Strenght wise it gonna be either between these three:
I don´t count Black Marie duo the fact that she ask the other more then having interesting to the position.
Strenght was xDrake,Sasaki and Who´s Who(the leader probably) are the strongest flying six fighters and very close to beeing YC lvl characters.
As example I can see Sasaki beeing Snack lvl while Who´s Who is most like on Perospero lvl.
Since xDrake hasn´t any interest to the position of a calamity, Sasaki thinking probably of only Who´s Who beeing a threat.
Yeah, definitely at a point where you could compare these guys to BMs "Monsters". Some are stronger than others:
If I had to guess, weakest to strongest
Page 1/Oven- Two characters seemingly owned by Sanji:p Oven only has a 300 million bounty, same as Peckoms, but I would assume stronger than him.
Uruti/Daifuku: Oven/Daifuku seem to be similar in strength, considering their bounties, but Daifuku has the advantage of sending Sanji flying (just what's on panel, not a power argument here, Im sure Sanji could do fine against him). Uruti is seemingly P1's sister, so I assume similar strength.
Black Maria/Campote: guestimate, But I'm unsure if she's BM-lite in terms of strength or just has a totally different fighting style. Bounty unknown.
Sasaki/Drake/Perospero: Just a guestimate, Pero has a 700 million bounty. Pero seems to be the strongest after the Sweet Commander's.
Who's Who/Snack: Nothing valuable at all here to reference, but Snacks bounty is 600 million but he was the 4th sweet commander. Supernova (Urogue and allegedly Kid) have beat him. Probably the strongest of the "monsters". If Who's Who is the leader of the F6 this may make sense.
But all in all, the Tobi Roppo are similar to BMs monsters in her crew, I think that's the point Oda is trying to make. We need a reintroduction of BMs crew, definitely.
Let's just all Admit that the predictions were correct and it was always meant to be King->Queen->Jack->10(Xdrake).... even BlackMaria said so
Sasaki Telling others to backdown as well could mean him being 2nd to XDrake, and If I go TOO DEEP, Then the "Ki" in name of Sasa"ki" means 9 in Japanese, and After 10("X"Drake) comes 9(Sasa"Ki")

WsW Asking the question shows him doubting his own abilities for Top and him belittling Ulti and P1 could make the these 2 lowest
This was disproven with the Numbers laughs. The last two chapters already show the "10" (Jukikikiki) and "9" (Kyunyunyun) numbers laughing. "5" (Gokikiki) and "8"(Hachacha ( were also shown.