[FNZ] Role Madness Round 08: Tokyo Ghoul

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Let's see...

TAC read the opening post but missed the part where it says that D1 was exceptionally 48 hours. Bogard mistook this as him faking a dumbtell and thought that him asking Neutral instead of the host to clarify was suspicious since Neutral was less experienced than TAC. TAC later says he read the OP post but got confused when Neutral mentioned 48 hrs and Bogard thought he slipped there since he read the OP but missed one thing. That's what Bo meant by TAC slipping.

This is what I believe to be the case right here. The progression is clear with what Bogard meant to me. I understand what he was trying to say. There's nothing forced about this nor did he lie anywhere. His reasoning is just not that great but he comes across very genuine with it. With the clear progression and genuine suspicion, this is why I believe Bogard is good. I also don't see a scum nitpicking like crazy as he did right here.

Now for why I think TAC is town is how frustrated he's feeling with the nitpick. He got sussed a similar way in the AoT game so to see happen again with him at the receiving end must be infuriating. I also understand how he was rather confused. He read the OP but not all of it, thus missing where it states that day 1 was 48 hours long. So when he saw Neutral say it, he was confused and asked the question. While Bogard sees it as a slip, I see it as someone who just didn't read everything the first time through and was genuinely confused.

Bogard vs TAC is town vs town.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
It's honestly really frustrating.

Bogard thinks I'm suspicious because I asked NeutralWatcher about his comment. I read the OP and I didn't see 48 hour phases mentioned, so I wanted to see what that's about.

Bogard says I'm playing dumb (my first real comment of the game, second in total) and that I shouldn't defer to less experienced Mafia players... When I was quoting and responding as I read thru the first 3 pages, of which I was not present for.
I’ll allow that the 48 hour thing was stated pretty clearly - I know I saw it when I first came to the thread - and you may still be scum, but Bogard flying this far off the handle rubs me the wrong way just like when Reborn did it last time. Of course, merely by saying that, I’m inviting suspicion on myself according to that same (twisted) logic he’s using...but you’re damned if you do or don’t, it would be a mistake to read so far into anything said within the first leg of a 48 hour day phase.


Zoro Worshipper
Then I’m more than a little confused, why does that make Bogard suspicious?? Some people are putting WAAAY too much importance on the earliest remarks made here; I can’t speak for everyone, but I think asking and answering questions aren’t inherently suspicious...

(Real life note - I’m pretty stoned right now, so my reads may be off, but I still think it’s nonsense for anyone to vote to lynch right now for any reason)
Because he portrays TAC as someone who ate his own words by simply affirming that he had read the OP and yet not noticed the 48h notion.

The fact Bogard suspects that he wasn't genuine in missing that part is not bad per se, however he also accuses TAC of a slip when instead it is linearly logical to read a post and miss a part of it, weird or not that it can eventually be.

Linearly logical thing =/= slip.


Yes, it does. If your reads are forced then it means that they're fake and disingenuous. It means that you're only coming up with them to fake contribution.

Yes, I saw. What I'm asking you is why are those reasons forced and not genuine? What makes you think it's a forced suspicion and not a genuine one?
I didn't say they are fake but he overdoing it
His case is weak and he seemed eager to jump on something trivial
Again it is not about being genuine he could be scum or town for all I know faking his sus or not it is weak case


Well, it’s still suspicious to me for Bogard to do something like that this early on...
2 questions. Why is voting early suspicious? I voted early too, do you find me suspicious for it?
I didn't say they are fake but he overdoing it
His case is weak and he seemed eager to jump on something trivial
Again it is not about being genuine he could be scum or town for all I know faking his sus or not it is weak case
It's fine and dandy and all that you find it weak. But, by no means does it make it forced. You have been struggling to explain to me what makes it forced.

Nana, now you're not making sense. If you find something to be forced then you automatically find it to be disingenuous. Genuine and forced are literal antonyms. You cannot believe something to be both at the same time. It makes no sense. Do you find his case forced or not?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Playing dumb already? Opening post already said everything

Noctis alreaady said DP1 only exceptionally lasted 48h.
This post from Bogard was meant to get reactions from tac
So you somehow managed to read past this

And know that no claims were allowed

But didn't read the part where it was stated DP1 was exceptionally 48h :sticky:
It's a well picked up point from Bogard

Yeah, I read the OP and then the write up, but when I saw the post by Neutral Watcher, I didn't remember seeing anything about 48 hour Nights and Day phases. .
^^bold part

NW made that post about day phase being 48 hours long on page one itself.

If you read the op then how come you didn't remember reading anything about 48 hours while being just on page one?

Short term memory loss tac?
Mafia is a Scum faction though, are you referring to 2 independent, or another Scum facti. Trying to engineer a mislyinch so early on/based on innocuous comments seems like a Scum action.
He is engaging tac and it will help in getting reaction.

What makes you think a scum would try to engineer a mislynch so early in 48 hours long day phase?

By your logic, you are doing the same on Bogard isn't it?

7or 8 scums is wayy to much.:attachpol:

How many Scums do you think this game has?

Bogard is town. I'm nearly about to lock it too. Although I'm not a fan of his reasoning, I like the progression. He's the nitpicking but I understand why he's doing it and he's putting up that early effort in the game while no one else has.
Just on fourth page and you eager to lock Bogard as town? Lol isn't that too Early?

Though I agree with your reasons that he is being productive


Just on fourth page and you eager to lock Bogard as town? Lol isn't that too Early?

Though I agree with your reasons that he is being productive
Nope. It is never too early to do something Reborn. I will lock town read a person based on one post if I can. Same for lock scum.

Speaking about lock scum, you're lucky that I didn't throw the key away on my lock scum read on you :goatasure:

I'm unlocking the lock. You're free now.


Holy Simp


2 questions. Why is voting early suspicious? I voted early too, do you find me suspicious for it?

It's fine and dandy and all that you find it weak. But, by no means does it make it forced. You have been struggling to explain to me what makes it forced.

Nana, now you're not making sense. If you find something to be forced then you automatically find it to be disingenuous. Genuine and forced are literal antonyms. You cannot believe something to be both at the same time. It makes no sense. Do you find his case forced or not?
I told u what it means to me, u keep trying to twist my words for no reason .... I am not gonna have to explain it again

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
2 questions. Why is voting early suspicious? I voted early too, do you find me suspicious for it?

It's fine and dandy and all that you find it weak. But, by no means does it make it forced. You have been struggling to explain to me what makes it forced.

Nana, now you're not making sense. If you find something to be forced then you automatically find it to be disingenuous. Genuine and forced are literal antonyms. You cannot believe something to be both at the same time. It makes no sense. Do you find his case forced or not?
No, you seemed like you were trying to get Kiwi’s attention (albeit in an overt way). You weren’t hounding after her right away, although now I’m curious why you voted...


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Feeling pressured because of my push? I wasn't referring to not reading opening post. I was referring to the 48h claim that you said you didn't remember at all
@TheAncientCenturion you said Bogard is lying about not reading op

But he clarified here that he was referring to "you not reading 48 hours info"

So why you still saying he is lying?


I told u what it means to me, u keep trying to twist my words for no reason .... I am not gonna have to explain it again
I'm not twisting anything lol. You explicitly said that his reasons are forced. I've been asking you why it was forced. You have literally failed to explain that. You can think that it's weak or whatnot, that's fine but weak reasons =/= forced reasons. Then, you wanted to act as if he could still be genuine and town with forced reasoning. Like no. That's not possible. Forced and genuine are antonyms, a townie can't have a forced reason, it means their case is fake and why would a townie fake a case? You cannot suggest that Bogard can still be town or scum with forced reasoning.

If you don't think they're forced, just tell me. It's not that hard. You find the case weak? That's cool. Now, what does that tell you about Bogard? Do you think his weak case is coming from a town or scum?
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