if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't.
thats the case atm.. most of the theories are just bias justifications and some aren't even narratively emphasized
- Zoro's "vindication"
- OnePiece mags
- Color pages with dragons on em
- Black blades
- Monster Samurai
- Tangential lores
basically people justifying ZKK through these even tho there is barely any relational development story wise between Zoro and Kaido..
so buncha reverse-engineering through those and minimal from canon story itself.
for all we know oda never even hinted towards Zkk before it happens
and its odd coz oda labeled Zoro's fruit as Kaiod's fruit that shouldn't bolster the theory but should highlight their glaring similarities
-Zoro's ideals regarding being the strongest
-Death and the way of samurai
- Move and skills based on dragons
- and blue eastern dragon being the quintessential symbol of strength and courage (a certain marimo is reminded I'm sure)
- the story of how the coy fish swam through the waterfall becoming the dragon is a proper analogy of the meaning what zoro and Mihawk mean by a big frog in a small pond...explains zoro's journey as a whole someone who is meant to be like the dragon, the epitome of strength and courage.
"coy is also associated with samurai".. noting animus here just similarities ... soooo zkk? idk
If oda wanted zoro to kill Kaido he would have given a very obvious hint with obviously further detailed explanations than just "omg people intoxicated with smiles and yasui died i should be the one to kill Kaido VAMOSS", more justified is what i saying narratively,and after introducing the geography of wano Oda could have had Shimotsuki live in the west hence their guardian deity being the tiger
Wano's whole geography is vased upon the 5 elemental guardians..
-Eastern(Onigashima) Seiryu : spring
-Western (Kibi) Tiger
-Southern (Kuri) Suzaku the Virmillion bird : summer
-Northern (Ringo) Genbu the black warrior :Winter
Ringo could have represented the tiger (west) but it doesn't instead Kibi does.
This whole Tiger being the arch nemesis of Dragon is not what these 4 (or 5 if you include the yellow dragon in the center making the flower capital ) guardian deities represent to my knowledge matter the fact .. this rivalry in general is used to represent
yin and yang (link for more info)
and if you claim that zoro and Kaido have a yin and Yang (Naruto and Sauske esc) relationship... then damn the story has been lacking in ghat department
All in all it might happen but the evidence that gets suggested is meh misconstrued, misrepresented, and fan bias plot(?) or narrative,...but zoro can still execute Kaido...
@Franosuke @Finalbeta @Chrono @nik87 @kumae @KiriNigiri @Bango🍅
thats the case atm.. most of the theories are just bias justifications and some aren't even narratively emphasized
- Zoro's "vindication"
- OnePiece mags
- Color pages with dragons on em
- Black blades
- Monster Samurai
- Tangential lores
basically people justifying ZKK through these even tho there is barely any relational development story wise between Zoro and Kaido..
so buncha reverse-engineering through those and minimal from canon story itself.
for all we know oda never even hinted towards Zkk before it happens
and its odd coz oda labeled Zoro's fruit as Kaiod's fruit that shouldn't bolster the theory but should highlight their glaring similarities
-Zoro's ideals regarding being the strongest
-Death and the way of samurai
- Move and skills based on dragons
- and blue eastern dragon being the quintessential symbol of strength and courage (a certain marimo is reminded I'm sure)
- the story of how the coy fish swam through the waterfall becoming the dragon is a proper analogy of the meaning what zoro and Mihawk mean by a big frog in a small pond...explains zoro's journey as a whole someone who is meant to be like the dragon, the epitome of strength and courage.
"coy is also associated with samurai".. noting animus here just similarities ... soooo zkk? idk
If oda wanted zoro to kill Kaido he would have given a very obvious hint with obviously further detailed explanations than just "omg people intoxicated with smiles and yasui died i should be the one to kill Kaido VAMOSS", more justified is what i saying narratively,and after introducing the geography of wano Oda could have had Shimotsuki live in the west hence their guardian deity being the tiger
Wano's whole geography is vased upon the 5 elemental guardians..
-Eastern(Onigashima) Seiryu : spring
-Western (Kibi) Tiger
-Southern (Kuri) Suzaku the Virmillion bird : summer
-Northern (Ringo) Genbu the black warrior :Winter

Ringo could have represented the tiger (west) but it doesn't instead Kibi does.
This whole Tiger being the arch nemesis of Dragon is not what these 4 (or 5 if you include the yellow dragon in the center making the flower capital ) guardian deities represent to my knowledge matter the fact .. this rivalry in general is used to represent
yin and yang (link for more info)
and if you claim that zoro and Kaido have a yin and Yang (Naruto and Sauske esc) relationship... then damn the story has been lacking in ghat department
All in all it might happen but the evidence that gets suggested is meh misconstrued, misrepresented, and fan bias plot(?) or narrative,...but zoro can still execute Kaido...

@Franosuke @Finalbeta @Chrono @nik87 @kumae @KiriNigiri @Bango🍅