Chapter Discussion Oda needs to stop sucking Luffy's dick Wano is embarrassing as fuck right now.

It's just a payback you Ztards comes shitposting in my threads every times or even make threads to downplay Luffy
You can't complain
So you are that vendetta driven that people not appreciating your favorite cartoon hurts you personally?? How about you reflect on your life then??
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see??? you even skipped anything that not Zoro in it?? you only care about him, cut the crap already.
Zoro is my favorite character in One piece I have made it clear many times, of course I am not gonna give much shits about arc he is not in.

What does that have to do with our argument?
Luffy is the main character, the earlier you accept that the less angry you will be.

Zoro already had basically the best feats from the Rooftop and is very close to being Top tier, be satisfied.

In summary this thread is a complaint that Zoro got taken off the roof (as if he could have done anything more with Broken bones) ZKK will not happen.
The thread is about Kidd/Law vs BM and Luffy enjoying his vs against Kaido yet your bring up Zoro? Zoro's living rent free in your head lmfao
So you are that vendetta driven that people not appreciating your favorite cartoon hurts you personally?? How about you reflect on your life then??
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Zoro is my favorite character in One piece I have made it clear many times, of course I am not gonna give much shits about arc he is not in.

What does that have to do with our argument?
You have reading issues that shit don't hurt my feelings I'm not like you, I don't take that personally
You downplay I downplay
It's fun
Tough most of the Time I'm just telling truth
Honestly I don't bother with Law and Kidd much and most of the threads I make are about Zoro but this needs to be said.
For the starters I think Oda ending the roof top was one of the most retarded things that he has ever done only because he has Luffy's rubber dick shoved so far up his ass, it may as well come out of his mouth.

And just to further suck Luffy's dick, to stick to his usual nonsense he always makes dumb fuck decisions. Roof top was the easiest fucking story to tell, 5 Leaders of new generation fought and overcome two leaders of current generation, when Luffy and Zoro were supposed to get advanced CoC any ways, he could have easily made a realistic looking ending to Wano that would make sense and would be appreciated by most of fan base.

But to deep throat Luffy, he wrote some of the most embarrassing and underwhelming scenarios ever.

First you have Kaido getting drunk in the middle of the fight and act like a bumbling fucking idiot and Luffy and Kaido "Enjoying" their fight. All the fucking pent up frustration out of the way, all the anger from Luffy due to what Kaido has done, promises Luffy has made out of the way, he is playing childish ass games with Kaido.

But what is even more embarrassing than that is Law and Kidd vs Big Mom.
Why the fuck is that fat bitch not using CoA?
Why is that dumb bitch not using AdvCoC??
Where the fuck is her awakening??
Why are Law and Kidd suddenly sucking Luffy's dick??

So Useless Kidd who was supposed to be a hard ass, dude who came into roof top telling Luffy to not slow him down has now accepted his place as one of Luffy's cock suckers. Seriously what the fuck does that do for his character?

He is in the band of like 100,000 dick suckers Luffy already got.
Tell me what is the difference between Kidd and Law now??
How is Kidd different from X-Drake??
How is he different from Katakuri?
How is he different from Cavendish??

What has Luffy done for Kidd?? If Kidd was actually supposed to be real rival to Luffy and this is supposed to be some major character development for Kidd then where was his grand moment, the conflict in his mind that made him suck Luffy's dick??

Ya'll like to talk shit about DBC but when Vegeta sacrificed for Goku, he remembered the past, he accepted Goku's superiority, he gave a reason to why he is sacrificing. And that moment was special because Goku doesn't have 100,000 dick suckers that Luffy has, Vegeta has spent years trying to surpass Goku and realized its not gonna happen.

And we are supposed to buy this as some top tier character development??

As embarrassing as Sanji vs Queen fight was, Law/Kidd vs Big Mom situation is the most pathetic thing Oda has ever done.
@ShishioIsBack I guess Oda will stop giving head to the Cond0m when Teach finds the One Piece before him.
I agree that Luffy has gotten a bit too special. Many people that I know have dropped One Piece because of this.
Yes he is the Main Character but that doesnt mean that he should be perfect in any way.
PreTS was amazing. It was not always about "He hItS HaRdEr tHaN HiM". It was more about the story. Now it seems like every power that is introduced is only reserved for Luffy. FS, AdvCoA, AdvCoC, "special DF".
I dont even know if I'll be reading One Piece when Wano ends when Kid will be out from the story for a while.
Zoro is my favorite character in One piece I have made it clear many times, of course I am not gonna give much shits about arc he is not in.

What does that have to do with our argument?
thats why i said you will never complain anything about him whether he fucked up or not and you will try to downplay anything that went aginst your agenda.
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Kitetsu Wanker
I have said since a while ago that Luffy has become the weak point of One Piece.
He is given too much panel time to make decisions that harm the manga. And Oda somehow doesnt intend to stop those...
Luffy singlehandedly ruins the seriousness and the plausibility of the fights.

The interest in Luffy vs Kaido plus the big reveal about Zunisha and legendary DF is lower than 2 panels about Zoro and Death.
Law and Kidd can be influenced by Luffy's ability to want to help him without actually becoming cheerleaders but oh well...
The Yonko fights have turned into a low point of the war that people just want to see done at this point.

Kaido's introduction has given us so many hints and clues to what he is and how he might be defeated.
1v1 always bet on Kaido. So Luffy has to crush this Rumor about Kaido like he did to many villians before him can't have that be taken away by Kid/Zoro/Law.
But he is literally doing the opposite of that, he isnt beating him in 1vs1 but in 15vs1.
He is part of the rain that Kidd talks about in this last chapter.
They keep coming after Kaido and eventually will wear him down.
To crush the 1vs1 rumor, Luffy should have taken on Kaido before Scabbards and beaten him alone, without losing even once.
The complete opposite happened and yet, here you are, claiming that Luffy is crushing the 1vs1 rumor by pulling a 15vs1... :yasu:
Zoro :-
had to be removed from the roof to develop on his own because if he didn't the spotlight will just be on Luffy just like what happened in 1010.
Zoro didnt have to be removed from the roof, he was the man who kept the rooftop together, he made it possible.
As long as Zoro was up there, the Emperors couldnt beat anyone. The moment Zoro went down from Hakai, Luffy instantly got KOed.
Because there was no Zoro to protect him.
Luffy didnt overshadow Zoro in 1010, you are just impressed by low damaji while ignoring the highest damaji Kaido received. :yasu:
Wano is embarrassing as fuck because of excessive Zoro/Japanese wank. Oda failed with Luffy wank in wano. Now Zoro is fighting even shinigami and we know Oda wanks him even further with double the pain thing but Zorons hypocrisy don't see the more than erza level wank Zoro gets but always cry on others.