Is jinbe gonna witness greatness soon?

  • Total voters


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Is @Reborn primarily a Zoro fan? He is a good candidate

That won't do. Tell him to be active here.
Of course I am


Name - Reborn
Aliases - Real News
Hobbies - Spreading Zoro, Mihawk and BB greatness
  • Captain of Informers (who are bunch of trolls) for 3 years +
  • Don't get banned like many of zoro bois
  • Stays active
  • Backing zoro for 7 years and more
  • Sees Zoro as GOAT

Vote for me
And, I will make Zoro Temple Great Again
How tf can you guys even think this pussy ass window licker who ran away from every social media @HA001 OF THE RAIN be the next "leader" or head of this FC after zkk didn't happen.

@nik87 is the best for this type of job.
He already is the locker room leader of all Zoro fans anyway
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Thanks buddy, but they are a lot who really deserve it like @HA001 OF THE RAIN, @mly90, @kumae, @Cross_Marian or even yourself @Mr. Reloaded.

You guys are super active here, never speak against Zoro, wanking him so if we need another one to take care of this thread, you guys could be perfect.

And @Guan Yu is not inactive, just doing his own stuff. So he can stay in his position, I don't think anyone care about it.

After all, every zoro fan is a leader :zosmug:
....yeahhhhh never speak ill of Zoro..."fuck ZoLo it's Mihawk FC now" wonder who said this :kuzanshut:
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A great leader doesn't want the position but recognizes the need that the job represents...
Thanks for the nominations but if only a mod can edit 1st post, it is pointless.
Besides, it is only adding people to the tag list which I have been doing in my threads anyway.
If you like Zoro, you are member of the Fan Club by default whether you are on the tag list or not. :goyea:
And that's why you are the Leader of Zoro Fanclub
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World's Strongest Swordsman
How tf can you guys even think this pussy ass window licker who ran away from every social media @HA001 OF THE RAIN be the next "leader" or head of this FC after zkk didn't happen.

@nik87 is the best for this type of job.
He already is the locker room leader of all Zoro fans anyway
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....yeahhhhh never speak ill of Zoro..."fuck ZoLo it's Mihawk FC now" wonder who said this :kuzanshut:
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And that's why you are the Leader of Zoro Fanclub
Get liks balls out your mouth it's pathetic


Kitetsu Wanker
How tf can you guys even think this pussy ass window licker who ran away from every social media @HA001 OF THE RAIN be the next "leader" or head of this FC after zkk didn't happen.

@nik87 is the best for this type of job.
He already is the locker room leader of all Zoro fans anyway
You are too kind, Kenki-chan.
lol at window licker :milaugh: