Who will be the next Strawhat

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Carrot for nakama fans should just accept at this point they got hoodwinked by Oda's editor Naito. Dude was the main editor during the latter half of WCI (when Carrot got all her "development" and screentime), and he was replaced in the beginning of Wano (when Carrot mysteriously vanishes from the story). Those dates are way too coincidental. As the main editor, he was the main source of help for the writing of the manga. The man was probably pushing Oda to include Carrot as much as possible and Oda did it just to placate him.

Oda probably meant for Carrot to just be a fun tagalong to go with the Alice in Wonderland theme of WCI (what's Alice without a white rabbit, after all?), then he was faced with this:

Imagine having a literal furry telling you every week to include his underaged waifu in your prized magnum opus when you're already stressed with deadlines and lack of sleep and cramps from drawing. I imagine Oda was ready to drop the rabbit ASAP.
This confirms that Carrot was used as the Mink mascot and it was always meant for her to be there for Pedro's final moments and not the other way around fan fiction crap..
Use all the memes you want. Even you know that Sanji is surpassing her
I smell salt about someone's CoC/Adv CoC...

Scopper Gaban was weaker than Oden, a lot weaker than Rayleigh and massively weaker than Roger

Gaban -> Sanji
Oden -> Yamato
Rayleigh -> Zoro
Roger -> Luffy

Now we can't be 100% sure that Yamato will reach Oden's level and that Sanji won't be a bit stronger than Gaban
So maybe there's a chance that at EoS Sanji will reach Yamato and even surpass her... but that's a very slight chance, which wouldn't even make much sense, because Yamato is starting as much stronger and has a greater potential (CoC, Adv CoC, Mythological Zoan, Kaido genes).
Summary of Yamato's role by Yamato Discord staff, ranked from high probability

- Combatant

Generic/common fight related roles, like Zoro's Swordsman and Usopp's Sniper.
Supporting case: Yamato has AdCoC

- Log Keeper

All writing/journey related roles.
Supporting case: Yamato had Oden's Logbook. Same paper-type role as the other 3 female SH.

- Ship Guard | Guardian

Defender / Tank type job. Although this can be combat related role, but more emphasize on Utility.
Supporting case: Yamato has Guardian class DF. Black Cat Pirates has this role. IRL Japan's Yamato Transport has black cats as logo.

- Apprentice

Newbie on the group, learning pirate life.
Supporting case: Yamato has little experience in the sea. Buggy & Shanks on Roger's ship.

- Stonemason

Wano's long-lost, exclusive role.
Supporting case: Yamato had Oden's Logbook which may contain it's knowledge. Importance of Poneglyph.

- Lookout

Scout role.
Supporting case: Sunny has a Crow's Nest.

- Brewer

Sake brewer.
Supporting case: The importance of Bink's Sake, cup of sake in relationships, and Party throughout the story. Chapter 999-1000 title.
Summary of Yamato's role by Yamato Discord staff, ranked from high probability

- Combatant

Generic/common fight related roles, like Zoro's Swordsman and Usopp's Sniper.
Supporting case: Yamato has AdCoC

- Log Keeper

All writing/journey related roles.
Supporting case: Yamato had Oden's Logbook. Same paper-type role as the other 3 female SH.

- Ship Guard | Guardian

Defender / Tank type job. Although this can be combat related role, but more emphasize on Utility.
Supporting case: Yamato has Guardian class DF. Black Cat Pirates has this role. IRL Japan's Yamato Transport has black cats as logo.

- Apprentice

Newbie on the group, learning pirate life.
Supporting case: Yamato has little experience in the sea. Buggy & Shanks on Roger's ship.

- Stonemason

Wano's long-lost, exclusive role.
Supporting case: Yamato had Oden's Logbook which may contain it's knowledge. Importance of Poneglyph.

- Lookout

Scout role.
Supporting case: Sunny has a Crow's Nest.

- Brewer

Sake brewer.
Supporting case: The importance of Bink's Sake, cup of sake in relationships, and Party throughout the story. Chapter 999-1000 title.
Nice here my ranking..

1. Stonemason (would be insane if that was in Oden's journal)
2. Apprentice
3. Combatant (only if Zoro becomes official VC)
4. Lookout
5. Brewer (if it involves more than just Sake, then maybe top 1)
6. Shio Guard (lame)
7. Log keeper ( very lame)
Yeah, some people like this character, some others don't (I don't like her, I find her awkwardly cringe, I mean even for One Piece standards).
But now after chapter 1051 it's basically a fact that, like it or not (again, I absolutely don't like) she is joining the Strawhats as a new nakama (at least I hope she is the last one).

Well, at least there are some good news.
We can say bye bye to the old toxic Monster Trio.
And finally... let's go with a heartfelt welcome for the new, flashy, amazing, all-powerful... Conqueror Trio!

In a world where Haki is the strongest power of all "Haki... it surpasses all!". With the Advanced Conqueror Haki being the strongest kind of Haki, the power of the top tiers "Infusing things with Conqueror Haki... only a handful of the very strongest can!".

Yeah in a world like that, where the strongest characters are the one with the strongest Haki, and therefore the strongest will...
No doubt that Conqueror Trio >>> Monster Trio.
Sure, if we forget power and talk about characterization, Yamato is cringe... but so is Sanji with his behaviour as a simp and his weird attitude, that in Post TS basically became a meme more than a gag.

What do you think?

@Finalbeta @T.D.A @Zowo @yorosenpai @ConquistadoR @Fenaker @The White Crane @kumae @Geo @Sentinel @Orojackson Refugee @Peroroncino @Redboy776 @Rekien @Sword God Ryuma @nik87 @Manos. AsuraZoro @bennbeckman @mly90 @Akagami Law @style @Sanji D Goat @Marimo_420 @Shishi @Geo @Money D Malio @ShadowStyle369 @matt245
Yamato joining will finally help the strawhats with their Admiral match ups now. Luffy, Zoro & Yamato vs Admirals :goyea:

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Carrot for nakama fans should just accept at this point they got hoodwinked by Oda's editor Naito. Dude was the main editor during the latter half of WCI (when Carrot got all her "development" and screentime), and he was replaced in the beginning of Wano (when Carrot mysteriously vanishes from the story). Those dates are way too coincidental. As the main editor, he was the main source of help for the writing of the manga. The man was probably pushing Oda to include Carrot as much as possible and Oda did it just to placate him.

Oda probably meant for Carrot to just be a fun tagalong to go with the Alice in Wonderland theme of WCI (what's Alice without a white rabbit, after all?), then he was faced with this:

Imagine having a literal furry telling you every week to include his underaged waifu in your prized magnum opus when you're already stressed with deadlines and lack of sleep and cramps from drawing. I imagine Oda was ready to drop the rabbit ASAP.
Jesus Christ, imagine having that conversation with the guy who dictates where your story goes…not somebody I want at the wheel, honestly :lusalty:
Yeah, kinda weird to even say, at least on this subject.
To be expected for this insane posse of cringy ass clowns.
I love how he just assumes we're all virgins who are jealous he's having this "sex" thing we've heard of:gokulaugh:
Let's be real here, we're all adults. I'd guess the only person in the thread who hasn't had any kind of sexual experience is Dizzy, and that's just because he can't do it legally with the age group he prefers:sanmoji:
I love how he just assumes we're all virgins who are jealous he's having this "sex" thing we've heard of:gokulaugh:
Let's be real here, we're all adults. I'd guess the only person in the thread who hasn't had any kind of sexual experience is Dizzy, and that's just because he can't do it legally with the age group he prefers:sanmoji:
not just with the age group, but also with human being.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I love how he just assumes we're all virgins who are jealous he's having this "sex" thing we've heard of:gokulaugh:
Let's be real here, we're all adults. I'd guess the only person in the thread who hasn't had any kind of sexual experience is Dizzy, and that's just because he can't do it legally with the age group he prefers:sanmoji:
not just with the age group, but also with human being.
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