During the end of raid:
Samurai:"Marco pls heal the people around, they dying, Izo is dying we need your help!!"
Marco: "Shut up fodder, don´t ruin my pose, im looking good right?"
Samurai:"Marco pls heal the people around, they dying, Izo is dying we need your help!!"
Marco: "Shut up fodder, don´t ruin my pose, im looking good right?"

I never thought Marco and Izo coming to Wano would backfire so fucking hard. Jozu and Vista must have had amazing Future Sight mastery because they must have known what was gonna happen and stayed the fuck away!
Or they just realised what a death bringer/jinxer Marco is finally!
Marco is the true "death doctor", not Law or even Doc Q!
Marco standing around like that whilst Chopper is desperately trying to heal people, save lives and is freaking out and stressed, makes me so freaking angry lol.