Who will be the next Strawhat

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No she isn't, she's on the same level as Carrot.

Helps a bit, cries a lot, gets saved by Kyros/Nekomamushi.

Dressrosa's main characters are Luffy, Law and Doflamingo lol.
No, in term of characterization and narration those characters are completely different.

The only difference between the two is that Carrot tagged along, they are the same character otherwise. What is this cope?!
NOthing, you are not paying attention to the characterization that's all, those characters are completely different

Mr. Reloaded

Certified Dragon Gooner
NOthing, you are not paying attention to the characterization that's all, those characters are completely different
Why would I pay attention to Two Piece? :milaugh:

How are they not the same?!

Oh you're right I forgot something.

Yup exactly that. THe character arc (it will be small) will come after.

The same potential as Usopp / Nami / Chopper and Brook and eventually Robin
A small arc for carrot ? I dont believe that we have the time for a small arc only for carrot...

You know who else couldn't enact revenge against the killer of a beloved one and in the end needed another strong person to intervene and defeat him, while also bonding with Luffy for the duration of the arc but not joining the crew?

The writing is on the fucking wall :seriously:
I have never thought on rebecca event was the same with carrot and perospero. But it makes sense hahaha. So carrot is a rebecca 2.0 and a vivi 2.0? Not an original character inde

Since I feel like we are nearing the end of the debate I just want to make it clear that my second bet for final nakama, in case Yamato doesnt happen(and Oda is hack), is Vivi, so I'll still get a W if that happens :pepapoo:
My first Bet is Yamato, My second bet is monet, my third is vivi... So If carrot joins I will have a big w.
People are not chill at all with Carrot, just look at this thread.
Because you don't even explore this forum site outside this thread so you don't know... Those who appreciate Carrot so much don't even visit this thread because they know it doesn't make any sense now, but they're everywhere in this forum site...

On the other hand you have big titty Oni with a Zoan DF whose hybrid is practically Sulong 2.0 that she can access AT ANY TIME WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS.
And we already have Chopper who has Sulong-like transformation in Monster Point...
No she isn't, she's on the same level as Carrot.

Helps a bit, cries a lot, gets saved by Kyros/Nekomamushi.

Dressrosa's main characters are Luffy, Law and Doflamingo lol.
No he's right here
Rebecca was a main arc character
If you don't consider her one because she cried and needed to be saved, then Momo isn't a main arc character either
Wrong comparison, because Wano's Rebecca is Hiyori: cries a lot, can't renact her revenge against Orochi and needs to be saved by Denjiro

Leenix back at it again :rolaugh:
Except that Rebecca was one of Luffy's main motivations for wanting to beat Doflamingo.
Rebecca was more important than characters like Hiyori or Yamato
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