I said if i get lynched then you all are gonna see what i am. Then ofc the other are going to sus you and cel bc you 2 started making everyone think that i am sus.
I don’t wanna vote cuz idk who the scum is. Its fckg day 1 Chief.
This makes no fucking sense. You are telling people to be suspicious of me and Celestia but you don't believe we are scum?
You give me the vibe of someone who is afraid of jumping onto the Celestia wagon, almost the way TAC was defending her.
The only person here that i trust here is Reborn. If someone has a protective role. Protect him at all costs.
And now Drago is dead.
But this point is weak, I doubt townies would listen to you specifically.
TAC was probably killed by the Serial Killer/other Mafia faction. Vigilantes usually do not act on Night 1.
This strikes me as odd. I don't see the benefit for the SK to kill TAC specifically. Unless if the SK believed that he was killing a townie, I don't see why SK would target scum so early.
Only few casted votes on ces, Some Votes were scattered and some didn't cast vote. This clearly means that if not all then most scum took the back seat like tac
Last day phase, you were asking people about their opinions on lynching vs not lynching. Did what they say match with their actual actions?
I'll have to go back and read it
Last day i didn’t jump on the train to lynch Celestia.
So? This was the weirdest part for me, you suspected Celestia yet didn't want to vote her.
i wasnt scum when I voted tac last round .
Why are you bringing up past game experience? We get it, scum may defend their buddies or they might also egg on and vote them. This tells me nothing except that I see both strategies present between you and TAC's reaction just like Bogard mentioned.
You defended TAC first, then TAC tried to distance from you.
Not gonna lie Celestia kinda fucked up yesterday. She called me bad and Ha neutral for the same reason and the she ended voting Ha. That’s what made her sus yesterday.
Oh great, now you're blaming Celestia for acting suspicious, which means that you suspected her. Yet. You. DIdn't. Vote. For. Her.
There is one more thing he said which is important to highlight
Scums are hidden in Players who voted other than Celestia and who didn't vote at all.
I see where Drago is coming from, the people who voted Celestia were:
Both Reborn and Drago I had strong town reads on. As for HA001, he had a reason to do so since Celestia was coming for him. Lastly, Rej I'm sitting on the fence. Could of been mafia joining the wagon but with TAC defending Celestia, I feel that the mafia were afraid of joining the Celestia lynch. Nonetheless, this doesn't townclear Rej for me. Just, he doesn't seem like a big suspect.
Moving on, let's not forget about Playa's last minute switch from Yo Tan Wa to Celestia.
Vote Lynch @Don DaSlayer
He's a terrible player and I want him out so he stops muddling my reads. He has only been a detriment to Town throughout this game and doesn't seem like he's going to change. The sooner he gets out the better. If he's Town, I don't really care; he's not like he was helping in the first place.
What are you trying to say Cinera? That Don is suspicious or that he is a terrible player?
I do think Don is suspicious and I also said that I am not against your strategy of taking out bad players but that only applies in cases where we have no direction. And right now, we have other players to take a look at. Yet you are fixated on voting Don for being a bad player and interfering with your reads. Why not talk about his actions or gameplay?
This seems like an excuse that if Don somehow flips town, you have something to fall back to.
@Rej the town carrier.

I like him he seems like jester to me.
Not this deflection again.
Because Finalbeta and Cinera at least contributed in helping town to catch scum. You on the other hand not only was fairly inactive, but most of the posts you had even while active weren't even contributive outside of few attempts to protect TAC
So not only you weren't active, you were contributing nothing outside of few posts supporting TAC
And by the end, TAC seemingly tried to portray you in a scummy fashion:
While trying to set aside the few moments you were supporting him
And placing you in his list of suspicious players alongside Neutralwatcher, but not at top suspicious which was me
Which is a common scum strategy to seperate yourself from your scum partner while attempting to lure in another town as a distraction
And you know another thing i find funny? It's that you are much more active now than in the previous day phase. Feeling pressured?
This is a good point