If there is gonna be a new member after jinbei, then I want someone at least jinbei level of strength, or just under the monster trio, at least that way he can be granted proper and good fights in the future. I say he because the ladies get little to no fights and oda himself favours males over females when it comes to straw hats in the crew ( 2 ladies - 8 men). (Even though I really would like another girl on the crew).
I don't just want someone who's cute or vulnerable to join now, only to be left behind and thrown to the back of the crew and forgotten in the story forever. This is also why i'm against people like carrot and momonosuke joining. Yeah, they are playing important roles now, but if they do join, then they'll just end up at the back of the crew as caricatures like chopper and robin, who are the ship mascot and encyclopedia/ part-time baby sitter.
If someone's gonna join, I want him or her stay relevant for the rest of the story, that includes the fights. And I don't see the likes of Carrot or Momonosuke going very far with that if they did joined.
My guess is that if someone is gonna join after jinbe, he as to be pretty strong, considering where the monster trio and other straw hats will rank after Wano.
Queen or Katakuri should join the crew, now that would be cool.

Ceaser and Caribou aren't bad choices either, just no Carrot or Momonosuke thank you.