Spoiler One Piece Chapter 972 Spoilers Discussion

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Well the manga has made it it clear that ONLY ODEN has proven Kaido isn't invulnerable. For 40 yards of piracy, it didn't matter whether Kaido was a Rookie fighting the fuckin pirate king and Garp or he was a full blown Yonkou confronting shanks dung marineford, ONLY ODEN scarred him. Haki or no haki, zoan form or no zoan form. ONLY MOTHERFUCKIN ODEN
Again he wouldnt fight them in his full Zoan, as it is shown to be his weakest and all he can do is Boro breath. When Kaido first fought Oden in his base, he got no scars. But their second fight, he got scarred because he was distracted and was in full Zoan. He couldnt defend himself. His scales would obviously get stronger, as its part of his skin. The morr stronger he gets..

He never got anymore scars because he wouldnt be dumb enough to fight them Zoan form or be distracted. Top Tiers could obviously scar him if they got Oden's chance.

And you realise we've seen people use Haki WHILE UNCONSCIOUS. Like Luffy knocked out fodder while unconscious and Whitebeard defaeted rookie Ace while he was asleep. So high tier Luffy and top tier Whitbeard can use Haki while they are unconscious but a fully conscious Kaido in Zoan form for some reason Cannot use haki
How does that apply to CoA ? CoC isnt even used for defence or attack against strong people. Its just a telepathic blast.
Again he wouldnt fight them in his full Zoan, as it is shown to be his weakest and all he can do is Boro breath. When Kaido first fought Oden in his base, he got no scars. But their second fight, he got scarred because he was distracted and was in full Zoan. He couldnt defend himself. His scales would obviously get stronger, as its part of his skin. The morr stronger he gets..

He never got anymore scars because he wouldnt be dumb enough to fight them Zoan form or be distracted. Top Tiers could obviously scar him if they got Oden's chance.

How does that apply to CoA ? CoC isnt even used for defence or attack against strong people. Its just a telepathic blast.
CoC has been shown to be a strong attacking force under a powerful user. Not sure defence wise though, I give that.

Stage 1 only knocks out fodders but the likes of Roger made of CoC an important weapon.

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
Oda in 2020:

Roger VS Whitebeard? Kaido vs Oden? Who really cares. I’ll just make those fights 3 pages long each while simultaneously showing almost nothing about either fight.

Also Oda in 2020:

You know, people really enjoyed Whitebeard’s epic speech at the end of Marineford. I’d better recycle almost the exact same speech, accept this time It’ll be backgrounded by the same “smiling hero” vs “evil tyrant” story I’ve been telling on repeat for 25 years. Oh, and I’ll need two entire chapters to do this.

Wano has been, for me, the most disappointing manga arc in recent memory, maybe ever.
Assumption, he was a rookie thn and We don't know how the fight went.
Garp n Roger focus was Rox. That's how WB, Kaidou n BM survived n not Rox.

Need not answer nw.

Katakuri, high tier has Advance CoO haki n BM don't. PLs don't decide Haki.
Kaidou obviously grew stronger over the years. Maybe he hadn't perfected his df thn, or his Haki grew stronger.
So the rox pirates lost without Whitbeard Kaido or Linlin getting into a fight. No wonder Gar is a fraud, the man's feats are always fake hype. These three juust abandoned ship and left Rox to fight the entire navy and Roger pirates alone

Does this mean Rox is the first God tier in the one piece universe?


Can someone make a list of all the things Oda has retconed due to this messy flashback. The one I can think off from the top of my head are.
1. Momonosuke seeing Oden die
2. Oden having Conquerors haki
3. Kaido caring about Raftel or Poneglyph information
4. Orochi caring about Wano's borders
5. Toki matering in any way

I'm sure theres more
oden has coc
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