General & Others The Problem With Post Timeskip

I fucking hate Sabo, lol. He's such a shit character.
He's like Ace in almost every single way but worst.

Ace actually was Luffy's brother in a far more meaningful sense than Sabo. Both Ace and Luffy were adopted by Dadan and Garp. More than that, Luffy actually grew up with Ace. Ace and Luffy had been through shit together. Sabo on the other hand spent relatively little time with Luffy and died when Luffy was very young.

In Dressrosa, Sabo and Luffy basically had zero interaction. What this ultimately culminates to is Sabo being nothing more than a friend luffy had as a child.

Not to mention the fact that bringing back sabo in the way he did creates a couple of very significant issues
  1. why didn't ace ever figure out that Sabo was alive? Sabo had a bounty and was a high ranking member of the revolutionaries.
  2. Why didn't Sabo try to find Luffy after he got his memories back? I mean Ace had just died, Luffy probably needed Sabo more than ever back then.
  3. Sabo being alive undercuts the relationship between ace and luffy. Their relationship was so strong because they were all each other had. Ace was Luffy's only brother, hence Luffy would fight the world to save him.
smh if Oda does a marineford 2.0 after wano, I really wouldn't give a single shit if Sabo lives or dies. I'd tbh much prefer him to die and for coby to get his DF.

What Oda should have done was make Sabo into an obito type character. Like have the celestial dragons capture sabo after they shoot down his ship and turn him into a winter soldier.

Or Oda could have just kept Sabo dead and instead devote more time to developing Ace post skip. I'm surprised we didn't get a subplot about Luffy surpassing Ace. It just happened and wasn't really acknowledged. Ace was a pirate for 3 years, there were so many characters who could have known him or had relations to him that we didn't really get to see, except for Tama that is.
Sabo Is a great example of everything wrong with post timeskip OP.
Where did I say Kyros SHOULD join the SHs or fleet?
Do you see any issues? Kyros had a much bigger role than Paulie that received the same ending. Kyros got MUCH more attention than most people in DR but didnt even join the grand fleet...he just stayed behind like preskip supporting characters....a weak reward for the reader to be more exact. Imagine if Paulie got a flashback and a big dramatic fight that causes SHs vs CP9 to be off paneled a bit, only for Paulie to just stay in Water 7 with no indication of being apart of something bigger in the future. Some may think Vivi or Kohza would be better examples but I think not. Vivi was always a main character in a saga and from the beginning, it was made clear that she would either stay with the SHs or stay in the country that needs her as its princess. Kohza always had a supporting role and not a main position like Kyros had.
Before going more into that, lets compare something else:
So you just assume the pacing of Wanp would be messed up for the sake of your argument?
yeah its clear since we only have like 6 chap of reverie with 1 or 2 in between act. why would you shift focus ? If he want to focus mainly to reverie oda would delay wano and he chosed not to. There are ups and down obviously but you really cant start to focus on the rev while the raid is on the horizon. by the gods you also need to set up oden's flashback.

Almost 200 chapters after the fact. There was no visible growth during the fight.
NO SHIT there are no franky fight for that many chapter. as soon as we got his fight he started suplexing dudes. please try what would you do to signify growth in zou? dont be that guy who just complain and cant do shit

Ok and? What does chapter by chapter have to do with the thread? Your comparing apples to oranges.
No idea what you're saying with the first half.....once again, you strawman the entire post as being about power level, and generalize everyone's opinions as being based on power levels......

Like I said....I guess it's easy to invalidate someone's perspective by screaming power levels....
AND I SAID chopper post time skip have many opportunity to lead other, like lead carrot and bigmom. this has not happened pre-timeksip. The fact that even a mod dont even understand this is kinda baffling

Chapter number is to address people who compares the entire pre ts to now in post ts, which is like 200 chapter short. you cant even understand that?

Sabo Is a great example of everything wrong with post timeskip OP.
my one of many critisism regarding post ts, sabo should stay dead and rebeca should eat that fruit.
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Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
yeah its clear since we only have like 6 chap of reverie with 1 or 2 in between act. why would you shift focus ? If he want to focus mainly to reverie oda would delay wano and he chosed not to. There are ups and down obviously but you really cant start to focus on the rev while the raid is on the horizon. by the gods you also need to set up oden's flashback.
Again you're just assuming that the pacing would get messed up. How many panels would a little extra info use up? Would Wano's executed the same? Would little things be scrapped? You have no idea but is making stuff up for the sake of your argument. It's like a saying a movie would be exactly the same no matter which director it's under.

NO SHIT there are no franky fight for that many chapter. as soon as we got his fight he started suplexing dudes. please try what would you do to signify growth in zou? dont be that guy who just complain and cant do shit
Growth has to be significant? Franky suplexing people 200 chapters later is significant growth? Is this one of those "I'd like to see you do a better job" lines?

I'm talking about development and growth during the fight. It matters as it was Franky's first big fight since Fukurou, and he has remained stagnant for a long time. Even Zoro displayed character growth fighting Hyouzou and Pica(adopting Mihawk's philosophies). Franky showing suplexes later doesn't add onto the fight as we already knew Franky respected Senor.

It's like defending a plot hole cause it got explained seasons later(and no not saying anything OP related is a plot hole so dont make it about that)

AND I SAID chopper post time skip have many opportunity to lead other, like lead carrot and bigmom. this has not happened pre-timeksip. The fact that even a mod dont even understand this is kinda baffling
You're using my position as a mod for your argument??? So either you think moderators are much better than regular members or that all mods must have the same opinions as you?

You randomly said you can tell when people speed run OP when they say Chopper had no development, and then proceeded to say why he has ok? Did someone say Chopper has none in the topic? Did I say or imply it? It comes off as an excuse to failed horribly which is why I have no idea what you were trying to achieve....I guess using my position as a distraction was the better choice?

Chapter number is to address people who compares the entire pre ts to now in post ts, which is like 200 chapter short. you cant even understand that?
Once again, what are you talking about? What does that have to do the with the thread or anything I've said? Doesnt matter how short or long each portion is.....its such a pointless and useless thing to say which I'm, again, asking what you're trying to achieve with that.
Dressrosa is the Alabasta of the new World, they basically have the same story lol it would be more accurate to compare Kyros to Koza, who Oda also wasted panels on but he's completly irrelevant now, so he's worse than Kyros by your logic

I would say the problem is Kyros story wasn't that enjoyable, wasting panels on minor characters was in pre ts too, there's a reason the Manga is almost a thousand chapters long after all lol

the side characters and their stories post ts are less enjoyable than in pre ts, thats the actual problem, except in WCI IMO
What also keeps bugging me is the issue with haki. After the timeskip there appeared black haki... wtf. Absolute fodders can use it but crocodile? Moriah? Kuma? Ace? Blackbeard? Cp 9 etc couldn't do it? Nahhhhhh. That is just outright bad writing by oda...
We have never seen hardening Pre-TS, doesn't mean they couldn't. And don't know about CP9, they are working in the Paradise, there's no need for Haki.
We have never seen hardening Pre-TS, doesn't mean they couldn't. And don't know about CP9, they are working in the Paradise, there's no need for Haki.
Yes exactly, crocodile, moriah, lucci lost to luffy and didn't use hardening. Either they are stupid to forget to use it or simply they couldn't. Because oda didn't know how he would introduce haki to the story. Plothole. That simple.
Yes exactly, crocodile, moriah, lucci lost to luffy and didn't use hardening. Either they are stupid to forget to use it or simply they couldn't. Because oda didn't know how he would introduce haki to the story. Plothole. That simple.
Guys, Haki was factor since chapter 250, Blackbeard has mentioned it himseld. The problem was, as Oda introduced the concepts, he had tomake them more visually appealing. Luffy shows off conquerers with Duval's Bison, Amazon Lily, Impel Down Wolves and Marineford. Observation was shown during Amazon Lily and hardening was shown too, he just didnt have a visual for it..

Im not sure why its a problem some Shichibukai do not have haki when they have hax devil fruits.
I fucking hate Sabo, lol. He's such a shit character.
He's like Ace in almost every single way but worst.

Ace actually was Luffy's brother in a far more meaningful sense than Sabo. Both Ace and Luffy were adopted by Dadan and Garp. More than that, Luffy actually grew up with Ace. Ace and Luffy had been through shit together. Sabo on the other hand spent relatively little time with Luffy and died when Luffy was very young.

In Dressrosa, Sabo and Luffy basically had zero interaction. What this ultimately culminates to is Sabo being nothing more than a friend luffy had as a child.

Not to mention the fact that bringing back sabo in the way he did creates a couple of very significant issues
  1. why didn't ace ever figure out that Sabo was alive? Sabo had a bounty and was a high ranking member of the revolutionaries.
  2. Why didn't Sabo try to find Luffy after he got his memories back? I mean Ace had just died, Luffy probably needed Sabo more than ever back then.
  3. Sabo being alive undercuts the relationship between ace and luffy. Their relationship was so strong because they were all each other had. Ace was Luffy's only brother, hence Luffy would fight the world to save him.
smh if Oda does a marineford 2.0 after wano, I really wouldn't give a single shit if Sabo lives or dies. I'd tbh much prefer him to die and for coby to get his DF.

What Oda should have done was make Sabo into an obito type character. Like have the celestial dragons capture sabo after they shoot down his ship and turn him into a winter soldier.

Or Oda could have just kept Sabo dead and instead devote more time to developing Ace post skip. I'm surprised we didn't get a subplot about Luffy surpassing Ace. It just happened and wasn't really acknowledged. Ace was a pirate for 3 years, there were so many characters who could have known him or had relations to him that we didn't really get to see, except for Tama that is.
Man if they made Sabo into an Obito like character:pepecorn:

But knowing OP is all fairies and rainbows, Oda wouldn't have the balls to do it.

Have we ever had a "good" character turn bad ? And Im not talking about characters that were already bad to begin with.
Guys, Haki was factor since chapter 250, Blackbeard has mentioned it himseld. The problem was, as Oda introduced the concepts, he had tomake them more visually appealing. Luffy shows off conquerers with Duval's Bison, Amazon Lily, Impel Down Wolves and Marineford. Observation was shown during Amazon Lily and hardening was shown too, he just didnt have a visual for it..

Im not sure why its a problem some Shichibukai do not have haki when they have hax devil fruits.

Yes, the concept was there but simply put, he didn't quite know how to implement it. And said shichibukais have obviously haki. Again, that is a plothole by oda. I mean I like one piece very much but plothole is plothole.
Oh come on, we are not talking about emperors haki but hardening, which every fodder in hancock's crew can use...
This isn't a matter of strength or haki level but will. Both Crocodile and Moriah were defeated in a moment they lacked actual confidence on their actual, own capabilities as they had their dreams shattered by an emperor. There's no reason for them to use haki back then since their spirit was broken and their ambitions relied on easy, external sources of power.
This isn't a matter of strength or haki level but will. Both Crocodile and Moriah were defeated in a moment they lacked actual confidence on their actual, own capabilities as they had their dreams shattered by an emperor. There's no reason for them to use haki back then since their spirit was broken and their ambitions relied on easy, external sources of power.

Going by this logic everyone who gets defeated like 10 to 20 years ago in the one piece world can't use hardening or can't read the movements of his/her opponent anymore... this has nothing to do with will.

We knew that ace had haki as well... why didn't he attack akainu with haki? Or why didn't he try to defend himself with haki? Was his will shattered too? I mean, you have vergo or pica going fullbody black hardening, which is the most basic of hardening while the 2. division commander of wb did not use any haki (it is confirmed that he had all 3 types of haki).

What else if not plothole?
Going by this logic everyone who gets defeated like 10 to 20 years ago in the one piece world can't use hardening or can't read the movements of his/her opponent anymore... this has nothing to do with will.

We knew that ace had haki as well... why didn't he attack akainu with haki? Or why didn't he try to defend himself with haki? Was his will shattered too? I mean, you have vergo or pica going fullbody black hardening, which is the most basic of hardening while the 2. division commander of wb did not use any haki (it is confirmed that he had all 3 types of haki).

What else if not plothole?
It isn't about getting defeated but having their dreams shattered and, in Moriah's case, his crew killed. The two of them were basically confirmed to be broken inside. Basically like Luffy after Ace's death if he hadn't had a crew to rely on. That Luffy would never develop his haki properly because he had lost his haki to begin with (spirit, ambition, etc.).

Why do you assume that Sakazuki, who not only was miles above Ace in terms of strength but also had an inherently stronger devil fruit and probably a way better haki on his own (considering what happened versus Marco and Vista), would give a damn about Ace's haki? Did Luffy prevent his flesh from being pierced by Hody Jones's bite? Why would some haki prevent Ace from being destroyed by a monster above him in probably everything by a big margin?

In Marineford many characters used haki, a different thing is that some usages were made explicit and others weren't (we have no way to distinguish wether whatever character used it or not, apart from confirmed or obvious cases, because it wasn't coloured). And Oda introduced Garp hurting Luffy with a mere punch right after Enies Lobby, so odds are that he already had something in mind and that the CP9, as a Paradise force, just wasn't taught haki.
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Their will was not conpletely shattered, because both of them had ambitions. Crocodile with pluto and moria with his zombie crew. Thdy worked for years for their ambition, someone who has an ambition CANNOT be without a will.

I am pretty sure in a sbs oda said that crocodile can use haki.

And with ace and akainu, it isn't about who had the stronger haki but that ace simply DID NOT USE IT. He used his devil fruit which was obviously useless against akainu, so logic says he should use a second power which he has, WHICH IS HAKI...

And again, oda introduced haki pretty early. I said that too. But the point is, he did not knot HOW TO IMPLEMENT IT.

If you ask me, he never considered that "everyone" should have haki (at least in the new world) and wanted that only the upper class people have it and most probably people with the D. would have the strongest haki. Which could be the case even now.

But, somewhere down the road (many years later) he wanted to change that, so that everyone can use haki and fight against logia user.

I mean, oda said that he thought that op would end in 5 years but it seems that it will take 30 years in total. Meaning an additional 25 years. Which means an additional plot 5 times higher than usually intended. As such, it is pretty obvious that he simply changed his mind with regards to haki.

And somebody meant that after the timeskip haki is coloured... that is simply not the case.

We have seen haki from sentomaru, rayleigh and the sisters of hancock. Oh and whitebeard used haki against kizaru. All of them used advanced haki. Which is even now not coloured. But after the timeskip oda just introduced basic armament haki, which is black. Dafuq?

Either way, I said my point and won't reply anymore. Best wishes 🙂
Their will was not conpletely shattered, because both of them had ambitions. Crocodile with pluto and moria with his zombie crew. Thdy worked for years for their ambition, someone who has an ambition CANNOT be without a will.
Both of which are sources of power that prevent them from relying on their actual strength because they were broken weaklings without spirit on his own.

I am pretty sure in a sbs oda said that crocodile can use haki.
He didn't.

And with ace and akainu, it isn't about who had the stronger haki but that ace simply DID NOT USE IT. He used his devil fruit which was obviously useless against akainu, so logic says he should use a second power which he has, WHICH IS HAKI...
You can't know whether he used it or not because Oda didn't colour it back then. The only way we had to detect armament usage was, apart from advanced's shockwaves, its obvious consequences (Jozu makes Kuzan bleed, Sengoku does so to Luffy), explicit statements (Smoker versus Hancock) or huge showings (Admirals creating a barrier together). For all we know, Ace could have used it with no result because Sakazuki was stronger.

And again, oda introduced haki pretty early. I said that too. But the point is, he did not knot HOW TO IMPLEMENT IT.
In what sense? He already knew haki would be used to hurt devil fruit users back in Enies Lobby (Garp's fist), and by Marineford he had it as both a barrier (admirals stopping an earthquake) and as a way to harden things (Kujas arrows).

If you ask me, he never considered that "everyone" should have haki (at least in the new world) and wanted that only the upper class people have it and most probably people with the D. would have the strongest haki. Which could be the case even now.
This is another possibility, but I don't know about Ace. Every prominent Whitebeard pirate among their fellow commanders was either confirmed to use haki (Marco, Jozu, Vista) or strongly suggested (Shanks afraid of Teach hurting Ace in spite of ignoring his new fruit). It could be the case, though.

We have seen haki from sentomaru, rayleigh and the sisters of hancock. Oh and whitebeard used haki against kizaru. All of them used advanced haki. Which is even now not coloured. But after the timeskip oda just introduced basic armament haki, which is black. Dafuq?
After the timeskip we still see non-colored basic haki, and pretimeskip we had scenes where armament was clearly used but it was not visible in any way but its consequence itsel (Jozu tackling Kuzan). I don't find anything weird about this.

Either way, I said my point and won't reply anymore. Best wishes 🙂
Don't you think that Oda is testing reader's limit of patience?? Mystery of Shanks at Reverie, Mystery of Vegapunk's replacement for Warlords, Mystery of what went down during Reverie, Revo Vs Admiral suspense, Green bull being off panelled, Secret of the Imu sama along with Vivi's poster, great cleansing and giant strawhat, and not furthering the story of Ryuma or Toki... Plus addition of more mysteries like that of Xebec and God valley incident.

I know that Oda will be digging into these stories in the future and mysteries have been part of OP since pre TS, but back then suspense was maintained in a more decent way, now it seems like Oda is just irritating and teasing us..
Not really sure what about this is testing the patience of the reader, if the reader can't be patience then that's on the reader no? Oda's concern should be making sure he's making one piece to the best of his abilities, not to appease the fans but to tell his own story. If the story isn't liked by the fans, then oh well it wasn't that good of a story (or just matter of different taste). If it's liked by the fans then great it was a great story.

- Ryuuma was always a side lore piece not a significant individual who would have a great impact. To be real, it'd be fine if we get nothing on the man, if Oda can write something about him in a side-piece. As for Toki, Wano arc is still going on so her future is questionable. The reveal with her and the ancient kingdom is only less than 20 chapters ago, it more than likely will be brought up again once we find out what exactly happened with Toki or how she died but her daughter escaped (probably could be Hiyori's side of the story or something who knows). But if it's never brought up, then it means it's not significant to the plot of the story, she was a side character with a possible interesting past and a nice power who played an important role in deciding Wano's future.

I think we have a different way of looking at the manga, for me the mysteries are just there, and they'll get answered eventually. Not something I personally trip over. So I find the mysteries interesting, rather than irritating & teasing.