What the best thing in the chap ?

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EoS Sanji will be the fastest character in the verse and his Flames will legitimately rival the biggest star out there aka the sun

He’ll be capable of 2 tapping someone like Kaido casually and blinks to defeat Mihawk


Kitetsu Wanker
I have to disagree here. This is Udon, of course we see jail cells, but King is outside with everyone and he's bandaged (Q too). Udon also has an open ceiling, hardly a jail for Beast Pirates. As for Momo, all I can say is Loda has butchered many character this arc :luuh:
Luffy and Kidd and Caribou were outside of jail cells too, cuffed.
Precisely because it is open, someone like King needs to be cuffed so he doesnt fly away.
Prisoners in cuffs aint that hard, no need to fight logic.
This is what I said on the matter yesterday:

Issho and Aramiki likely will not be defeated because there would be no purpose to Oda defeating them. They don’t represent any ideologies worth defeating within OP, especially not Issho. Aramiki is still up in the air but I imagine he and Issho are similar in that they both only became Admirals so that they could change the world for the better.

It’s this retarded, childish, and toxic “W/L” culture that exists in the One Piece fandom lol. Like Fujitora can be declared an Admiral, be declared one three of the strongest fighters in a military consisting of literally millions of people, but oh Fujitora never cared to defeat anyone so I guess he’s as strong as Jack even though that makes absolutely no sense lol?

The One Piece fandom has never known how to power scale but the “W/L” shit is a bad method even by their standards lol.
Firstly, I never read that post of yours, but, in the likelihood of Fujitora and Ryokugyu not being defeated, who do you see taking on Kizaru?

Akainu is obviously Luffy's fight (all this Sabo bs theory is driving me insane), while Kizaru does act like his right-hand man at times (poking fun at him back in MF and then offering to solo the Lonkos before the Raid). He also consistently confronted right-hand men (Rayleigh, Marco, and then Benn). Do you think Zoro vs Kizaru is at least a possibility in the scenario where Issho and Aramaki do not turn out to be villains?

Secondly, your explanation about the W/L crowd is spot on. I am still annoyed by how wilfully stupid their take on things, tho. Man, can we just have Issho solo the Big Mom Pirates, already? :catcry:


I will never forgive Oda
No King is stronger. Marco has no means to defeat him. Don't backtrack on your King wank. Katakuri and Marco would get dunked on even harder.

Marco only looks better because he can throw himself in front of Top Tiers for 10 minutes.
I've always maintained they are equals or if one is stronger, it's a very small amount and doesn't matter all too much in the big picture.

Oda rewrote a Marco scene for King then rewrote a King scene for Marco. Their similarities are very blatant.


The Rogue Prince
No King is stronger. Marco has no means to defeat him. Don't backtrack on your King wank. Katakuri and Marco would get dunked on even harder.

Marco only looks better because he can throw himself in front of Top Tiers for 10 minutes.

Seriously though, between King & Marco, if one is 100, the other is 99. And yes, Marco and Katakuri get dunked on by Greenbull as well.

The entire "Admirals are slightly stronger than YCs" agenda just went to shit.
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