Isn't it already confirmed Mihawk is stronger than Shanks like 10000000011001010101010101010101010010101 times already by Oda, Oda's dad, Oda's mom, Oda's daughter, Oda's grand daughter, Oda's editor's, Oda's wife and Sanji's voice actor, anyone with a fucking brain??
How many times do you bums have to be slapped in the face with the fact that Mihawk forever owns Shanks...?
@Red Admiral
As story progresses Shanks would look even more pathetic compared to Mihawk than he already does. As if there could have been any bigger slap in the face to every Yonkoturd by Oda when Oda showed that he sees Mihawk as so far above Yonko that even when Mihawk is working "under yonko" Mihawk is still known as the biggest threat.