Carrot for nakama fans should just accept at this point they got hoodwinked by Oda's editor Naito. Dude was the main editor during the latter half of WCI (when Carrot got all her "development" and screentime), and he was replaced in the beginning of Wano (when Carrot mysteriously vanishes from the story). Those dates are way too coincidental. As the main editor, he was the main source of help for the writing of the manga. The man was probably pushing Oda to include Carrot as much as possible and Oda did it just to placate him.
Oda probably meant for Carrot to just be a fun tagalong to go with the Alice in Wonderland theme of WCI (what's Alice without a white rabbit, after all?), then he was faced with this:
Imagine having a literal furry telling you every week to include his underaged waifu in your prized magnum opus when you're already stressed with deadlines and lack of sleep and cramps from drawing. I imagine Oda was ready to drop the rabbit ASAP.
Oda probably meant for Carrot to just be a fun tagalong to go with the Alice in Wonderland theme of WCI (what's Alice without a white rabbit, after all?), then he was faced with this:
Imagine having a literal furry telling you every week to include his underaged waifu in your prized magnum opus when you're already stressed with deadlines and lack of sleep and cramps from drawing. I imagine Oda was ready to drop the rabbit ASAP.
Imagine pushing the author to have a character drawn more just because you are obsessed with them.