Do you thinks these guys are reasonable?
It was obvious Killer was nerfed:
Always laughing
Didn't have his Gauntlet
Didnt use any named attacks or haki
Zoro was matched by Nerfed Killer fir more than 30 min (they fought till it snowed) ... he only won coz Kamazou lost one weapon and guru interference
Without interference:
2 sword Zoro = Kamazou Killer
3 sword Zoro > Kamazou killer
Santoryou Zoro >~ Killer > Kamazou Killer ~ 2 sword Zoro
I think Killer was nerfed waaay more than Zolo was
not only was he laughing, which we know he hates so that must be
distracting for him.
His Scythes were almost
complete opposite of his main weapons style.
Scythes are long range and don't spin and need to be held
His main weapons are close range, spin and don't need to be held.
This means he had to change his fighting style