[Passive - Archmage] As the Archmage and leader of the Kirin Tor, Rhonin has great sway over his fellow mages. Every phase he will receive a random ability from another mage in the game. At the end of each phase he will lose his current burrowed ability and receive a new one. He is also immune to conversion.
---Passing the Torch--- This passive, and his City of Dalaran passive will pass on to Jiana if Rhonin dies.
[Passive - Unfortunate Past] Rhonin was a promising young mage of the Kirin Tor until a disastrous mission involving the reckless use of magic nearly cost him everything. Many, including Rhonin himself, have not completely forgiven him for the incident, as such he scans guilty to alignment investigations.
---Reckless Practitioner--- Rhonin is reckless, hot-headed, and is known frequently not to look before he leaps, a character flaw that he is hard-pressed to keep under control. If he is the second leading wagon, all of his abilities will be upgraded. This passive cannot be claimed.
[Passive - City of Dalaran] Rhonin will have his own neighbor chat at night that people can join and leave willingly. A write up will be posted at the start of the game explaining how to join. Itโll also mention the city's neutrality laws. Limit of 10. Drops to 5 when the game is down to half its players.
---Broken Peace--- Rhonin has zero tolerance for anyone breaking Dalaran's neutrality laws. If someone in the city targets another person in the city with a harmful action the city will be evacuated, expulsing everyone from the chat. The person performing the harmful action will be branded evil, losing their vote power and scanning guilty for the next cycle. The persecutor will also be role-blocked while branded.
---Devoted Husband--- Rhonin and his wife Vereesa share an incredibly close bond. She will start the game already in the City of Dalaran and their actions cannot harm each other.
[Active - Parry] Despite being a mage, Rhonin is also a skilled swordsman. He can parry the next harmful action coming his way, reflecting it back. [2-Shot]
[Active - Open Portal] Rhonin prefers to use his sorcerer abilities for versatility in combat. Each phase he can open a portal to do one of four things.
-Redirect a personโs next action.
-Bus-drive two players.
-Commute himself and another player.
-Stop the next three incoming actions, learn their targets, and decide whether or not to let them pass. [2-Shot] Day only.
[Active - Containment] Rhonin will show no hesitancy to sacrifice himself for the good of others. Once during the game he can destroy an entire write up, undoing all of its effects. As a consequence his role will be killed and janitored. [1-Shot] He must activate this ability the same phase the write up was posted.
[Active - Armistice] If Yogg Saronโs summoning has been prevented or if he is lynched, Rhonin can call an armistice, preventing all kills the following night. [1-Shot]
You are hunted!
Wincon: Eliminate all threats to Town!