Did Kanjuro Kill Big Mom?

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Midd not having AdCoC, probably never will unless we get a rooftop 5 vs Gorosei or the Admirals and he needs the upgrade, is a huge telltale to the bozos that think that everyone and their mothers will have CoC and AdCoC or that cooks get to have Yonkou/Legend level abilities. :ohreally:
Nah...oda proved he doesn't have to use Haki to defeat someone strong...he just needs a new attack :kayneshrug:
-Chapter 1040: An Age of the Daring and Mighty
-on the cover, Oven hits Yonji while the other Big Mom Pirates laugh
-Kid’s attack launches Big Mom’s attack through the hole Law made. She lands head first and is knocked out
-Kid and Law collapse.
-Momo sees the attack and is amazed. His head starts hurting
-CP0 are fighting Izo. They hear that Big Mom has been defeated
-we cut to the Gorosei, who say to prepare for the biggest change to the world since Whitebeard died. They wonder if Luffy will beat Kaido now
-Kaido is looking down over the roof and laughs. Luffy is lying on the ground
-“You can’t beat old age either, Linlin! First Whitebeard, now you… only the strong survive! That means I’m the strongest!”
-Luffy gets back up. He’s angry that Kaido is laughing at his friend’s defeat. He uses G4, and hits Kaido with King Kong Gun

-break next week

Is this fake spoiler ?


Is this fake spoiler ?
Yes. This is the real spoiler
Thanks to redon from Arlong Park Forums.

Little Spoiler, more in next hours ;)

- Chapter 1,040: "Words that has no effect on New Generation".
- In the cover, Niji and Yonji flashback to when they were beaten by Big Mom.
- Big Mom manages to withstand Kid's attack. Then she tries to take lifespans from all those around her. But Law stops her.
- Kid keeps shooting Big Mom until the floor collapse. Big Mom falls down through the armory, taking Kazenbou and all the bombs along with her.
- As Big Mom falls down through the bottom of Onigashima, she thinks about Roger. "Why didn't you just say it before you die, Roger!? What exactly is One Piece and where is it!?"
- Big Mom falls into Wanokuni's hole while she tells Law and Kid not to think that she's going to die this easily.
- We see a huge explosion in the hole. Narrator proclaims Law and Kid winners of the battle.
- Momonosuke tells Yamato that Zunisha is near, Yamato is surprised and asks if it's the elephant that appears in Oden's journal.
- Momonosuke: "Yes! It's Joy Boy's nakama who committed a crime 800 years ago!!"
- Break next week.

PD: Probably I will be unable to post a full and long summary tomorrow as I always do. But I will post a short summary, so don't worry.
The most funny thing is Kid and BM didn't COC clash, heck Kid didn't even use Haki
But after the whole King not having COC and shit, i would lower my expectation for any COC clashes that's not from Luffy :josad:
Being a team battle I never saw a CoC clash happening for better or worse, it would just make Law a clear third wheel unlike the tag team we got.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I mean, I was at least expecting Kid to be the one to finish her off. I was even hoping Kid gets a one-on-one after Law's down. I even felt relieved when people made threads saying the same thing.
People who were saying kidd will bet one vs one against BM were just showing blind fanboyism.

There was no background set for this fight.

And, even if I assume oda would have pulled it then he would have to show BM going all out which in itself nailed kidd defeats in stone.

Oda established that their purpose is to prevent BM from going to roof top and they succeeded. Their job is done here.

Gol D. Roger

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Honestly Kid did good. People just don’t give credit to BM’s durability and endurance because she scraped her knees once. She was only vulnerable back then because of her PTSD which was not present during this fight, therefore she had max durability

Also Oda gave BM the bomb, I thought it was reserved for Kaido and blowing up Onigashima once everybody’s evacuated. This just means Oda’s planning a bigger finish for him imo
They did an amazing job at keeping BM at bay. I never expected them to do that much damage to her to this degree without new power-ups, tbh. It's just that I was expecting more from them, especially Kid.
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