General & Others Oda admits everything before now was filler

I have never seen a site hate on One Piece this much. It is like you guys wake up every day to hate on the series. So pathetic. If you don’t like the series, don’t read it. Anything else makes you look like an obsessed hater. I am excited for the final saga. If Oda delivers on this and it makes the rest of OP look like nothing, then One Piece will forever be a GOATed series.

Mr. Reloaded

Cause a pirate is free
I have never seen a site hate on One Piece this much. It is like you guys wake up every day to hate on the series. So pathetic. If you don’t like the series, don’t read it. Anything else makes you look like an obsessed hater. I am excited for the final saga. If Oda delivers on this and it makes the rest of OP look like nothing, then One Piece will forever be a GOATed series.
You made an account on worstgen some time ago and you still don't know the drill by now? :saden:

This is what we do :endthis:
I have never seen a site hate on One Piece this much. It is like you guys wake up every day to hate on the series. So pathetic. If you don’t like the series, don’t read it. Anything else makes you look like an obsessed hater. I am excited for the final saga. If Oda delivers on this and it makes the rest of OP look like nothing, then One Piece will forever be a GOATed series.
Oda is a crap writer that uses the same cut and paste formula every arc. Then he creates hundreds of filler characters and filler plot lines just so he can milk his series as long as possible. The final saga is going to put One Piece in worse sittings by the fanbase than Attack on Titan or Naurto. Sales are going to continue to drop. Should I keep going?