Chapter Discussion One Piece - Chapter 975 : "Kinemon's Plan"

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Wait if the beast pirates have contacted Kaido, doesn't that mean he can come in gull dragon mode and kill everyone right now?
That's a possibility but knowing Oda there will likely be something to prevent this by having Denjiro or someone else imitating one of Kaido's men saying that everything is alright or him beint too drunk to understand the message or something else preventing him from hearing it.
Revealing Kinemon's maneuvers regarding the traitor (and he wasn't stupid as he appeared FINALLY)
You've read the chapter wrong, I'm afraid.

Basically, Kine'mon fucked up. He read the new sign Yasu made wrong, and that's why he ended up on the wrong port. Everyone else got it right.

Denjiro's given him credit for this and saying it was a brilliant plan to sniff out the traitor but... it wasn't.
This chapter confirms that drake isn't the one who saved Law from Hawkins. Drake would've told law about the big mom kaido alliance if it was him right?
Not necessarily. Drake is still a Marine. He's not on a pirate like Law's side either, he's playing his own game here.

Or maybe Drake just didn't know yet since he was still on the mainland
Some One Piece fans: When Zoro finds out Big Mom came to Wano... he'll be so angry at Luffy and Sanji... may cause conflict..

Zoro: Don't worry Luffy.. Jinbe will come.. he will make fine addition to the crew

Same One Piece fans: B-b-b-b-but if he finds out that they are allied now... he surely will be pissed and make his move...

Zoro: on the side.. watching Luffy/Kidd/Law destorying the enemy ships without a care... in fact he cared more about Kyoshiro reveal than BM LOL


Zoro is bigger than that... Zoro despite his gag with Sanji... he understands that he's a NAKAMA... and understands that Luffy would challenge EVEN 10 Yonko for the sake of getting back 1 single Nakama who is pressured and cornered into leaving the crew against his own will

That's a true RIGHT HAND MAN... NOT some gutless coward some people want....losing his balls because BM and Kaido joined... JUST FOR THE THRILL of seeing Zoro challenging Luffy...

We finally and OFFICIALLY once and for all.... with this chapter... we end it
You've read the chapter wrong, I'm afraid.

Basically, Kine'mon fucked up. He read the new sign Yasu made wrong, and that's why he ended up on the wrong port. Everyone else got it right.

Denjiro's given him credit for this and saying it was a brilliant plan to sniff out the traitor but... it wasn't.
Wait... really?

Shit... all this word play about the ports are confusing to me anyway

So... it's supposed to be a comedy scene that it worked by luck.. and Kinemon is stupid basically LOL and it benefited him
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