During the end of raid:
Samurai:"Marco pls heal the people around, they dying, Izo is dying we need your help!!"
Marco: "Shut up fodder, don´t ruin my pose, im looking good right?"
Rewatching zou and I understand how I love that arc, how much i was hyped for Jack.
You can´t believe that the same Oda who draw zou, actually did wano arc.
Like legit, a whole own small arc for a encounter with Jack vs Dukes only to offscreeen it, you can´t imagine that shit.
That is like Kishi hyping the end war of Naruto via Tobi going to Kage summit, build up entire plot around it, only to offscreen 90% of the war... That is what Oda did with the Jack vs Mink plot. Jack was the first Commander who we see in new world as opponent, was build so beastly, everyone want to see him in action. And now look how trash the commanders in wano end.
Hell King didn´t even got CoC, not a single calamity has awakening..
The awful writing and the way how the beast pirates got trashed, I will never forget that what Oda did with them.
Wano is probably one of Oda worst work, wouldn´t be surprise if @dirtyLarry is right with Shueisha forcing Oda to rush it since the arc had not the impact as the fans expect it.
Samurai:"Marco pls heal the people around, they dying, Izo is dying we need your help!!"
Marco: "Shut up fodder, don´t ruin my pose, im looking good right?"

Rewatching zou and I understand how I love that arc, how much i was hyped for Jack.
You can´t believe that the same Oda who draw zou, actually did wano arc.
Like legit, a whole own small arc for a encounter with Jack vs Dukes only to offscreeen it, you can´t imagine that shit.
That is like Kishi hyping the end war of Naruto via Tobi going to Kage summit, build up entire plot around it, only to offscreen 90% of the war... That is what Oda did with the Jack vs Mink plot. Jack was the first Commander who we see in new world as opponent, was build so beastly, everyone want to see him in action. And now look how trash the commanders in wano end.
Hell King didn´t even got CoC, not a single calamity has awakening..
The awful writing and the way how the beast pirates got trashed, I will never forget that what Oda did with them.
Wano is probably one of Oda worst work, wouldn´t be surprise if @dirtyLarry is right with Shueisha forcing Oda to rush it since the arc had not the impact as the fans expect it.
No proper send off at all (unlike Pedro, Yasuie, Pound, Pell etc; and Ashura has better sent off than him). And Kiku who is the closest with him, already together since childhood, wasn't even seen mourning. Kiku's mourning was offpanelled and yet Oda shows Kiku's bathing. Priority...