Speculations Who will defeat Big Mom?

Who will defeat Big Mom?

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Thing is he got a whole lotta help in all those fights. Even in the Katakuri fight yeah sure he only needed brulee so that he could run away and rest but let’s be honest what happens if brulee ain’t there ? He gets killed by Katakuri.

Kaido is also an entirely different beast. All those guys mentioned are on the high tier category but Kaido he is on the top tier category and he’s at the very top or at least close to the top of that category. For me Luffy winning after 2 weeks of training with Hyo isn’t enough for him to beat Kaido 1v1.

I think Luffy and the SN will fight Kaido all together weaken him to 50% of his full strength then Luffy’s will get a P.U and beat a heavily injured Kaido.

Luffy after this arc should be on Low top tier (or on par with the likes of Rayleigh and Garp).
I feel that. But I’ve also always thought Luffy always had the means to beat Katakuri. Like snake man is a speed based power up and Katas not a tank. Luffy used gear 2 to Best Hancocks sister who used her observation to predict his attacks in a similar fashion. He just needed to know future sight was a thing.

also Katakuri doesn’t fight often. Commenting that pre g4 Luffy was holding out longer then anyone in years or something like that
Imagine believing Admirals won't come

Kizaru and sentomaru + Pacifistats are definitely coming
Also Vegapunk might come since that's what Orochi wanted.

Garp is also gonna come for sure, he has history with Rocks, this is where garp might die.
Akainu or GB will come alongside Kizaru. I'm betting on both GB since each Admirals has their plots :
  • Fuji plot revolves around Warlords (& Revos)
  • Kizaru has history with SNs
  • Akainu is a wild card, *eradicating legendary pirates/dangerous bloodline or people.
  • Kuzan with underground business/undercover , I'm sure he is playing Teach (he's been into shady stuff lately as Doffy pointed)
  • GB plot will be against Yonko system?¿
>We've seen Fuji in action in DR, his plan worked against warlord system during Reverie.
At the end of DR, Sengoku and Tsuru who had history with Doffy/Corazon showed up.
*At the end of PH, Kuzan who had history with Navy showed up to save smoker*
>At Wano, Garp who has history with Rocks will show up.
The only admiral left to see is GB. I'm guessing he is someone who wanna destroy Yonko system for good.

This arc is a mix of Sabaody + MF + thriller bark.
Navy (Kizaru GB Garp Sentomaru Smoker Coby Helmeppo) Vs SNs vs Kaido & BM
If Kizaru + GreenBull + Garp come.. why the fuck is this the conclusion of the Yonko Saga?

Garp already gave BM and Kaido a collective spanking in the past, now he would just do it again. Kizaru was already ready to take out Kaido and BM now he gets the chance. GreenBull gets to showcase his powers to the world by taking out an emperor.

So basically what you're saying is the conclusion of the Yonko Saga isnt rising people vs Rocks. But instead rising generation vs Kizaru/Garp/GreenBull after the Marines hand the Rocks a L.

The only admiral that has chances of arriving is at best GreenBull since this would serve as his grand entry. But even then it's a big IF.

Furthermore, Kizaru and Sentomaru aren't connected. Sentomaru is the captain/leader of the marines group that the SSG is part of, if he comes to Wano, hes bringing the SSG thing. If he's bringing the SSG theres no need for an admiral to be in this arc.

The fact you think there's even a remote possibility of Sakazuki himself coming is.. just no man. The leader of the marines is not gonna leave the HQ defenseless after the recent RA attack.
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This is just my opinion, but personally I think Big Mom is one of those characters that just self destructs. I mean most of Big Mom's setbacks are because of her own hubris. She couldn't properly fight the Strawhats for most of Cake Island due to a sugar trance that basically made her an angry Zombie. She lost Zeus that way, too. She also almost died because she sailed straight into Wano instead of trying a sneak in. I mean if Law and company could do it without being noticed, there was a way. But nope, Big Mom just had to charge right in! So I'm sure she'll get into battle with Luffy, but I wouldn't be the least surprised if she got stupidly defeated by her own actions in the end.
I like this, but I think she'll be defeated "mostly", this arc due to her crew being lost. She'll probably be broken, looking for Revenge against Luffy on Elbaf, then really self destructs there when she finds put about her past.

Luffy beats big mom and Kidd kills her. We don’t need her for another arc especially since op is ending in 5 years.
OP is not ending 5 years lul. Not once has Oda's estimation predictions come true. Plus, that specified almost a year ago, so unless you think OP is ending in 4 years (less than 160 chapters) with the amount of plot points it has left, you got another thing coming.
Thing is he got a whole lotta help in all those fights. Even in the Katakuri fight yeah sure he only needed brulee so that he could run away and rest but let’s be honest what happens if brulee ain’t there ? He gets killed by Katakuri.

Kaido is also an entirely different beast. All those guys mentioned are on the high tier category but Kaido he is on the top tier category and he’s at the very top or at least close to the top of that category. For me Luffy winning after 2 weeks of training with Hyo isn’t enough for him to beat Kaido 1v1.

I think Luffy and the SN will fight Kaido all together weaken him to 50% of his full strength then Luffy’s will get a P.U and beat a heavily injured Kaido.

Luffy after this arc should be on Low top tier (or on par with the likes of Rayleigh and Garp).
if you want to see how current Luffy scales to kaido, why don't we see how he scales against a YC1?

If current Luffy were to have a rematch against Katakuri, he would neg diff him. As in, Luffy could easily beat katakuri in base form, without using any of his gears.

in terms of stamina, Luffy was FAR superior to katakuri, and this was before his udon training. However if you look at their proficiency in haki; during udon, Luffy showed FS feats on par with those of Katakuri and post-udon Luffy's CoA is FAR stronger than Katakuri's. At the moment, Luffy's FS would allow him to tag Katakuri in base form, whereas ACoA will allow Luffy to take out katakuri in only a few hits, as Luffy can attack Katakuri's inner organs directly.

Not to mention the fact that with ACoA, katakuri can basically do zero damage to Luffy.

When you pit current Luffy against any YC, you see that he does about as well as Big Mom or Kaido would. Hence I think its fair to say that Luffy is already low top tier, that advanced haki has evened the playing field, and that the only major advantage Kaido and Big Mom have over Luffy is DF awakening. This is where I see Luffy needing help. Kaido's awakening will probably overwhelm Luffy. But until that point, Luffy should tbh be able to hold his ground.


Lead them to paradise.
From the way they talked about the SSG, makes me think that they have yet to send them out. Because Sakazuki mentions that they are this busy, and the fact we don't see Kizaru & Green Bull, and when we do see Fujitora we see him leading what looks to be part of a fleet (3 ships shown on panel). So it's more than likely the admirals themselves were sent to deal with the warlords, rather than the SSG.

Warlords weren't expected to take out the Yonko, because Marines never had any intention of taking out the Yonko. Now it's a different case, not are they only going after the Warlords, but they now have a power that effectively replaces the warlords which they can send out. Issue with the warlords was they were never under the control of the marines themselves, but under only Kong & Gorosei's control. The SSG on the other hand is directly under the control of Sakazuki.

Well whatever the SSG created is meant to replace the overall force of the warlords, which includes a top tier and couple people who portrayal wise could be classified as what the fans call "YC1 level". They're not replacing just 1 person, but a collective force that was called 1 of the 3 great powers, so they 100% would be able to take down a top tier in a just the Yonko vs SSG. But even if the SSG come to Wano, I don't expect them to be the ones to take out BM or anything, but take care of the forces of the Yonko, with somebody like Smoker going against an Emperor.

The other reason why I can't see the admirals coming is due to the significance of Wano. It's meant to be an announcement from the upcoming generation that they have effectively arrived as a top power on the seas. The last time Rocks were in this situation it was an "arrival" moment for the top marine & top pirate(s). This time should be no different, it would be the younger marines who would be the highlight for the marines side if they come to Wano with Sentomaru/Tashigi/Smoker/Drake, rather than having an admiral come in and take all the spotlight from them.
I get what you are saying and i can see it happening, but just because greenbull and fuji werent shown doesnt mean they are going out to arrest the warlords. Im positive the ssg is being deployed against the warlords with admirals like fuji as supervisors to see how it works. After it does, and most of the warlords ( save mihawk) get beaten of driven out. They will then come back to base, and plan out their attack on wano, i expect atleast 2 admirals with the younger marines( who will have their chance to shine by taking out yonko executives and helping out against commanders, because i dont see how tashigi,smoker can do anything against an actualy top tier when smoker got fodder diffed by doffy less than a month ago) and the admirals will take on big mom while the SNs will be fighting kaido. Thats my take. The ssg+ smoker+tashigi+sento can take out veterans + commanders of big moms imo.
I'm not overthinking this one: Luffy stated "After I've taken down Kaido, you're next!" and he also stated "I will beat all four of them (Yonkous)!" back on PH, so I believe her story will indeed end on Elbaf.
Plus there is that dialogue with Kata and Luffy in which Luffy clearly stated to Kata that he is going to defeat Big Mom the next time.

Either Big Mom will be defeated in Wano - which I doubt since there is also the narrative with Luffy fulfilling Katakuri's expectations on defeating Big Mom and Luffy obviously cannot defeat two Yonkou individually on a single arc - or in Elbaf.
Since she has some sort of connections with Elbaf as well, I do think that Big Mom could play a major role on this arc.