I never said he wouldn’t, I said that it’s not believable at the moment. If he does fight him without actually getting stronger prior then it’s just bad writting and I’ll be sad that oda went the Naruto route. Cheers
The point is to grow through the fight. That's what Luffy did. That's what One Piece has always done.
You keep bringing up Luffy having opponents, but the Katakuri fight is the first fight he used 100% and beyond in. Up until then he was riding off his training with Rayleigh and didn't get any stronger. He completely bodied Hody, Caesar Chinjao and was blatantly stronger than Doffy. There was no growth.
You're also completely ignoring the fact that we did see Zoro training after he got Enma and he said he'll be a lot stronger when he masters it.
So what do we have?
-Zoro has yet to show his full power
-Zoro has gotten more powerful sword
-Zoro has been shown training
-Zoro has black blade power up foreshadowed
-Zoro will grow in battle
How can you in good faith say him fighting and beating King will come out of nowhere?
Stop calling everything that doesn't match your headcanon bad writing. The phrase "bad writing" is nothing more than buzz words at this point with how loosely it's been thrown around.