Spoiler One Piece Chapter 973 Spoilers Discussion

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Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
2) BS Rayleigh said Luffy have a natural talent

3) Even if he did, again he didn't had a proper fight post that training let's even assume he was equal to Luffy when they met at sabaody Luffy improved A LOOT from that to where we are now while Zoro didn't had a single chance to push his limits again not bc he is so strong it's just Luffy that took all the big fights it's like Saying that Luffy had to improve this much cuz Zoro was too strong after TS and Luffy had to fill the gap...so BS

4) Srsly? Monkeys copying Mihawk's style? U can do better than this...
Read again....

Zoro and Luffy have different requirements. If Luffy takes more time to grow due to his df and haki mix then that doesn't apply zoro would need that as well....
I never said he wouldn’t, I said that it’s not believable at the moment. If he does fight him without actually getting stronger prior then it’s just bad writting and I’ll be sad that oda went the Naruto route. Cheers
The point is to grow through the fight. That's what Luffy did. That's what One Piece has always done.

You keep bringing up Luffy having opponents, but the Katakuri fight is the first fight he used 100% and beyond in. Up until then he was riding off his training with Rayleigh and didn't get any stronger. He completely bodied Hody, Caesar Chinjao and was blatantly stronger than Doffy. There was no growth.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that we did see Zoro training after he got Enma and he said he'll be a lot stronger when he masters it.

So what do we have?
-Zoro has yet to show his full power
-Zoro has gotten more powerful sword
-Zoro has been shown training
-Zoro has black blade power up foreshadowed
-Zoro will grow in battle

How can you in good faith say him fighting and beating King will come out of nowhere?

Stop calling everything that doesn't match your headcanon bad writing. The phrase "bad writing" is nothing more than buzz words at this point with how loosely it's been thrown around.
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Lead them to paradise.
immediately after the fallout of previous chapter luffy was discussed as joyboy or main figure for the war and rightfully so. info was shown that pertained to him.
you dont have to be in the chapter to have relevance.
I think the problem that she has and the root of it all isn’t that this instance of zoro talk has angered her but more so the fact that it seems like every chapter turns into zoro debates.
I think the problem that she has and the root of it all isn’t that this instance of zoro talk has angered her but more so the fact that it seems like every chapter turns into zoro debates.
there's this ignore button yeah. works dandy.
most fans here are zoro fans or sanji fans
that isnt going to change no matter where you go. you can scroll past it if you aint interested in that.


Lead them to paradise.
The point is to grow through the fight. That's what Luffy did. That's what One Piece has always done.

You keep bring up Luffy having opponents, but the Katakuri fight is the first fight he used 100% in. Up until then he was riding off his training with Rayleigh and didn't get any stronger.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that we did see Zoro training after he got Enma and he said he'll be a lot stronger when he masters it.

So what do we have?
-Zoro has yet to show his full power
-Zoro has gotten more powerful sword
-Zoro has been shown training
-Zoro has black blade power up foreshadowed
-Zoro will grow in battle

How can you in good faith say him fighting and beating King will come out of nowhere?

Stop calling everything that doesn't match your headcanon bad writing. The phrase "bad writing" is nothing more than buzz words at this point with how loosely it's been thrown around.
Yes but luffy fought doffy and then cracker prior. Making his struggle and fight against kata believable. Zoro fought no one of note. That’s my problem , I feel like I’m repeating myself. Zoro not showing his full power doesn’t mean he should be that much stronger because it would mean luffy was weaker in fishman island and would also render luffys accomplishments obsolete. People like to see their heroes struggle to get there. That’s why a lot of people are against this. I really hope you understand, in no way am in undermining zoro I’m just being coldly logical about this. I want my man to become the strongest swordsman in wano, but he needs to get there. One thing oda can do is have the raid fail, him fighting king and losing then a rematch. That will make it easier to swallow for people.

This is right at the beginning...

Now,let me tell you that Mihawk was teaching zoro about how to make blade black. And, in wano we learnt that it happen through numerous battles and when one becomes one with sword.

What makes you think that Mihawk (the only second character with black blade would be unaware of this requires and will not make zoro go through fighting humandrils again and again?
Wait you are actually arguing on this :nicagesmile:

I didn't deny Zoro fighting Humandrills again but your claim of Zoro having more opponents to fight during TS. Did you forgot Luffy training?
Yes but luffy fought doffy and then cracker prior. Making his struggle and fight against kata believable. Zoro fought no one of note. That’s my problem , I feel like I’m repeating myself. Zoro not showing his full power doesn’t mean he should be that much stronger because it would mean luffy was weaker in fishman island and would also render luffys accomplishments obsolete. People like to see their heroes struggle to get there. That’s why a lot of people are against this. I really hope you understand, in no way am in undermining zoro I’m just being coldly logical about this. I want my man to become the strongest swordsman in wano, but he needs to get there. One thing oda can do is have the raid fail, him fighting king and losing then a rematch. That will make it easier to swallow for people.
and you are correct in that
it aint a zoro only problem
its everyone aside luffy or urouge.
they are yet to take down someone of note.
you might say the clash with hawkins, fight with killer , clash with kyoshiro helped a bit and another week of training brough him some pace but def not yc1 level atm.


Lead them to paradise.
The point is to grow through the fight. That's what Luffy did. That's what One Piece has always done.

You keep bringing up Luffy having opponents, but the Katakuri fight is the first fight he used 100% and beyond in. Up until then he was riding off his training with Rayleigh and didn't get any stronger. He completely bodied Hody, Caesar Chinjao and was blatantly stronger than Doffy. There was no growth.

You're also completely ignoring the fact that we did see Zoro training after he got Enma and he said he'll be a lot stronger when he masters it.

So what do we have?
-Zoro has yet to show his full power
-Zoro has gotten more powerful sword
-Zoro has been shown training
-Zoro has black blade power up foreshadowed
-Zoro will grow in battle

How can you in good faith say him fighting and beating King will come out of nowhere?

Stop calling everything that doesn't match your headcanon bad writing. The phrase "bad writing" is nothing more than buzz words at this point with how loosely it's been thrown around.
It’s not headcanon, it’s basic powerscalling. And yes it would be bad writting if zoro just up and walked there to beat lint after an extreme diff fight. That would be like if luffy just up and walked then extreme diffed fujitora in dressrossa before his fight with doffy just because we didn’t see him struggle much before.
Chapter seems interesting..
So Kyoshiro is denjiro disguised.. I wonder if Orochi knows that as well...
Wonder if he is the one that saved Luffy and co from the extra forces Orochi sent to destroy them.. Conveniently he is in capital I think!!
Glad we got Momo, Kaido meeting in panel
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