Who will be the next Strawhat

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Yup she can, simple logic. Perospero is a 700 M Bounty and Carrot and the advantage in SUlong with wanda, so you divide the bounty and strenght per 2 and you get a 350/500 bounty range. Simple.. Well at least for me.
Fistly bounty doesn’t work like that. Bounty isn’t necessarily an strength indicator. It shows the threat someone is two the WG but also the level of power someone holds.
example: as a bounty of 700M
Reasons: he is strong but also due to being the oldest son, his strategic mind he holds a high level of command over the other Big mom pirates. That is why his bounty is so high. He is definitely weaker than Sabo who could go toe to toe with an admiral but has only a bounty of 602 million.
2nd We have seen strong characters handle quite easily weaker opponents as if it was nothing.
Kizaru fought all the supernova and they couldn’t shit to him. And even if you put 100 pirates with bounties of 300million(Luffy’s level at sabaody, pre TS) vs him the result will be the same. It’s not that 100x300million gives them a power level of 30billion and it makes a difference to an admiral.
If I have to power scale carrot I would but her at the level around Kalifa from CP9 and in sulong form at Kaku level.
Nah. recruit after Sabaody only need to be able to survive in the new world. Just that. Nothing more. And Carrot is far ahead of that. You should already know that, that's basic stuff.
Wrong... You're kinda strawmanning, even "surviving" means more power... They literally trained for two years in order not to be a burden to each other and get more powerful... Carrot definitely can't survive the next opponents which includes a group whose "lesser" commanders are composed of Level 6 escapees...

Well that's because you can't really project yourself into the future of the story.. it's a lil bit sad..
Ad hominem... :seriously: Anyway, there's no proof that Carrot can defeat even the weaker of the 2...

Wut are you even saying lmao.. all the alliance is now against two Yonko xD You are making no sence
LOL you failed to understand what I said... Carrot never even once assaulted a Yonko... :mihanha:
Fistly bounty doesn’t work like that. Bounty isn’t necessarily an strength indicator
2nd We have seen strong characters handle quite easily weaker opponents as if it was nothing.
That's why the system is not good in Micro, but those are exceptions.

So In Micro no, but in macro it works! Completely in fact. There is a direct link between the bounty and the power level. It's not 100% accurate but it's a good enough indicator to make an affirmation about strenght level. DOn't even start with that debate. You'll lose.

Reasons: he is strong but also due to being the oldest son, his strategic mind he holds a high level of command over the other Big mom pirates. That is why his bounty is so high. He is definitely weaker than Sabo who could go toe to toe with an admiral but has only a bounty of 602 million.
Concerning Perospero, you need to check ALSO the comparison in the story. Inu and Neko have similar strenght and Inu and Neko BOTH struggled again Jack and Perospero in the SAME WAY.

So Perospero and jack are in fact pretty much equal in strenght, hence why it was very unlikely for carrot to win this round.

But you can EASILY cut by two the strenght of Perospero and you get a range between a man of a 300 and 500 M B bounty. Again, narrative logic.

If I have to power scale carrot I would but her at the level around Kalifa from CP9 and in sulong form at Kaku level.
Yeah.. You are lost mate.

bounty mostly represents how much threat you pose to the world government instead of your strength

carrot may or may not be strong but she definitely doesn't pose much of a threat to the world government
Bounty does not represent strenght but it is a good clue. That's why she would be around the realm of a 300-400 M bounty man.

Hmmm, I don't think so y'all the one who is trying to make up shit but didn't do it when jinbei and brook were introduced but now y'all want to do that shit with Yamato
I did the same thing with Jinbe and Brook at the time. The difference is, There was a lot less opposition to those theories at the time so I didn't need to go into such a lenght to prove my point.

Like I said, if you don't care to read you opponent's argument, don't be surprised when you will find out that your are wrong and this was under your nose the whole time ;)

Wrong... You're kinda strawmanning, even "surviving" means more power
No strawhmaning here. Surviving means having enough power to survive in the new world, nothing more, nothing less. That was the prerequite of the 2Y training.

Getting "more" power is optionnal.

No, a fact. You can't project yourself into the future of the story as you don't understand one of the foundamental rule of storytelling being : "character are humans". So you will only end up being surprise again and again.

Pure narrative logic.

Anyway, there's no proof that Carrot can defeat even the weaker of the 2...
There is no proof that she can't either. And because we can't prove the inexistance of something. You will have to wait before making an affirmation on that subject. Basic logic.

LOL you failed to understand what I said... Carrot never even once assaulted a Yonko...
I don't see how that's a recruitment parameter mate. But maybe you have intel I don't ;)

Oops no you don't. That's irrelevant.
I specifically take issue with Yamato’s character because a late game Straw Hat has that much less time to shine as opposed to pre-timeskip Straw Hats. Jinbe may be lacking Straw Hat crew moments, but he had three arcs to explore his character, goals, relationships etc.

With not that many goals left in the story, a late entrant like Yamato has to be the focus of their own arc as we have to see something come out of this character. With how much hype was built around Yamato, her likeliness is the highest but I don’t think she “works” as well compared to someone like Momo.
did the same thing with Jinbe and Brook at the time. The difference is, There was a lot less opposition to those theories at the time so I didn't need to go into such a lenght to prove my point.

Like I said, if you don't care to read you opponent's argument, don't be surprised when you will find out that your are wrong and this was under your nose the whole time ;)
Shocking that Oda still makes them join the crew 🤔 right so what everything u want or say Oda is the one writing the story he can do whatever he wants so all the subs shit u did do and saying Oda is the one who shows Yamato wants to join the crew, not carrot
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Bounty does not represent strenght but it is a good clue. That's why she would be around the realm of a 300-400 M bounty man.
Carrot hasn't shown the strength to be around 300-400 million both sanji and Zoro are at 300 million bounties and you think carrot is at that level?
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That's why the system is not good in Micro, but those are exceptions.

So In Micro no, but in macro it works! Completely in fact. There is a direct link between the bounty and the power level. It's not 100% accurate but it's a good enough indicator to make an affirmation about strenght level. DOn't even start with that debate. You'll lose.
Robin's initial bounty as an 8-year old who did nothing beyond knowing a language was 1 mil less than Crocodile's and Hancock's when they were considered strong enough to be Warlords. Blackbeard became a Warlord with no official bounty having taken down a Yonko commander. Chopper and Bepo have smaller bounties than anyone from the East Blue. Usopp has a higher bounty than Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook despite being consistently the weakest crew member. Luffy consistently beats people who have more than double his current bounty. There are enough counterexamples that prove that "bounties=strength" isn't even close to the rule.

Concerning Perospero, you need to check ALSO the comparison in the story. Inu and Neko have similar strenght and Inu and Neko BOTH struggled again Jack and Perospero in the SAME WAY.

So Perospero and jack are in fact pretty much equal in strenght, hence why it was very unlikely for carrot to win this round.

But you can EASILY cut by two the strenght of Perospero and you get a range between a man of a 300 and 500 M B bounty. Again, narrative logic.
Seriously, WTF is this logic? Carrot can't stand up to him with help while both are in Sulong. Neko enters after fighting and being heavily injured by Kaido, then takes Perospero out in one hit after going Sulong. Somehow, that means that Carrot is between 300-500 mil bounty? Especially when neither the World Government nor Marines are not going to know she fought him? I'm pretty sure I would give myself an aneurysm trying to figure out how you came up with that one.

No, a fact. You can't project yourself into the future of the story as you don't understand one of the foundamental rule of storytelling being : "character are humans". So you will only end up being surprise again and again.
You're projecting all right. Characters are either static or dynamic, and Carrot is one of the most static secondary characters in the series.

There is no proof that she can't either. And because we can't prove the inexistance of something. You will have to wait before making an affirmation on that subject. Basic logic.
I know you're trying to make her some God of the Gaps, but she's not. You consistently try to use the absence of evidence in her favor when that is the most ass-backward approach to storytelling analysis you can take.
Surviving means having enough power to survive in the new world, nothing more, nothing less.
And Carrot doesn't have enough of those...

There is no proof that she can't either. And because we can't prove the inexistance of something. You will have to wait before making an affirmation on that subject. Basic logic.

I even doubt her capable of beating Doffy's officers like Senor...

I don't see how that's a recruitment parameter mate. But maybe you have intel I don't ;)

Oops no you don't. That's irrelevant.
Ad hominem... No comment...
So In Micro no, but in macro it works! Completely in fact. There is a direct link between the bounty and the power level. It's not 100% accurate but it's a good enough indicator to make an affirmation about strenght level. DOn't even start with that debate. You'll lose.
No I’m gonna start the debate because I won’t lose. You are the king of L’s. Explain what you mean micro and macro. Amuse me, please.
So Perospero and jack are in fact pretty much equal in strenght, hence why it was very unlikely for carrot to win this round.
If they are equal why does one have a bounty of 700M and the other of 1B?
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Robin's initial bounty as an 8-year old who did nothing beyond knowing a language was 1 mil less than Crocodile's and Hancock's when they were considered strong enough to be Warlords. Blackbeard became a Warlord with no official bounty having taken down a Yonko commander. Chopper and Bepo have smaller bounties than anyone from the East Blue. Usopp has a higher bounty than Chopper, Robin, Franky, and Brook despite being consistently the weakest crew member. Luffy consistently beats people who have more than double his current bounty. There are enough counterexamples that prove that "bounties=strength" isn't even close to the rule.

Seriously, WTF is this logic? Carrot can't stand up to him with help while both are in Sulong. Neko enters after fighting and being heavily injured by Kaido, then takes Perospero out in one hit after going Sulong. Somehow, that means that Carrot is between 300-500 mil bounty? Especially when neither the World Government nor Marines are not going to know she fought him? I'm pretty sure I would give myself an aneurysm trying to figure out how you came up with that one.

You're projecting all right. Characters are either static or dynamic, and Carrot is one of the most static secondary characters in the series.

I know you're trying to make her some God of the Gaps, but she's not. You consistently try to use the absence of evidence in her favor when that is the most ass-backward approach to storytelling analysis you can take.
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