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Gol D. Roger

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But that was not what was implied. It was implied that both Roger and Garp nearly fought to death many times. That is not the same as the one you suggested.
Roger has a clear-cut portrayal over Garp, and the fact that his supposed equal reminded the undisputed strongest in the world with even Garp confirming his dominance as the King of the Seas further cements this. You don't have to be equally strong to attempt to kill each other. Big Mom and Kaido seemingly tried to kill each other in their supposedly not all-out fight, but they're not equally strong.

The key takeaway here is that Garp was strong enough to not die even when Roger tried to kill him. That means Garp was strong enough to give Roger a hard time. Unsurprisingly, even Sengoku was strong enough to give Roger a challenging fight by Roger's own admission.
@TheAncientCenturion insults again

Plus Big Mom couldn't choke Marco for shit she tried but Marco got out and Big Mom realized Marco is too much and she ran away
This is what choking someone to death looks like

Sanji was too weak to break King's grip and then King nearly killed him until his daddy saved him.
Current Sanji dies
ling cant even do significant damage to Sanji what a fucking joke, that’s what you get for getting a shitty DF and being a hakilet
Not happening
His Attack Power is too Low
Doesn't have any Haki feats
Speed seems to be below Speed mode King
Far far far lower durability
Far lower stamina.

King low/mid diffs
His attack power is high enough
What haki feats does he need?
Seems to be below speed mode King…how?
This is true

Sanji takes it high diff
A weak sea monster took Shanks's arm
Narrative, to establish Shanks relationship to Luffy for more drama.
Squard pierced through Whitebeard's whole chest
Same, to establish that WB became weaker due to his age/sickness
Jinbe used CoA first time against some Charlotte fodder
Same, to establish that BMP arent your everyday paradise pirates but "fodders" of a Yonko crew.
His best attacks are flame based though which is why I think he will have some trouble.

Still both are similar in that both are superhuman.
Fair enough but Sanji combines physical force with his flames

I think people seriously underestimate Sanji

He’s faster than King in his fastest form and can maintain that speed for an extended period of time

Not to mention that we haven’t actually seen Sanji go all out yet

I'm surprised that after Kid's treatment in Wano and how you lamented it, and you are buying Coby's stocks out of all people :suresure:

Oda specifically mentioned Kid has CoC and gave Kid a grand total of ZERO CoC feats or even explicit Haki feats while Zoro got both CoC & ACoC in Wano.

And you still think that Oda is going to give Coby a df & make him a "Low Top Tier" :suresure:
I'm not talking about Zoro, I'm talking about Sanji and Jinbe

Kid at least got better portrayal than the latter two, with him fighting a yonko(same yonko that negged queen).

Being stronger than sanji is the threshold for getting rival portrayal with Luffy. With Koby being a hero and paralleling Garp, he's going to get rival portrayal, meaning he's at least going to be above Sanji.
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