Who did more damage to Linlin?

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Are you a PHD in anime history to claim something like this?
Even MC was Koed two times. MC lost almost ten chapter from onigashima.
What about Law . All things was made by Law . The main important thing is that when law making all this of thing , NOR REST , NO SUPER HEALING MEDICINE . NO TARROT CARD , NO TRANSFORMATİON. whatever happens anymore , Law is MVP and strongest guy of all onigashima.
People in here still disrespecting Kidd. I should’ve known Kidd haters would give all the credit to Law to make him look bad smh :lawsigh:

No one talking About this stretch right here. :myman:

Big Mom: "Prometheus!! Napoleon!!
Hera!! Let's go!!!"

Prometheus/Napoleon/Hera: "Yes Mama!!!"

Big Mom: "“Maser Saber” (Roaring Light Sword - 鳴光剣 (メーザー サーベル))!!!"

Kid: "Uohh!!!"

Big Mom combines her 3 Homies into one sword (just like the one she used against Ulti) and cuts the metal bull created by Kid in one blow.

Kid: "...!!
It's useless!! They're just pieces of metal!!"

Big Mom: "Hah, hah.
Mamamama, you are wasting your time.
Your dream is coming to an end
little brats!!!
We have sent hundreds of young pirates like you to the bottom of the sea.
We have “ruled” this ocean for decades!!!"

As Big Mom says this, Kid jumps off his metal bull and attacks her. Big Mom tries to attack Kid too with her fused sword. But Kid is faster.

Kid: "“Assign”!!

Big Mom: "Ehhh!!?"

Kid puts an “S” on Big Mom's forehead and an “N” on a half-destroyed tower from Live Floor. Then Big Mom sticks to the tower like the 2 opposite poles of a magnet. Kid returns to his metal bull and prepares to charge at Big Mom again.

Homies: "Dodge it, Mama~~~!!"

Kid: "Take this~~~~~~!!!"

Big Mom manages to flip her body with the tower stucked to her back. This way, Kid's bull hits the tower instead of Big Mom. Kid can't belive Big Mom's strength. She then uses a new attack on Kid.

Big Mom: "“Bahouhou” (Visiting Mother Cannon - 母訪砲 (バホウほう))!!!
“Misery” (3000 Leagues - 三千里 (ミザリ))!!!"

Translator's note: Big Mom's attack is based on the Anime “3000 Leagues in Search of Mother” (Haha o Tazunete Sanzenri).

In an amazing double page, Big Mom uses her fused saber to create a giant woman of fire and thunder that attacks Kid. As Big Mom laughs and wonders if Kid is alive, a piece of a tower appears above Big Mom's head.
Basically a 1 v 1 for a decent portion of the chapter and Kidd tanks yet another big attack…
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