This logic does not apply to Don. He's frankly not sophisticated enough as a player to reason like that. In his last game as Town, he played terribly. If we were speaking about TAC, Bogard, etc. then yeah, you can assume some measure of competence in their play, but Don isn't a good player whether he's Town or Scum, so him making terrible plays can't be reasoned out of via "Scum wouldn't be that stupid", cause Don would be.
I read it yesterday, I also have notes I made and stuff; I haven't been inattentive. TAC didn't really come across as portraying you as a liar; he offered a credible (but incriminating) interpretation of your statement and a more charitable (not incriminating) interpretation and said he wasn't feeling charitable towards you given your uber aggressive attack. It seemed a reasonable stance to take.
I don't really want to rehash Bogard vs TAC. I'm just informing you that despite being a very attentive player Day 1 (and even considering TAC was Scum) I didn't find your case credible. I didn't even Town read TAC, his insanely strong defense of Celestia pinged me (and is why I said I wanted Celestia's Lynch):
I was just letting you know that your case wasn't convincing even with hindsight.
If you reason like that, then any Scum that did do that would be insured from suspicion.
@Bogard's case was terrible, I don't think defending TAC makes someone suspicious.
That's just Reborn's Town playstyle. I don't think it's a particularly good playstyle as I've seen Reborn head several mislynches.
The Serial Killer killed TAC, it seems better for the SK to kill Town than Scum early game, so perhaps we can narrow the net of SK to people who Town read TAC (or at least didn't Scum read him)?
Vote Lynch @Don DaSlayer
He's a terrible player and I want him out so he stops muddling my reads. He has only been a detriment to Town throughout this game and doesn't seem like he's going to change. The sooner he gets out the better. If he's Town, I don't really care; he's not like he was helping in the first place.