Future Events Please enlighten me why ZKK won't happen


Pepebusi Spammer
if it happens it happens if it doesn't it doesn't.

thats the case atm.. most of the theories are just bias justifications and some aren't even narratively emphasized

- Zoro's "vindication"

- OnePiece mags

- Color pages with dragons on em

- Black blades

- Monster Samurai

- Tangential lores

basically people justifying ZKK through these even tho there is barely any relational development story wise between Zoro and Kaido..

so buncha reverse-engineering through those and minimal from canon story itself.

for all we know oda never even hinted towards Zkk before it happens

and its odd coz oda labeled Zoro's fruit as Kaiod's fruit that shouldn't bolster the theory but should highlight their glaring similarities
-Zoro's ideals regarding being the strongest

-Death and the way of samurai

- Move and skills based on dragons

- and blue eastern dragon being the quintessential symbol of strength and courage (a certain marimo is reminded I'm sure)

- the story of how the coy fish swam through the waterfall becoming the dragon is a proper analogy of the meaning what zoro and Mihawk mean by a big frog in a small pond...explains zoro's journey as a whole someone who is meant to be like the dragon, the epitome of strength and courage.

"coy is also associated with samurai".. noting animus here just similarities ... soooo zkk? idk

If oda wanted zoro to kill Kaido he would have given a very obvious hint with obviously further detailed explanations than just "omg people intoxicated with smiles and yasui died i should be the one to kill Kaido VAMOSS", more justified is what i saying narratively,and after introducing the geography of wano Oda could have had Shimotsuki live in the west hence their guardian deity being the tiger

Wano's whole geography is vased upon the 5 elemental guardians..
-Eastern(Onigashima) Seiryu : spring
-Western (Kibi) Tiger
-Southern (Kuri) Suzaku the Virmillion bird : summer
-Northern (Ringo) Genbu the black warrior :Winter

Ringo could have represented the tiger (west) but it doesn't instead Kibi does.

This whole Tiger being the arch nemesis of Dragon is not what these 4 (or 5 if you include the yellow dragon in the center making the flower capital ) guardian deities represent to my knowledge matter the fact .. this rivalry in general is used to represent
yin and yang (link for more info)

and if you claim that zoro and Kaido have a yin and Yang (Naruto and Sauske esc) relationship... then damn the story has been lacking in ghat department

All in all it might happen but the evidence that gets suggested is meh misconstrued, misrepresented, and fan bias plot(?) or narrative,...but zoro can still execute Kaido...

@Franosuke @Finalbeta @Chrono @nik87 @kumae @KiriNigiri @Bango🍅
Ame No Habakiri plot is still untouched
Thats their main argument hahaha
They have nothing really other than just that, "cant outshine Luffy because hes the MC" lol That only has real weight in the last major arc, Oda can do anything he wants before then. He gave you guys Luffy vs Kaido, where Kaido dominated most of the fight. Now its time for true mc of Wano makes his return. :zosmug:
Zoro is nearly dead and seems out of commission. I think it is more fitting for adult Momonosuke AND Zoro to do it more. After all Kaido killed his father and took over the country. It shouldn’t be about Zoro taking the glory of the kill like the ZKKers make it out to be. There’s a reason why we haven’t seen human form Momonosuke for that reason and I think Kaido will see this form of him shortly before his death


Holy Simp
Getting slain by Zoro is nowhere an epic death like WB or Roger had. You forget about Kaido's dream of finding an epic and impactful end.

Now that Luffy is dying and more assassins could be on their way to kill Luffy + invasion on Wano.
I am sure Kaido will get up to protect Joyboy from the assassins and invaders and he will die once he deflected the attackers.

So nope, any shape or form...a death by Zoro would not be epic because Zoro is a laying zombie right now and there are other big players alive for this arc.

ZKK is so absurdly far away, it is just autistic fan wanking about trying to resolve all holes and open threads with a single event kekw. Nah, it never happened before and it won't happen now.
Getting slain by Zoro is nowhere an epic death like WB or Roger had. You forget about Kaido's dream of finding an epic and impactful end.

Now that Luffy is dying and more assassins could be on their way to kill Luffy + invasion on Wano.
I am sure Kaido will get up to protect Joyboy from the assassins and invaders and he will die once he deflected the attackers.

So nope, any shape or form...a death by Zoro would not be epic because Zoro is a laying zombie right now and there are other big players alive for this arc.

ZKK is so absurdly far away, it is just autistic fan wanking about trying to resolve all holes and open threads with a single event kekw. Nah, it never happened before and it won't happen now.
Wait, so Ryuma's feat is the pride of Wano and they still talk about it 800 years later.

But it doesn't compare to Kaido getting picked off by parasites as he has a complete change of heart and tries to defend Luffy

Do you read any of the shit you post


Kitetsu Wanker
so buncha reverse-engineering through those and minimal from canon story itself.
Why did Zoro come to Onigashima to slay Kaido?
Who has challenged the dragon in dragon twisters?
Who has inherited Enma, the blade that gave Kaido his only scar and the blade that cuts to the bottom of hell?
Who has taken a swing at the dragon in the same dragon-slaying style like Ryuma did?
Who carries all the burdens of the samurai on his shoulders that are mocked by the dragon for being weak?
Who can restore the fear of the mighty samurai that protected Wano for centuries?
Who has Zoro been targetting the whole raid?

The story has done more than enough, it only has to finish what it started. :goyea:

does it even have a plot? lol
Of course it does, probably much later on, after Wano. Orochi isnt the only snake in the world.

Getting slain by Zoro is nowhere an epic death like WB or Roger had. You forget about Kaido's dream of finding an epic and impactful end.
It was never supposed to be epic death for Kaido but an epic world-shaking feat for Zoro so his name reaches the heavens.
Please enlighten me why ZKK should not happen. I really want to switch side but can't find compelling reason to do so...
So, you want another reasons beside "undermining Luffy"?

1. Chapter 30 SBS

Oda: Why doesn't Luffy kill his enemies? Because in that era, everyone uses their lives to fight for their dreams. For an enemy, when their dream has been shattered, it is the same as losing a fight, and as painful as death. I believe that, as pirates, killing or not killing is secondary to victory or defeat.

2. Cheap/no honorable move

Everyone knows Luffy puts the highest effort & biggest contribution to defeat Kaido. Zoro taking the fatal blow means KS / killsteal, a cheap move unfitting of his Samurai & honorable persona.

3. Not yet the time

Zoro killing Kaido would be a bigger feat than defeating Mihawk. We're not yet at the ultimate arc of One Piece, so Zoro, even if he can, can't kill Kaido before he defeats Mihawk.


Holy Simp
Wait, so Ryuma's feat is the pride of Wano and they still talk about it 800 years later.

But it doesn't compare to Kaido getting picked off by parasites as he has a complete change of heart and tries to defend Luffy

Do you read any of the shit you post
Yes, its more cohessive than ZKK nutting.
Go wank your ween on Zoro vs Kaido doujinshis, because after this arc the fanfic verse will be full of your stupid ZKK doujinshis lmao.
So, you want another reasons beside "undermining Luffy"?

1. Chapter 30 SBS

Oda: Why doesn't Luffy kill his enemies? Because in that era, everyone uses their lives to fight for their dreams. For an enemy, when their dream has been shattered, it is the same as losing a fight, and as painful as death. I believe that, as pirates, killing or not killing is secondary to victory or defeat.

2. Cheap/no honorable move

Everyone knows Luffy puts the highest effort & biggest contribution to defeat Kaido. Zoro taking the fatal blow means KS / killsteal, a cheap move unfitting of his Samurai & honorable persona.

3. Not yet the time

Zoro killing Kaido would be a bigger feat than defeating Mihawk. We're not yet at the ultimate arc of One Piece, so Zoro, even if he can, can't kill Kaido before he defeats Mihawk.
I dont see it as cheap move if he kills him when kaido's about to destroy the flower capital
So, you want another reasons beside "undermining Luffy"?

1. Chapter 30 SBS

Oda: Why doesn't Luffy kill his enemies? Because in that era, everyone uses their lives to fight for their dreams. For an enemy, when their dream has been shattered, it is the same as losing a fight, and as painful as death. I believe that, as pirates, killing or not killing is secondary to victory or defeat.

2. Cheap/no honorable move

Everyone knows Luffy puts the highest effort & biggest contribution to defeat Kaido. Zoro taking the fatal blow means KS / killsteal, a cheap move unfitting of his Samurai & honorable persona.

3. Not yet the time

Zoro killing Kaido would be a bigger feat than defeating Mihawk. We're not yet at the ultimate arc of One Piece, so Zoro, even if he can, can't kill Kaido before he defeats Mihawk.
1. Wait, so Oda says that killing is secondary to defeat, but by your logic killing is going overshadow defeating Kaido?


3. Zoro had the help of countless others to reach Kaido and have him on the edge of destruction. That's not the same at all as fighting Mihawk in a duel. Again, a sort of logic that implies something like Luffy being too strong for Shanks because he managed to overcome Kaido (with a ton of help).
Wait, so Ryuma's feat is the pride of Wano and they still talk about it 800 years later.

But it doesn't compare to Kaido getting picked off by parasites as he has a complete change of heart and tries to defend Luffy

Do you read any of the shit you post
do you read any of the shit you say and what it actually means before picking on people .. it means you give 0 fucks to Kaido as a character and are willing to kill him off regardless, by a character who has 0 or barely personal motivational/ development with Kaido .. just coz a dood relating to zoro happen to kill a dragon..that's where your premise starts and stops..

unfortunately zoro wasn't treated like luffy to have that sorta treatment.. luffy fought Kaido in the first act he came into wano.. and made defeating him his personal business as a captain and someone with Goals
Why did Zoro come to Onigashima to slay Kaido?
he came to wano to lead samurai not kill Kaido.. matter the fact the whole time he's been there he didn't know shit about Kaido

Who has challenged the dragon in dragon twisters?
hence zkk..? 10/10 logic it shows similarity it doesn't augur anything for Kaido..
Who has inherited Enma, the blade that gave Kaido his only scar and the blade that cuts to the bottom of hell?
hence zkk.? he did the sole thing the blade was introduced for.. scarring Kaido not getting an ass pull recovery and defeating him in a 1v1..or waking up just to kill a fleeing Kaido.. i don't see the honor in that and i dont see Kaido going berserk out of his failure just to get killed in such a measly way
Ryuma killed a western dragon not an Eastern one too

and zoro's whole plot around Wano is about his lineage about shimotsuki snd black blade .. man he even spent most of his time with a shimotsuki

Who carries all the burdens of the samurai on his shoulders that are mocked by the dragon for being weak?
Who can restore the fear of the mighty samurai that protected Wano for centuries?
zoro doesn't and Luffy is the one who has wano on his back.. forgot the Kinemon moment?

Who has Zoro been targetting the whole raid?
who he stopped targeting and fought king instead and in that fight verbalized his disgust for BP's ruling over the country and then wanting to become the King of Hell for Monkey nikka D luffy?


Of course it does, probably much later on, after Wano. Orochi isnt the only snake in the world.
dunno what you mean but its irrelevant atm and for a while now
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Yes, its more cohessive than ZKK nutting.
Go wank your ween on Zoro vs Kaido doujinshis, because after this arc the fanfic verse will be full of your stupid ZKK doujinshis lmao.
fancy seeing you in action rej XD
When people think kaido defeat is about ryuma saving wano.

Oda literally scratched off Kid beef with kaido, a build up he himself did for years. Carrot avenging Pedro became Neko vs Perom

You think he's gonna do ZKK which he never built up even in the story
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Hitetsu is in flower capital and Momo also near flower capital.
It has no plot
No build up
Oda doesn't care about that sword.
I dont see it as cheap move if he kills him when kaido's about to destroy the flower capital
That's the thing. Kaido is at his last breaths but Zoro is still shown to be exhausted. If during this time, Zoro is slowly recovering and preparing to help Luffy/attack Kaido, then the flow of the story matches ZKK.
Yes, its more cohessive than ZKK nutting.
Go wank your ween on Zoro vs Kaido doujinshis, because after this arc the fanfic verse will be full of your stupid ZKK doujinshis lmao.
If it's more cohesive, you would explain how instead of being in your feelings. There's nothing epic about Kaido being killed by figures who aren't or won't be legendary. Whitebeard was legendary because he faced the strongest of the Marines on their own turf and fought out of his prime with his face melted through betrayals, never in his life taking a wound while fleeing and would have actually been successful in saving Ace.

Kaido sacrificing himself against nobodies doesn't compare at all.

"Go BaCk 2 uR hEnTeE zOrObOi"

Lmao that dude says fancy seeing you back in action. Nïgga you need to stay retired then.
do you read any of the shit you say and what it actually means before picking on people .. it means you give 0 fucks to Kaido as a character and are willing to kill him off regardless, by a character who has 0 or barely personal motivational/ development with Kaido .. just coz a dood relating to zoro happen to kill a dragon..that's where your premise starts and stops..
Zoro wants to cut down Kaido. The strongest katana users to ever come from Wano's legendary samurai ilk 1. Cut down a dragon or 2. Had Kaido on the edge of death. Both of these men used swords inherited by Zoro, who wants to be the strongest swordsman and have his name reach the heavens. He also wants to protect his captain, as he attempted to kill Kaido numerous times already in order to facilitate. He ALSO said he would definitely avenge Yasuie, who went to his death saying that Orochi is a bitch and the real problem is that no one can take Kaido's head. LMAO how is this all shallow. Zero connection huh