4cm Blackbeard and Shiryu they are the closest
Am I the only zoro fan who wanks shiryu

@ShishioIsBack doesn't like him
Sigh need him too do something it ain't looking good for shiryu ever since he took absolams fruit
I really like Shiryu and think he has the potential to be the best opponent Zoro has, save maybe Mihawk. Fundamentally, Shiryu represents everything Zoro isn't. He is bloodthirsty, dishonorable, opportunistic, and callous. Unlike Zoro, who is a warrior, Shiryu is but a murderer who simply seeks strength for the purpose to kill more. There's no greater purpose to being a swordsman for him, and it shows the dark path a good person like Zoro could've taken without the right guidances in his life. Shiryu is everything our Marimo is believed to be in the One Piece world: an evil demon.
His visual inspiration is Yasunori Kato from Teito Monogatari. A malicious"demon man" who sought to destroy all of Japan. A country whose principles and ethics Zoro practices and represents. He's Anti-Zoro to a T and someone who would clash with Zoro's morals more than past opponents have. Even Daz Bones and King, the most antagonistic villains Zoro's had, had some redeeming qualities such as loyalty to their leader and they fought against Zoro fairly. Shiryu, on the other hand, would double cross Blackbeard if given the chance and use any means necessary to kill his target and more beyond.
I think the reason a lot of Zoro fans don't like him is because he lacks a lot of admirable traits found in men like Rayleigh or Mihawk. But I think Shiryu is necessary for us to appreciate them and Zoro more, which in turn, makes me appreciate him as a villain. I just hope Oda can realize that potential of his the right way.