[FNZ] Role Madness A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones Mafia Game Thread

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BTW I once played a game with Grammaton (Norse Mythology-themed) where I was a third-party SK--developer-type character that essentially got more powerful as I killed more people, and if I killed enough I would win the game.

It's possible that he's used a similar mechanic where Dany searches for Purples and as she finds them, she gains more abilities.

The "Targaryan Restoration" alignment name hints towards an end-goal of 'restoring the Targaryen legacy' or something so I'm a little worried about a purple faction that gradually grows stronger and what that would mean for us.
BTW I once played a game with Grammaton (Norse Mythology-themed) where I was a third-party SK--developer-type character that essentially got more powerful as I killed more people, and if I killed enough I would win the game.

It's possible that he's used a similar mechanic where Dany searches for Purples and as she finds them, she gains more abilities.

The "Targaryan Restoration" alignment name hints towards an end-goal of 'restoring the Targaryen legacy' or something so I'm a little worried about a purple faction that gradually grows stronger and what that would mean for us.
I see now the advantage to know the flavour
I feel like there has been some sentiment of "gee this feels like a mislynch but let's keep going"

The issue is the player I got that impression from most strongly, Pot, I think is Town.
This is probably the only post I have to town read cooler on

The rest has been shite

Unfortunately a lot of it is just inactivity, which can be town too

I really won't be surprised if they flip town or scum to be honest
Cal kinda did it too but I also have him as town overall.
I see now the advantage to know the flavour
What I've said in my post is about my limit of knowledge on this topic lol. Someone else could expand on what it all could entail.

That said, I know Grammaton was very proud of that role he created and I had, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if he's repurposed it roughly as I've described.

I have absolutely no doubt that there is at least one very 'creative' role in this game as I cannot see Grammaton resisting the temptation to let his creative juices flow in a game of this size.


No dude... that's a bike...!!
I played a game with a harmless third party who helped town all game and claimed third in their first post.
When all mafia died they inherited the factional kill and won based on good behavior all game.
Not everyone who helps town is helpful for a good cause.
ive come to the conclusion that if it aint town, yeet it
less to worry about it
Cal kinda did it too but I also have him as town overall.
Like I said wouldn't surprise me either way.

Coolers play has been awful and there's no claim to give us reason to keep them alive.

All things considered though I've seen this kind of 'idc im not gonna help you solve me and im not gonna be active' slot flip town so many times
Guys read the fookin rules this is majority lynch, if ur not familiar with that it's ok just remember to be careful with ur votes
Cheers for pointing that out, important that everyone sees
Back to page one, this interaction looks good for Cal, I don't think a partner would use that tone.
It was important that ripped one reaped the benefits of pointing it out for the free town points
And Cal continued unstressed, now i remember why I liked him so much at Sod 1
My predictions;

Lannisters/Dany are two different mafia factions.
The Others are Cult
Wildlings Independents / Survivors
Nights Watch Independents / Executors
Euron Greyjoy, a Free City or a Dornish character as serial killer
Interesting setup view here

I like Ratchet and RippedCal until now
Neeko said he posted the first reads and that's a lie because his first post is after my first reads post.
I want to lynch Neeko more than anyone else in this moment

Why are you voting blue.
This is Neeko's first post

Odd interaction, possible m/m
oooh it started
Nothing here, one of the scummiest entrances itg

So Hime, Reborn/Nana, Blue and Neeko are my first 2 pages suspects
Back to page one, this interaction looks good for Cal, I don't think a partner would use that tone.

And Cal continued unstressed, now i remember why I liked him so much at Sod 1

Interesting setup view here

Neeko said he posted the first reads and that's a lie because his first post is after my first reads post.
I want to lynch Neeko more than anyone else in this moment

This is Neeko's first post

Odd interaction, possible m/m

Nothing here, one of the scummiest entrances itg

So Hime, Reborn/Nana, Blue and Neeko are my first 2 pages suspects
Elaborate on the tone comment at the top
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