Has Kaido been defeated!?

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the last thing anyone should expect from mihawk is him asking someone for help
Literally not what I'm saying at all lmao

You guys take the idea of them "allying" as Mihawk needing help, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm talking about relevancy. Mihawk floating around during the final war is not good for his character, he needs to have a place during the war overall, just Iike he did as a Shichibukai in Marineford. He needs to be a part of the war front in some way, as part of some group with clear goals to the endgame.

Let's say Shanks invites him to ally because Shanks knows that Luffy and him are on a collision course (they've been teased to fight for almost 10 years now), Mihawk may accept ONLY because it gives him the chance to encounter Zoro and fight him at a critical moment.

Please, don't take what I'm saying the wrong way. I do not want Mihawk to be a cardboard character, that is all. Floating around and waiting for Zoro is a bigger problem than actually being a part of the final storyline

Gorosei Informer

Shanks sent a new recruit called Rockstar to Whitebeard...How much does he knew about Rocks and Xebec? There's no way thats coincidence. Plus I've ironically seen people posting a meme of Whitebeard from this chapter as Rockstar, trying to recruit Kaido for Xebec lmfao.


Film Red has a Rock music concert theme going on or even just music concert and Shank's daughter is a pop idol singer too....

Plus the SHs have Brook a musician who has been around for almost a century no, has a major Rock theme going post TS and knew of Roger as a mere rookie in his era, as surely the same with the Yonkos, Xebec and such too? He was familiar with Germa too for reasons unknown...

There's also the deal with Weevil and whatever the fuck is going on with him, if he really is Whitebeard's son too or nt and going by the scars, was he decapitated and mutiliated and thus even brought back from the dead? Or some kind of Frankensteinian creation?

Speaking of Whitebeard and around that time too, this was a fun theory to speculate about too!:


Akainu take 2 island level punches while kaido gets defeated from one

fujitora can create island level things so he bad matchup for kaido
Akainu take one building level attack where Kaido took 70 plus attacks plus one semi island level attack in OKG and finally an island level attack

And bunch of attacks were adv coc/coa

What takes to defeat kaido >>>>>>> What it takes to defeat akainu
Literally not what I'm saying at all lmao

You guys take the idea of them "allying" as Mihawk needing help, that's not what I'm saying.

I'm talking about relevancy. Mihawk floating around during the final war is not good for his character, he needs to have a place during the war overall, just Iike he did as a Shichibukai.

Let's say Shanks invites him to ally because Shanks knows that Luffy and him are on a collision course (they've been teased to fight for almost 10 years now), Mihawk may except ONLY because it gives him the chance to encounter Zoro and fight him at a critical moment.

Please, don't take what I'm saying the wrong way
i love you too
Post Wano, Luffy will be >= Kaido, overcoming everything Kaido had to offer (monstrous physicals, Haki, also island level magma-like fire). What is Akainu's role here exactly? Especially if he faces Blackbeard earlier to further hone his Haki to overcome the Yami hax.
Luffy is already over kaido

And Akainu role is to be beaten by luffy, he didn’t just kill luffy brother but broke his will no one has done that, he is now the FA and majority of the marines are absolute justice , luffy will beat him and give the marines a new standpoint

You are another toxic fan who write whatever
Spam the usual statements and posts with extreme wank of kaido
You guys are the reasons why people hate Kaido.

There's a difference between accepting the reality and coping

:milaugh: imagine thinking I hate kaido or am not a fan of kaido cause I'm not a spammer or extreme wanker like you

:gokulaugh:you trying too hard.
Weren't you the one who was ready to drop kaido from your fav lists ?
Fake fan

Nothing will change the fact kaido lost.
Oda ended the battle.
You are mental and retard and everyone knows it. Check you brain to doctor:suresure::suresure:

Gorosei Informer

I kinda feel this series should have been called Joy Boy instead of One Piece tbh. I love the name and concept of the One Piece but man...
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