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The way it is actually more accurate this way :catsweat:
Right, my feels are usually very good xD

The one thing that bothers me about my current though, they are all mostly based on those who are active, because they are more in the light with the exception of Juliet, who I am basing it off of how other town players caught her in the past and watching her play. I also have been expecting her to be more aggressive when she is suspected, however, she isn't but just lightly pushing back.
Ah, my humble servant has returned. @Underworld Broker I have yet to read your posts. My time is precious. I first must vet who needs to be DESTROYED before I plan my actions. If you think you are worthy of a look, I feel like this is a GOOD vibe from you. Evil doers want to hide from the light, not bathe in it. The very fact that you are willing to suffer my GAZE means that there might be some purity in your heart after all.
Borto goes with the flow, buddies others on their reads, his reads are overall pretty safe, he did this entire horse gimmick as scum during the All Stars game, too, and generally lacks initiative.

Vote Lynch Borto.

Do not fear!
I am not going with the flow I am literally pushing everywhere, having a long list of scum is not cosidred safe, cuz even some of the town out of them if any would take that as offensive to them and start suspecting me for that, but idc. saying I do this or that when I am a scum means shit cuz I am usually scum in games, so that's me in general and regardless of alignment.

my case on flower on the other hand:
- the post restriction (PR) thing is so random and vague it definitely looks like she is faking it. it's not stable
meaning: when you have a PR it means something specific for example: you have to end each post with *whatever*, you have to replay to every one that mentions/quotes you and in an aggressive manner, limited sentences, limited word count...etc
flower don't have that it seems, she is using the fake post restriction so she could dodge any serious convo whenever she likes, and whenever she likes a whole post is just dedicated to the post restriction thing, and whenever she likes she can post normally and just add a word or two in the end of her posts. what kind of shit rule did nova come up with. none, nada, she made it up and couldn't make a rule for herself to keep up with.
add to that the utterly useless posts all along the thread, and the overly offensive stance when Drago just suspected her last day
ekko was defending her day 0 if I remember correctly, day 1, not anymore for some reason.
@Zemmi @Dragomir @Fujishiro @Lindltaylor @Underworld Broker @whatever lynch bois
What’s the issue with Blue?

He is pushing for Dragon as scum
He was basically invisible D0 shitposting himself to council
When i voted him earlier today he flipped the switch going full defensive over a single vote
Deleted and edits posts
Asks people all the time who they sus or see as town instead of just reading the game thread to see for himself, but this way he appears active


I am not going with the flow I am literally pushing everywhere, having a long list of scum is not cosidred safe, cuz even some of the town out of them if any would take that as offensive to them and start suspecting me for that, but idc. saying I do this or that when I am a scum means shit cuz I am usually scum in games, so that's me in general and regardless of alignment.

my case on flower on the other hand:
- the post restriction (PR) thing is so random and vague it definitely looks like she is faking it. it's not stable
meaning: when you have a PR it means something specific for example: you have to end each post with *whatever*, you have to replay to every one that mentions/quotes you and in an aggressive manner, limited sentences, limited word count...etc
flower don't have that it seems, she is using the fake post restriction so she could dodge any serious convo whenever she likes, and whenever she likes a whole post is just dedicated to the post restriction thing, and whenever she likes she can post normally and just add a word or two in the end of her posts. what kind of shit rule did nova come up with. none, nada, she made it up and couldn't make a rule for herself to keep up with.
add to that the utterly useless posts all along the thread, and the overly offensive stance when Drago just suspected her last day
ekko was defending her day 0 if I remember correctly, day 1, not anymore for some reason.
@Zemmi @Dragomir @Fujishiro @Lindltaylor @Underworld Broker @whatever lynch bois
I actually like this post, it does share some of my same thoughts.
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