Who is the strongest character?

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Mihawk is def a retard who would go and attack kaido and his crew @LANJI CUCKSMOKE right?
right absolutely no chance for a duel like he did with other fighters in the past

it's beginning to make sense now, all the swordsmen he beat in the past definitely weren't competent enough to have followers who could retaliate.
thanks for clearing that up . might be the real reason why shanks is out of the picture. and prob wb who he finally tried to see what he was about in mf till a subordinate of his dealt with it.
Idiotic , admirals getting boxed by zoro and sanji within 3 chapter content wise lol
So you claim luffy won’t fight Akainu like hater claim zoro won’t fight kaido like nudle. Then you claim sabo will fight akainu instead, Then you claim luffy will bluneo Akainu in split second in one punch.
You can’t even decide which luffy fight admiral or not.

You mean zoro fight milhawk first then kizaru later. Last time I check zoro have to be strongerst swordsman before final war arc.

So you are saying zoro bluneo milhawk like that ?

Only sanji chance admiral is greenbull but it will be luffy or Kidd fight. Sanji have more chance to fight cp0 or gorsei and see IM first due princesses stuff.

And where you get 3 chapters from ? Did you meet oda ?

And you don’t even like one piece , did except kaido literally not get hurt by kinemon before wano act 1 start ?
right absolutely no chance for a duel like he did with other fighters in the past

it's beginning to make sense now, all the swordsmen he beat in the past definitely weren't competent enough to have followers who could retaliate.
thanks for clearing that up . might be the real reason why shanks is out of the picture. and prob wb who he finally tried to see what he was about in mf till a subordinate of his dealt with it.
Why would Mihawk fight Kaido who’s not a swordsman m?


Kitetsu Wanker
Only One Piece fandom can struggle this much with power scaling... :milaugh:
Back in the day, 20 years ago or so, Kaido>WB>Roger. Maybe I should place Oden above Roger as well since he claims Nittoryu is best.
Back at Marineford, 2 years ago, Kaido>Mihawk>WB. Unknown how others fare against sick and weakened WB.
Currently, Kaido>Mihawk>rest. Power scaling aint hard but since Zoro is about to dethrone Kaido, it's hard to avoid Zoro at #1. :yasu:
"Aren't Mihawk and Shanks both the same lol"
if you make make simple comparisons yes
if you look a bit deeper

"One specialist in CoC and the other probably in CoA or whatever helps forge a black blade."
that big difference might be why the comment is closer to shanks if anything
because whatever it is roger specialized in was certainly not what making a black blade is about.
Is the comment about Shanks though?
It was about Roger but knowing history and that Shanks is basically Roger of this gen of the Yonkou we suspect that the hype is targeted to him.

Both Mihawk and Shanks are both the current only haki top tiers, both swordsman and a history of ruthless fights.

Yes i believe they ultimately specialise in different areas but in the end both have the highest Haki game
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Dont worry man you can fix that with pills:josad:
Sakura hentai works better than Viagra for me


Only One Piece fandom can struggle this much with power scaling... :milaugh:
Back in the day, 20 years ago or so, Kaido>WB>Roger. Maybe I should place Oden above Roger as well since he claims Nittoryu is best.
Back at Marineford, 2 years ago, Kaido>Mihawk>WB. Unknown how others fare against sick and weakened WB.
Currently, Kaido>Mihawk>rest. Power scaling aint hard but since Zoro is about to dethrone Kaido, it's hard to avoid Zoro at #1. :yasu:
Why would Mihawk fight Kaido who’s not a swordsman m?
because he gets stronger by doing so?
if he is only interested in being the strongest swordsman he won't which is my point .

difference is shanks has and will
so shanks continued to challenge stronger people
mihawk did not
mihawk has essentially capped himself
shanks has not.
It seems a lot of Readers, still don't understand Mihawk's Character & Power.
Oda doesn't bother say much about Mihawk for same reason he doesn't say anything about All Blue or All Healing Cure or Elbaf ... etc
These are reserved for the End because they are Straw Hats Dreams

And Straw Hats represent Greatest Dreamers Ever
You don't even hear people dare mention the same Dreams as them

Like seriously since One Piece started, has anyone declared that they will find All Blue aside from Sanji? (Not Zeff, cuz he entrusted it to Sanji)
Has anyone ever said that they will Draw World Map like Nami did?
Is there any person in the World wanted by WG like Robin who wants to discover Void Century?
Is there any Doctor who declared same Dream as Chopper? ... etc

But when it comes to Zoro, people refuse to believe how crazy his Dream is
The reason no one ever talks about Mihawk or WSS Dream except Zoro is because it's crazy to even think about it
Every Swordsman secretly wants to be WSS, just like any Pirate would dream to be called Pirate King
But how many dedicated their entire Lives to beating Mihawk? Only Zoro
Just like Sanji with All Blue & Nami with World Map & Chopper with All Healing Cure ... etc

We literally entered Samurai Arc, the home of Greatest Nation of Swordsmen, an Island that even Marines don't want to mess with
And we saw their Strongest Samurai, a very Legendary one who travelled with Pirate King & almost Killed Strongest Creature
And yet he was never called Strongest Swordsman, he didn't have Supreme Grade Sword(s), he didn't turn his Sword Black, he never reached a point where he looked at others as inferiors ... etc

Zoro who trained under Mihawk for 2 Years, still sees himself Inferior to Mihawk & not ready at all to fight him
The same Zoro who loves to fight an Admiral (Actually did it Three Times in Canon & Thrice in Non-Canon)
The same Zoro who defeated a Yonko's Right Hand Man in few Minutes after he Unlocked his CoC
And yet his Journey is still far from over just like other SHs, but he is closer than ever ofc

Where did Shanks gain his Fame from before he became a Yonko? It's from dueling Mihawk
To the point that when Current Shanks (A Yonko) met with Strongest Man (Another Yonko), WB couldn't help but remember his Legendary Fights with Mihawk, which confirms three things:

1. There is nothing that Shanks done in his entire Life which brought him Fame bigger than Dueling Mihawk
2. There is no Fight of Shanks that WB remembers to be greater than Mihawk's
3. Even as a Yonko, having fought Mihawk in the Past needs to always be mentioned

And Oda goes even further & makes WB question how Shanks returned without a Hand, it shocked even Strongest Man
Shanks who? Why would they be shocked a Red-Hair Pirate returned with One-Hand? It's because he is a Famous Pirate, Why?
Because he is the guy who rivaled Mihawk !! And Shanks even confirms it & bothers to explain how his Hand & Face Scar didn't come as a cost of fighting Mihawk, cuz that would have been the first guess of anyone, even WB

And just like Dreams of other SHs, their Hype doesn't come from direct information about them, it comes from how the world perceives them.
Has Mihawk ever showed CoC or even hinted at it? Never & yet he makes Zoro says that he obviously have CoC cuz his Dream is to be WSS, confirming that Mihawk must definitely have it

Have Mihawk ever explained Black Swords or his own Sword? Never, and yet we find out that even Oden failed to turn his Sword Black.
Was Mihawk shown defeating anyone? No, but Oda makes everyone a Swordsman, even Pirate King, his Vice Captain, Yonko, Elbaf Warriors, Admiral, Vice Admirals, some Supernova, many Top Commanders, dozens of Veterans ... etc

It's like we are reading a Manga about Sports where Mihawk is declared as Greatest Soccer Player in the World
And then the Author introduces most Major & Best Characters to be Soccer Players instead of other Sports, what do you expect?
Obviously Mihawk is Strongest

You think Mihawk having same Eyes as Imu-Sama is a Coincidence?!
You think being given the name "Dracule" which means both Dragon & Devil is a Coincidence?
You think Mihawk having Christianity Theme, Knight Theme, Clairvoyant Theme ... etc is a Coincidence?
At the same time when Zoro represents Trion Anti-God, Eastern Samurai & One-Eyed Pirate who can't learn directions

Did Straw Hats in East Blue even heard of Yonko System? Ofc not, they only heard about them very late
Actually Buggy had to explain who Whitebeard is to his Crew so they have an idea of how great he is
How he did it? By comparing him to Roger, because Pirate King is the more Famous Title
Do you know which Title is also more Famous than Yonko? It's WSS

And if all of this was wrong, we would find Contradictory Statements somewhere, even if it's Non-Canon
But No, when Oda is asked a question in SBS & he needed to mention Legends, he did mention Mihawk as one of his Examples
When Viver Card came out, it did say that Mihawk is waiting for someone even Stronger than Shanks
If you check Databooks, they say that Mihawk is Stronger than Shanks
Even Fan-Made Magazines (Japanese Audience) agree that Mihawk & Shanks are Strongest Rivals with Mihawk being the Titled One

The Story was introduced by telling us all the things that you need to survive Grand Line & reach Top Fame
Do you know what they are?

You need a Powerful Crew (Just look at what Yonko did & how much they cared about getting a Stronger Crew)
You need a Strong & Big Ship, preferably a Fleet too
You need Alliances or to work under Stronger Crew
You need Great Navigational Skills & to avoid Dangers of Grand Line ... etc

And then this guy shows up who travels from One Ocean to another like it's nothing, having no Crew & not even a single Ally, he did it cuz he was bored & because a Fleet of 50 Ships woke him up from his sleep which he easily annihilated, he travels on his Small Coffin Boat, his only Weapon is his One Sword, he have no DF Powers, no D. Luck, no Firearms, not even a Pet & works for no other Pirate, he doesn't even care about fighting anyone unless they are Stronger than Shanks or have Potential to be

When Zoro joined, Chapter was Titled "Pirate King & Master Swordsman"
Because these are the Greatest Titles you can get, the rest are just Epithets

Roger can stand against anyone but he never excelled in anything
The Greatest Combatant is none other than Mihawk, even better than Roger
The Greatest Leader is none other than Shanks, even better than Roger
The Most Powerful Man is none other than Whitebeard, even better than Roger (Due to his DF)
The Toughest Being is none other than Kaidou, Superior to anyone in his Nature
The Most Dangerous Man is Dragon, even more than Roger

But Roger is Dead, WB is Dead, Kaidou is going to Die (+ Rayleigh & Big Mom are Past their Prime)
There are only Three Characters sitting at the Top of The World, they are Mihawk, Shanks & Dragon, but with Dragon not being a Pirate
Mihawk & Shanks represent The Peak of Pirates

Roger did have Wealth, Fame & Power, but did it get him One Piece? No, he only learned the Truth but he was too early
So how will Luffy prove that he is even better & more successful than Roger?

It's because One Piece requires Wealth, Fame & Power even greater than the ones Roger had
Greater Fame that allows Luffy to recruit a Crew even Greater than Shanks (Which is literally his Chapter 1 Promise)
Greater Power that allows Luffy to stop Final Villain without anyone interfering & that's what Zoro represents (Which is literally his Dream)
Greater Wealth & Possessions & that's what Nami is there for & why Oda made her crazy about Wealth & a Thief

Oda called Luffy, Zoro & Nami as Triggers of One Piece, because they are literally the ones who are required to Use it
While Shanks, Mihawk & Dragon are the Second Piece of the Puzzle, they are like Two Faces of the Same Coin with Main Trio
That's why they are only Top Tiers introduced in First 100 Chapters, only ones who barely done anything & are reserved for Final Arc

I didn't mention Blackbeard & Imu & Lurking Legend ofc because they are Final Villains, them being More Powerful than anyone else is justifiable & completely acceptable.
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