Who will beat Kaido now?

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Including having a different personality assume his place apparently.

Zunesha met Luffy but he didn't say Luffy's awake, he said Joyboy has returned. It's weird that you're trying to have it both ways in light of what we see.
Yes because people are waiting for the messiah not the actual person.
Or do you think people were waiting for Jesus with his name and all?
we let idiots think that one piece is better than HxH, the fact that they think such a thing is already a testament to stupidity and lack of basic interpretation, so I advise everyone to just ignore it and continue with the spoiler discussion...
if you think i'm toxic then report me all you said there is a bunch of nonsense anyway what does kyros not picking a fight with kaido has to do with anything? who said anything about kyros vs kaido?
İt's you guys stop this Luffy bashing İt's his freaking Story

Oda could start Luffy as Joyboy from the beginning

The whole story is related to him accepted or drop it
...luffy does not kill..
When has Luffy ever said this? Luffy isn't batman, he is a pirate. His idol, shanks, had someone murdered before his eyes in chapter 1. Anyways even zoan fruits have their limits.

very simple inherited will...he has enma...he is the monsterous samurai ...luffy does not kill...kaido said he won't leave wano no matter what....zoro has the same ability that his captain needed to actually damage kaido but because he wields blade he can actually sever heads...black blade plotline= surpassing oden...ryuma parallels...most importantly luffy can beat kaidos ass from wano all around the world but kaido will not stay down because awakening he will always just go back to wano so he has to die and by zoros hands
A lot of this is just zoro fan headcanon. Zoro fans just exaggerating the importance of their favorite character.

Fact is, Luffy is Kaido's greatest rival, not Zoro. Kaido is a fake joyboy, Luffy is the real joyboy. Being joyboy is tied to being the strongest and creating great change in the world. At least that's what King's flashback hinted.


At this point it just sounds like burning with acidity...man is just twisting arguments as a way to cope....:milaugh:
Good that other people are also seeing how this guy behaves in debates.

Initially he seemed like a person one can have a good conversation with. I like it when people show their true face.


Kite coming back from dead after being the driving force of Gon's grief and rage isn't an asspull? That is like Ace reviving after being killed by Akainu. You Huntards have really low standards.
It was heavily implied that is how his power works by Gin. Everything on HxH is well explained.
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