Who did more damage to Linlin?

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That's the point. If Zoro is getting shit for using a weapon that's a metaphorically a double edged sword, then the linlin duo are even worse for relaying on outside strength.

Lol you're born with Haki, you're not born with a devil fruit power, nice try. But he doesn't have one nor rely one and he'll reach the top with physical strength + haki. More impressive than anything else
I don't care? I'm not having a d*ck measuring competition here using nonexistent anime dudes. I was explaining how Oda writes. You powerscalers are something else.
I want Zoro fans to apologize to me in the thread where they made fun of KID's attack, I stated that at least he did half the damage to Big Mom... YOU OWE ME... BE MEN.
Still dogshit, a fuking bull without haki that crush on Big Mom....that is your super card???

And the next one is canon?


Kuma with urso shock was more impressive pretimeskip than this bullshit, by the way Island attack so enough to take down Cry Mom.

I gona push the new agenda Kuma is above Mom :willsmith:
@ReggieZoldyck21 @MonsterKaido @Tyki_Mikk @Sentinel

If this was Kid and Law vs an Admiral(Not counting Akainu) how do you think they would do?

Do you think they would still win or no?
Really hard to judge, two low top tiers vs one Admiral, I think they can pull out the W, but im be honest, I didn´t really see a Admiral goiing all out so it hard to judge, for now I would say Kid+Law winning, but this could change...
What I found more interesting, Oda plan first two make Ph two big islands, because showing how insane the fight was and what they do, one ice island, the other vulcano island, but he throw that idea away because he thought it would take to much time to let strawhats travel from one side into the other... Tells you enough that Admirals like Akainu also could and going to have Country lvl+ Ap..
Imagine he pull out like a super vulcano, that shit could reach even continent lvl lol xD
Imagine the DC when BB will fight with the Gura, the Dark fruit and probably a third powerful fruit, all awakened. Lool.
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