Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

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Kitetsu Wanker
anyone noticed without zoro on rooftop, luffy keeps dying against kaidou?
zoro's presence in a battle can make the difference between staying alive or dead :endthis:
As I said a long time ago, Zoro was what made the rooftop possible.
Even with 2 Emperors present, as long as Zoro was up, nobody was defeated.
As soon as Zoro got downed by Hakai, weaklings started to get knocked out.

I mean even greg is speculating that this event has to be connected with the fire festival and might foreshadowing a climactic and emotional conclusion to the conflict in Wano.

Greg is saying that this even is connected to the conclosion to the conflict in Wano.

Hello, only Kaido remain for the beast pirate.

Basically he is confirming ZKK

I mean even greg is speculating that this event has to be connected with the fire festival and might foreshadowing a climactic and emotional conclusion to the conflict in Wano.

Greg is saying that this even is connected to the conclosion to the conflict in Wano.

Hello, only Kaido remain for the beast pirate.

Basically he is confirming ZKK
Who is Greg?