Who will be the next Strawhat

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"Carrot! You may be an inexperienced 15 yo who lost her only fight in war, was never shown leading and was never prepared to rule but since you you visited ONE (1) more island than the other minks, it means you're the most qualified!"
See, this is all I really wanted people to understand. To preface, Carrot stans need to accept Yamato is joining. That is a FACT. But Yamato stans need to understand that there is "potential" for Carrot to pull the stowaway joke again.

I'm honestly in the Yamato camp, and i can unbiasedly see that this event with Carrot is weird. Take away her "irrelevance" in Wano, and you see still left with a character who witnessed an apparent traumatic event where said character left her his will, in which that same will was prefaced by this:

Then you can just combine that with the time this happened:

With not only Carrot but same gag happens to the kings:

So it's totally in line for her to do it yet again, especially to Inu and Neko lol. This chapter just leaves it off in a weird way. Wanda clearly is the "better" leader, older and had the same position as Carrot.

Again, I don't expect it to happen, but people need to get that if it does happen, it's a triple join with Jinbe, Carrot and Yamato, not a means to boot Yamato from the running. That is definitely not happening.
Shanks and Buggy were 9 year old in Roger's crew, Tama is 8. Luffy also didn't mention anything about her age, so it is not about age, it's about being a ninja with cool skills. Even thought it's kinda suspicious that she's getting paired with Shinobu, I want Tama to have a childhood of adventure on the sea. She already trained for years while starving with that goal in mind, poor thing.
dude drop it, just drop it. In this chapter alone, Luffy and Nami already made it clear that Luffy said the same thing that Ace told her. With that being said, it is likely that Garp will be the one who will take her on an adventure, just like how he escorted shirihosh to the reverie.

"Urouge , Urouge, I love you! But we only have 5 seconds to escape before this volcano erupts!!!"
"Then quick, lets have sex!".

Peak Fiction
Let me get this straight: you would want a straw hat to sell the character out. Backstab them possibly give out important information to an unknown source that does not state who the person might be. That could possible hurt their friends and their allies and process. Frame them for something that they did not cause in the first place. It sounds like you want a member cp9 to join the straw hat instead of Franky.
Let me get this straight: you would want a straw hat to sell the character out. Backstab them possibly give out important information to an unknown source that does not state who the person might be. That could possible hurt their friends and their allies and process. Frame them for something that they did not cause in the first place. It sounds like you want a member cp9 to join the straw hat instead of Franky.
Why did you respond to UrougeXBigMom fan fic
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