up around here since. Either way, C4N is really stepping up in his absence, so it’s like he never left even though that’s what the rest of us have always wanted :kayneshrug:
That happened 4 years ago:josad:

She needs another moment like this in the current arc. Results from the first time with Perospero did not have a satisfying conclusion for a lot of people.
What has been written shall never be forgotten.

Carrot's moment is coming..

Truly takes a special mind to ignore the mountains of evidence piling up for Yamato over the last 20 months to focus on single panels from half a decade ago with no actual bearing on the plot that don’t really support any sort of candidacy for Carrot, then or now…luckily, we’ve seen TWO geniuses in this thread doing it, even though the first might have finally abandoned the cause :neesama:

Here are the REAL potential evidences and how I debunked them:

The respect of Luffy

Yamato really respects Luffy to the point of admiration and if we could take that as a real clue to her potential recruitment, there is also two catch:

- First the Strawhats (at least in the crew) don't admires Luffy, they only have a deep respect for him and right now, Yamato is leaning more toward admiration than respect

- That respect in based on the action of Luffy toward them and not his words. Each Nakama has been changed deeply by the presence of Luffy but it didn't happen to Yamato, Yet. Yes Yamato has been freed for her shakles, but not her mind.

Panel time

One of the parameters that is often discuss about is the amount of paneltime of Yamato compared to Carrot

First we must NOT forget that whole Cake happened, you can't just say it doesn't count anymore when the storylines from this arc are still being developped. The part of the story we are in is called the Yonko Saga for a reason, everything is linked together. And so, the screentime of Carrot during whole Cake is still relevant.

Now, let's get that out of the way to look at the content where Yamato appears: We can notice that almost every apparition of her are constructed to enhance another character. First it was Ace, then it was Luffy, then it was to Help Momonosuke then to stall down Kaido until the real battle of Luffy and finally recently with the interactions of several supernovae and Big Mom's fight. Aside from her fight and her flashback, the content is almost never focused on Yamato first.

It doesn't mean Yamato's panel time is irrelevant, it just means that we have to be careful with how much she is shown by Oda. Yamato is still a very important character, as important as an "arc character" like Kyros, Rebecca, Shiraoshi etc.

The heritage of Kaido and Oden

This point is very simple, it states that because Yamato is the "Son of Kaido" and heir of Oden, therefore a strong character, it gives her a place of choice in the strawhat crew.. This assertion is based on a bias. Luffy doesn't recruit character because they are strong or because they are the heir of someone.

The parrallel with Oden

The heritage of Oden is often used to show that Yamato wanting to be Oden will lead her to go.. Like Oden, on sea to see the world. If this could be true, this is also a hypothesis that ignores three important factor:


We must not forget that the reason why Oden was accepted on Roger's ship, was to decifer the poneglyph. On the Sunny, someone already has that role.


.. And this will be long. We must be VERY careful with the parrallelism as it is a big theorist trap and confirmation bias blackhole. Indeed there are elements indicating some similarities between the strawhats and the Roger pirates, it's undeniable.. BUT.. there is also evidences that those similarities are here to contrast the real differences between those two crews. Let me explain:

Yes Luffy is very much like Roger, their mindset are similar in a way. Also, like the Roger's Pirates, the crew is founded on a strong base of powerful people with some specific roles : Doctor / First hand man etc.. And of course, their is a very close bond between the members and there are also small similarities within the story..

But that just it.. within the scope of the crew itself.. we can't go farther.

For example, we can't expect the strawhats to be around 30 in numbers at the end of Raftel, it wouldn't make any sence. Plus, each strawhat is specialized, not Roger's crew. The same applies to the dynamic of the crew, yes Roger is familiar with his crewmate, but there are no evidences supporting the similarities between Luffy's view of the world of his crew and Roger's. Luffy would rather be an underlings of Big Mom rather than lost a crewmate..

Do we think that Roger would do that ? There are no evidences supporting it, and taking the character of Roger into account, it's debatable. Finally, Luffy doesn't recruit just for his purpose it goes a lot deeper than that.


... and the most important one, there are reasons to believe their is much more to Yamato's character that meet the eye. Indeed Yamato was constructed as a conflicted character by Oda. How come such a strong character never tried to get the cuff off, how come such a spirited character had to wait Ace to express the desire to go to sea..

...I think that Yamato is a character ruled by Fear. The fear of taking her own freedom, the fear of taking action without thinking about the consequences.

I think that: is why Yamato loved Ace so much, that is why Yamato respects Luffy and that's why she wanted to become Oden.

All those character are free from their fears !! Those are the type of character Yamato follows.

That's why Luffy is not the one Yamato will follow but Momonosuke. Momonosuke's arc of character is all about concquering his fears and gaining his freedom in order to rule Wano. I think that those actions are what will lead Yamato to follow Momo and in a way completing the parrallel with Oden, by staying in Wano.

Time spent with Luffy

This one is also very simple. The argument rest on the fact that because Yamato had a conversation with Luffy, they have more chances to join the crew than Carrot. This can be debunked in two points;

- First Yamato didn't spent a lot of time with Luffy, only a few minutes, and most of the time, Luffy was more interested in saving Momo than hearing Yamato.

- For this moments to meant a real deal, Yamato would need to pass the "Nakama naming test" after the conversation. But it didn't happened. In fact Yamato was named Yama-o or Yama-bro by Luffy at the end of the scene. And even after being asked by Yamato to say it correctly Luffy proceed with Yama-O

Remember, a Nakama will always be named correctly when they reformulate their name to Luffy. This will be important when we will analyse Carrot later, you'll see.

The demand

This is one of the most frequent arguments in favor of Yamato. The argument is as follow:

"Yamato asked Luffy to join, this is therefore a foreshadow to the recruitment of Yamato in the crew."

Well.. This is where things gets interesting. Because the fact is, that demand is not a foreshadow, in fact it's not a demand at all.

- This argument ignores the fact that Yamato didn't asked Luffy, she affirmed that because Luffy was the brother of Ace, she would therefore have a place on the ship. But remember, Luffy don't like being push around and this is false logic.

- This affirmation is not a foreshadowing but something else, something I call a subversion dialogue.

Click HERE (link to my blog) to understand what a subversion dialogue.

Yamato's "you should be giving me a ride on your ship" is a false promise (for the fan) from a Positive > to > a Negative and a Negative > to > a positive (for the character of Yamato).

The hint is the corruption of the promise. Yamato wants to go on the ship for the wrong reasons (not for Luffy but by simple "logic") and she doesn't ask, she states. (that should be a red flag for EVERYONE)

Imagine any other characters having the same statement ("you should be giving me a ride on your ship") it would be clear that this is a false promise.

This is why I think that by understanding what she really wants, Yamato will change her goal and might realise that there is no need for her to go. A good reader of One Piece will know that all the Nakama will follow Luffy because of him first. That why here, The story hints us that Yamato is kinda lying to herself.

This "subversion dialogue" shows us two things:

- What Yamato said to Luffy won't happen, even if she becomes Nakama, that won't be for those reasons! So and even if it's still possible, the integration of Yamato to the crew is still unlikely.

- Oda is still playing with the "nakama" card and what better way to plan the surprise of the integration of a new crew member, that to make us believe another member will join. And if you don't believe me..

Remember that Oda already did that. With Vivi and Robin.

Now.. Here we are..

With 6 argument in favor of Yamato

Are they enough for Yamato to be considered a good recruit? No. I fact, each of them can be debunked.

Don't get me wrong, Yamato is a good character, she has some potential and Oda could surprise us with that character, but she is FAR from being as close as Carrot in the race for the Sunny right now.

The most obvious argument being the lack introduction as a future crewmate. Like previously mentionned, each strawhats are introduced EARLY with a clear capacities for a post on the ship. If that happened already for Carrot (and on her introduction), it did not for Yamato. Even in battle, Oda could be giving us hints. But there is nothing and we are far, now, from her introduction.. The chances for her to be introduced as a potential crewmate are therefore getting slimmer and slimmer.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
What has been written shall never be forgotten.

Carrot's moment is coming..

Here are the REAL potential evidences and how I debunked them:

The respect of Luffy

Yamato really respects Luffy to the point of admiration and if we could take that as a real clue to her potential recruitment, there is also two catch:

- First the Strawhats (at least in the crew) don't admires Luffy, they only have a deep respect for him and right now, Yamato is leaning more toward admiration than respect

- That respect in based on the action of Luffy toward them and not his words. Each Nakama has been changed deeply by the presence of Luffy but it didn't happen to Yamato, Yet. Yes Yamato has been freed for her shakles, but not her mind.

Panel time

One of the parameters that is often discuss about is the amount of paneltime of Yamato compared to Carrot

First we must NOT forget that whole Cake happened, you can't just say it doesn't count anymore when the storylines from this arc are still being developped. The part of the story we are in is called the Yonko Saga for a reason, everything is linked together. And so, the screentime of Carrot during whole Cake is still relevant.

Now, let's get that out of the way to look at the content where Yamato appears: We can notice that almost every apparition of her are constructed to enhance another character. First it was Ace, then it was Luffy, then it was to Help Momonosuke then to stall down Kaido until the real battle of Luffy and finally recently with the interactions of several supernovae and Big Mom's fight. Aside from her fight and her flashback, the content is almost never focused on Yamato first.

It doesn't mean Yamato's panel time is irrelevant, it just means that we have to be careful with how much she is shown by Oda. Yamato is still a very important character, as important as an "arc character" like Kyros, Rebecca, Shiraoshi etc.

The heritage of Kaido and Oden

This point is very simple, it states that because Yamato is the "Son of Kaido" and heir of Oden, therefore a strong character, it gives her a place of choice in the strawhat crew.. This assertion is based on a bias. Luffy doesn't recruit character because they are strong or because they are the heir of someone.

The parrallel with Oden

The heritage of Oden is often used to show that Yamato wanting to be Oden will lead her to go.. Like Oden, on sea to see the world. If this could be true, this is also a hypothesis that ignores three important factor:


We must not forget that the reason why Oden was accepted on Roger's ship, was to decifer the poneglyph. On the Sunny, someone already has that role.


.. And this will be long. We must be VERY careful with the parrallelism as it is a big theorist trap and confirmation bias blackhole. Indeed there are elements indicating some similarities between the strawhats and the Roger pirates, it's undeniable.. BUT.. there is also evidences that those similarities are here to contrast the real differences between those two crews. Let me explain:

Yes Luffy is very much like Roger, their mindset are similar in a way. Also, like the Roger's Pirates, the crew is founded on a strong base of powerful people with some specific roles : Doctor / First hand man etc.. And of course, their is a very close bond between the members and there are also small similarities within the story..

But that just it.. within the scope of the crew itself.. we can't go farther.

For example, we can't expect the strawhats to be around 30 in numbers at the end of Raftel, it wouldn't make any sence. Plus, each strawhat is specialized, not Roger's crew. The same applies to the dynamic of the crew, yes Roger is familiar with his crewmate, but there are no evidences supporting the similarities between Luffy's view of the world of his crew and Roger's. Luffy would rather be an underlings of Big Mom rather than lost a crewmate..

Do we think that Roger would do that ? There are no evidences supporting it, and taking the character of Roger into account, it's debatable. Finally, Luffy doesn't recruit just for his purpose it goes a lot deeper than that.


... and the most important one, there are reasons to believe their is much more to Yamato's character that meet the eye. Indeed Yamato was constructed as a conflicted character by Oda. How come such a strong character never tried to get the cuff off, how come such a spirited character had to wait Ace to express the desire to go to sea..

...I think that Yamato is a character ruled by Fear. The fear of taking her own freedom, the fear of taking action without thinking about the consequences.

I think that: is why Yamato loved Ace so much, that is why Yamato respects Luffy and that's why she wanted to become Oden.

All those character are free from their fears !! Those are the type of character Yamato follows.

That's why Luffy is not the one Yamato will follow but Momonosuke. Momonosuke's arc of character is all about concquering his fears and gaining his freedom in order to rule Wano. I think that those actions are what will lead Yamato to follow Momo and in a way completing the parrallel with Oden, by staying in Wano.

Time spent with Luffy

This one is also very simple. The argument rest on the fact that because Yamato had a conversation with Luffy, they have more chances to join the crew than Carrot. This can be debunked in two points;

- First Yamato didn't spent a lot of time with Luffy, only a few minutes, and most of the time, Luffy was more interested in saving Momo than hearing Yamato.

- For this moment to meant a real deal, Yamato would need to pass the "Nakama naming test" after the conversation. But it didn't happened. In fact Yamato was named Yama-o or Yama-bro by Luffy at the end of the scene. And even after being asked by Yamato to say it correctly Luffy proceed with Yama-O

Remember, a Nakama will always be named correctly when they reformulate their name to Luffy. This will be important when we will analyse Carrot later, you'll see.

The demand

This is one of the most frequent arguments in favor of Yamato. The argument is as follow:

"Yamato asked Luffy to join, this is therefore a foreshadow to the recruitment of Yamato in the crew."

Well.. This is where things gets interesting. Because the fact is, that demand is not a foreshadow, in fact it's not a demand at all.

- This argument ignores the fact that Yamato didn't asked Luffy, she affirmed that because Luffy was the brother of Ace, she would therefore have a place on the ship. But remember, Luffy don't like being push around and this is false logic.

- This affirmation is not a foreshadowing but something else, something I call a subversion dialogue.

Click HERE (link to my blog) to understand what a subversion dialogue is.

Yamato's "you should be giving me a ride on your ship" is a false promise (for the fan) from a Positive > to > a Negative and a Negative > to > a positive (for the character of Yamato).

The hint is the corruption of the promise. Yamato wants to go on the ship for the wrong reasons (not for Luffy but by simple "logic") and she doesn't ask, she states.

Imagine any other character having the same statement ("you should be giving me a ride on your ship") it would be clear that this is a false promise.

This is why I think that by understanding what she really wants, Yamato will change her goal and might realise that there is no need for her to go. A good reader of One Piece will know that all the Nakama will follow Luffy because of him first. That why here, The story hints us that Yamato is kinda lying to herself.

This "subversion dialogue" shows us two things:

- What Yamato said to Luffy won't happen, even if she becomes Nakama, that won't be for those reasons! So and even if it's still possible, the integration of Yamato to the crew is still unlikely.

- Oda is still playing with the "nakama" card and what better way to plan the surprise of the integration of a new crew member, that to make us believe another member will join. And if you don't believe me..

Remember that Oda already did that. With Vivi and Robin.

Now.. Here we are..

With 6 argument in favor of Yamato

Are they enough for Yamato to be considered a good recruit? No. I fact, each of them can be debunked.

Don't get me wrong, Yamato is a good character, she has some potential and Oda could surprise us with that character, but she is FAR from being as close as Carrot in the race for the Sunny right now.

The most obvious argument being the lack introduction as a future crewmate. Like previously mentionned, each strawhats are introduced EARLY with a clear capacities for a post on the ship. If that happened already for Carrot (and on her introduction), it did not for Yamato. Even in battle, Oda could be giving us hints. But there is nothing and we are far, now, from her introduction.. The chances for her to be introduced as a potential crewmate are therefore getting slimmer and slimmer.
You’re doing your predecessor as close to “proud” as you shameless fucks can get by posting walls of text we both know have nothing to say, buzz away now kingufy
You’re doing your predecessor as close to “proud” as you shameless fucks can get by posting walls of text we both know have nothing to say, buzz away now kingufy
Why are you being so dismissive?

All the evidence points to Carrot being the next Joy Boy who will bring about the new dawn.

Once Luffy realizes this, he will abdicate his Captain position and his Straw Hat to Carrot seeing her as the true person Roger was waiting for.

Carrot will then proceed to kill Kaido and free Wano.

Oda couldn’t have made this any clearer.
You’re doing your predecessor as close to “proud” as you shameless fucks can get by posting walls of text we both know have nothing to say, buzz away now kingufy
1. Be nice kiddo or I'll come for you and your bias like a hawk on a tiny mouse. ALready warned you about that.

2. You have the liberty to not read those wall of text. Those lines are made for adults who actually likes to debates. If you find that boring, don't worry.. I can give you a image:

Here is Carrot with the strawhats. If you can give me the same type of image for Yamato, then your argumentation will have some weight, if you can't then.. you would have proven that Carrot is still ahead of Yamato in term of probability.

Now... go find me some proof of your claims...

Or Buzz away!
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Why are you being so dismissive?

All the evidence points to Carrot being the next Joy Boy who will bring about the new dawn.

Once Luffy realizes this, he will abdicate his Captain position and his Straw Hat to Carrot seeing her as the true person Roger was waiting for.

Carrot will then proceed to defeat Kaido and free Wano.

Oda couldn’t have made this any clearer.
Funny, at one point a long time ago, it was not such a far fetch theory. Carrot being the personnification of Wonder in front of the world and that plus her place as kingsbird and the trouble past of the mink in front of the myth of the dawn.. , making her a "joy boy" would have been a really nice touch from Oda..

Now it's surely impossible, but I still liked the idea.

Luffy does not care about myths.


The Rogue Prince
Funny, at one point a long time ago, it was not such a far fetch theory. Carrot being the personnification of Wonder in front of the world and that plus her place as kingsbird and the trouble past of the mink in front of the myth of the dawn.. , making her a "joy boy" would have been a really nice touch from Oda..

Now it's surely impossible, but I still liked the idea.

Luffy does not care about myths.

I'm cryinggg

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
1. Be nice kiddo or I'll come for you and your bias like a hawk on a tiny mouse. ALready warned you about that.

2. You have the liberty to not read those wall of text. Those lines are made for adults who actually likes to debates. If you find that boring, don't worry.. I can give you a image:

Here is Carrot with the strawhats. If you can give me the same type of image for Yamato, then your argumentation will have some weight, if you can't then.. you would have proven that Carrot is still ahead of Yamato in term of probability.

Now... go find me some proof of your claims...

Or Buzz away!
If you need proof of Yamato’s case, I recommend reading literally any chapter after the one you posted, and maybe stop playing WCI on a loop while the drifter you’ve abducted and hogtied in your basement screams for mercy…and if you’re wondering why I’m not taking you seriously, I think that should be self-evident by now kingufy
Funny, at one point a long time ago, it was not such a far fetch theory. Carrot being the personnification of Wonder in front of the world and that plus her place as kingsbird and the trouble past of the mink in front of the myth of the dawn.. , making her a "joy boy" would have been a really nice touch from Oda..

Now it's surely impossible, but I still liked the idea.
:risicheck: Wut?
If you need proof of Yamato’s case, I recommend reading literally any chapter after the one you posted, and maybe stop playing WCI on a loop while the drifter you’ve abducted and hogtied in your basement screams for mercy…and if you’re wondering why I’m not taking you seriously, I think that should be self-evident by now kingufy
I have.. Multiple times, there is still no undeniable evidence of yamato being pushed as a strawhat. When there are for Carrot.

Yeah.. your favourite girl might have a lot of panel, those are just not meant to bring her on the Sunny.
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I'm just guessing but the word "Joy Boy" must've appeared in more chapters in Wano arc than Carrot
Ok.. that was a low blow.. :josad:
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Carrot will join because I like her and she is so important to Luffy and rest of the crew. There is no way she won't be included.
Are you quoting yourself ? xD

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I have.. Multiple times, there is still no undeniable evidence of yamato being pushed as a strawhat. When there are for Carrot.

Yeah.. your favourite girl might have a lot of panel, those are just not meant to bring her on the Sunny.
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Ok.. that was a low blow.. :josad:
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Are you quoting yourself ? xD
I know it’s ironic coming from me, but man, you need a hobby that isn’t talking OP, I’d be embarrassed if I only did one thing and I was this bad at it :whitepress:
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