Who will be the next SH?

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@Uncle Van
Why the fuck was the first thing some asshole mod does is go out their humble way to put tags picking on carrot fans. I thought this was a new start so act like this. Fuck you Van, I hope you catch AIDS.
I'm usually humble towards Carrot fans, but wishing a disease on someone is crossing the line. You need to take a break from the forums for a while. :mrgo:
Inu and Neko weren't confirmed to be hiding in anything lol. They were just hiding generically for days until Oden got on the ship officially.

It would be really weird for Carrot to join later and NOT be part of Luffy's entire dream convo right before.

For anyone joining later, he can just say it again when it's relevant, but it's odd to have her around when he just explained it to his crew. Unironically, Yamato is the only other "strawhat" to know about it.
I mean this "nakamas hear luffys dream" standard is kinda of bullsht, if that's the case just close the thread because noone of the picks here know of Luffy's dream aswell :kriwhat:

And i meant why can Caribou be in a barrel and LIVE without food etc, since that was the argument against Carrot, not talking about how weird it would be, which honestly is just kinda meh.
I mean this "nakamas hear luffys dream" standard is kinda of bullsht, if that's the case just close the thread because noone of the picks here know of Luffy's dream aswell :kriwhat:

And i meant why can Caribou be in a barrel and LIVE without food etc, since that was the argument against Carrot, not talking about how weird it would be, which honestly is just kinda meh.
? Caribou literally can store infinite amounts of food in his body. You don't recall Luffy recovering to fight Kaido? He's also purposefully locked in the barrel. They know he's there.
No joke, if the next arc is Vegapunk due to Bonney's appearance, then I vote Smoker. Last seen with Tashigi and the kids heading to his facility to cure the kids. Hasn't been seen since.

Has a logia. Has an increasingly dramatic distrust of the WG/Marines. Quite literally needs one last thing to really break from that and realize you don't need to be a marine to exact justice. He even has Aokiji to thank for that idea. He's also an old/established character with tons of exposition. He just needs his backstory.
I always liked the idea of ex-marine joining the crew after being disillusioned with the WG.
I wouldn't bet on Smoker's joining, but I wouldn't be against it.