Who will be the next Strawhat

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Because the fight didn't matter for Oda. Only the result was worthy of importance. The result was the great change in the policy of the Marine, a complete shift in the values.

In another story, another author couldve choosen to take time on those fights (Carrot/Perospero&Akainu/Aokiji) as there is always something to tell when good characters are put in conflict against eachothers.. But those were too narratively exclusive for Oda, too "out of the storyline". Oda needed to stay focus on his prime storyline.

So he made a choice: The result > over > The meaning of the fight. And he is doing that a lot in his different arcs. Sometime, the meanings of the fights are too shallow, or not enough impactfull, so the result becomes more important

The fight between Perospero and Carrot could have been cool, but the real meaning of this fight (at least if we look at how Oda is constructing Carrot) comes at the very end, when Carrot is defeated. Because this is this defeat that is impactfull enough on the character and the reader. It's unexpected, troubling, it's even infuriating when you are a real fan of the character.

You want Carrot to get up.. but she won't and is being humiliated in the process. That what makes this defeat so important. Carrot (and us) needs to learn that defeat is a part of being a pirate, to really evolve on her journey.

I'm glad that someone is finally open to the discussion and my analysis.

carrot is the only mink with a cape different from her faction. Carrot is the only white rabbit mink. SO by essence, she stands out. Carrot is the only minks (after Neko and Inu) who is chasing after a desire out of the island, she seems to be the youngest user of Sulong and she is one of the two only ruler bird.

Those makes Carrot a completely different mink than the usual. And i'm not even taking her treatment and symbolisms into account.

I was not talking about an acutal "point" more like a "region" of focus.

Where does it say that it last 3 minutes ?

You need to be an actual artist to understand that my boy...

There won't be anymore member in the grand fleet.

You will need to understand composition to understand this one. Sorry. Ask your friends.

This is a pattern in an image that help the eyes to follow a certain pass. It can be framing, it can be lines it can be a lot of thing. Here it comes in a form of circling lines, much like parenthesis. "(..)"

Yikes.. Not sure about that.

Not all cahracters no. this is specific to Carrot.

Wrong. Chapter 805

Are you self reflecting here ?

Indeed. I short. Carrot represent the mink, just like Jinbe represents the Fishmen. Glad we agree on that..

Yeah.. Sanji never taught Luffy that. Luffy is selfish, he only feed or help someone if he feels like it or if they are friends. But again, you are missing the point and confusing GIVING food and SHARING food.

Luffy don't share. Usually at least.

Indeed. Having close relation with the strawhat is not THE elements that make a future strawhat, it only helps.

Lol this was intended my boy.

Carrot has been depicted with more attach to her kingdom taht yamato has for Wano. So don't give me that Bullshit argument that Carrot wouldn't leave her kingdom. She definitely will. Like I said. Development inertia MATTER.

Nah, it's still confidence (and fact here)

You know I can do this too with multiple strawhats right ? THis is completely fallacious. So.. irrelevant.

Yeah.. I wouldn't buy your story for even 1 dollar seeing how you can't even analysis a simple storyline. Sorry. Tommy Wiseau is also a director.. it doesn't mean that he is anywhere near a good comprehension of what a good story really needs.
Post covers the whole page
No offense, get a life mate
I'm seeing Marco for nakama a decent ammount these days. Does anyone here have an argument for it? I was on the Marco train before Wano, thinking it was strange to bring him and not the other Whitebeard pirates back into the story and hoping he'd get a strawhat arc in Wano. But that didn't happen and Izo showed up, so I gave up on Marco long ago. I wonder if anyone has a decent argument in favor of him.
I'm seeing Marco for nakama a decent ammount these days. Does anyone here have an argument for it? I was on the Marco train before Wano, thinking it was strange to bring him and not the other Whitebeard pirates back into the story and hoping he'd get a strawhat arc in Wano. But that didn't happen and Izo showed up, so I gave up on Marco long ago. I wonder if anyone has a decent argument in favor of him.
The most I can say is that he could fulfill Ace's wish to see Luffy become Pirate King. Otherwise, he's got the Vivi problem of dedicating himself to protecting a location. He's also a doctor, so he's redundant. I know I've argued for Law before, but Law at least has shown interest in running Luffy's alliances, so he could do something besides being a doctor/surgeon. He's also made said multiple times that he considers himself old-hat at this point and is looking forward to seeing the next generation take the stage. At best I could see Marco leave with the crew to take them to Ace's grave, deal with the Weevil subplot, and potentially tell them the location of the last Red Poneglyph since it presumably was moved during Whitebeard's time and he would probably know where it is.
if you say luffy's crew doesn't worry about him cause they trust him then that'd be wrong

having faith in luffy never stopped them from worrying but they keep believing in him till the very end

if you take that as them not worrying about luffy then that's a very wrong take by you
No. That's a fact. Having trust make them not worry. They always have this sentiment in the back of their head, but it never comes out until they are faced with missinformation.

That's the whole point of the concept of trust behind the strawhat. Oda makes a point in hammering that if the trust in strong enough, then any worry disappear. This is the whole point of they relationship!

Carrot doesn't need to have actual dialogue and not small little nothing comments?
She isn't driving the story forward or any narratives. She's a barely there character, Franky had way more going for him when he was being an antagonist.
Yamato meanwhile does.
This is not the role of Carrot to drive the story forward right now. CArrot only needs to be a witness.

That's one of the biggest mental gymnastics I've ever seen in that forum, no cap.
I love how people here confuse "mental gymnastic" and "strong analysis"

I only know that, if Carrot ends up being the one joining against all odds, then C4N will go on a rampage against all of us

  • Yamato is first hinted at in the same chapter Jinbe's toast was delayed, with Kaido saying "Where is my son? He should be making an appearance. It's a feast!"
  • Her flashback with Ace has her toasting with the same sake that the SHs had. The flashback's combined titles are "The Sake I Brewed to Drink With You, Straw Hat Luffy"
  • Oda's third favorite scene in OP has the SHs dancing with random wolves that act like normal people. One wolf has a dedicated reaction panel with Luffy and Nami. Another wolf is drinking with Zoro. Yamato's fruit is based on a wolf that understood human language and protected them against fires
  • In Wano, there's a fire festival going on and now the other lore pieces in this scene are coming into play like the drums.
Just sitting here wondering how in God's name this thread reached 919 pages
This thread will reach 1000pages and my dream is to be the first comment on that page. And if I die posting comments I at least died doing what I love to do.
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  • Yamato is first hinted at in the same chapter Jinbe's toast was delayed, with Kaido saying "Where is my son? He should be making an appearance. It's a feast!"
  • Her flashback with Ace has her toasting with the same sake that the SHs had. The flashback's combined titles are "The Sake I Brewed to Drink With You, Straw Hat Luffy"
  • Oda's third favorite scene in OP has the SHs dancing with random wolves that act like normal people. One wolf has a dedicated reaction panel with Luffy and Nami. Another wolf is drinking with Zoro. Yamato's fruit is based on a wolf that understood human language and protected them against fires
  • In Wano, there's a fire festival going on and now the other lore pieces in this scene are coming into play like the drums.
Goda foreshadowing it since skypia :lumazed:
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This thread will reach 1000pages and my dream is to be the first comment on that page. And if I die posting comments I at least died doing what I love to do.
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Goda foreshadowing it since skypia :lumazed:
If true those are not foreshadowing, they are simple hints.

The problem here is that the argument is only based on Oda giving us hint. But in reality, there is no way to be sure that those hints are linked to Yamato. In fact those are more reach that anythings.

Nothing here is a narrative evidences, it's therefore irrelevant.
If true those are not foreshadowing, they are simple hints.

The problem here is that the argument is only based on Oda giving us hint. But in reality, there is no way to be sure that those hints are linked to Yamato. In fact those are more reach that anythings.

Nothing here is a narrative evidence, it's therefore irrelevant.
Hmmm, But Yamato did get foreshadowing more than carrot only the Minks tribe was foreshadowed not her alone like how was Yamato If we being honest here.

AL sama

Red Haired
No. That's a fact. Having trust make them not worry. They always have this sentiment in the back of their head, but it never comes out until they are faced with missinformation.

That's the whole point of the concept of trust behind the strawhat. Oda makes a point in hammering that if the trust in strong enough, then any worry disappear. This is the whole point of they relationship!
what I stated is the fact

yours is just a wrong take

try to understand what I said and you'll see I m not the wrong one here
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