What the fuck are you Smoking?
Calgara in his FIRST APPEARANCE did what Vice Admiral Garp did when he throw a HUUUUGE ASS Cannon ball at the Strawhat crew
Which all of them had to use fucking Cope De Burst to get out of there...
The same fucking move!
Calgara is far superior than your rabbit girl...
1. Shes not "my" rabbit girl, really could care less of she joins. In just advocating what I see, and she clearly, plainly has the highest chance out of any new character the past few arcs. Its painful to watch people argue otherwise.
2. I baited the calgara comment. All of you with your power dick measuring contests are getting tiring. Why does a new strawhat have to destroy warships to be a new crew member? We JUST got Jinbe, why does the possible next character have to be OP as fuck? This is not a carrot conversation, this a general one.
Seriously, arguments against Carrot have always been ridiculously silly, and to be quite fucking honest, are the EXACT same conversations people had about Jinbe:
- He has no role on the ship (before Helmsman was specified by Oda)
- Hes boring
- Hes fat
- He cant grow as a character
You all belittle a character who quite literally has not done anything wrong or is frankly not that annoying but you all blow it WAY out of proportion. I honestly hope she joins, just so it derails half of the forum that has an aneurysm every time her name is mentioned.