Need to see some generals from Zhao side to die here quickly.
They're the ones with the overwhelming numbers. They don't have an excuse to lose one of their generals, much less multiple.
The fact Kaine survived TWO shots to the chest has me convinced Hara doesn't intend for this victory to cost Ri Boku a great deal, whether it ends Kan Ki or not.
To me, Ri Boku killing Kan Ki at the cost of his woman would've been the kinda of fuck you/victory from beyond the grave defeat that would fit Kan Ki. Dying with a twisted smile even while his body is hacked to pieces by Zhao soldiers (as Ko Chou alluded it would), knowing Ri Boku would suffer an even worse fate living: if not a victory in it is own right, that's a draw.
If this is the end of the Kan Ki Army, and it sure looks like it, I don't think Koku'Ou outlives Kan Ki for long if, if at all. If she doesn't die, she'll go into exile. Rin Gyoku seems like the kind of type Mou Ten would recruit to his cavalry-first Gaku Ka Army. Ma Ron will join Shou Hei Kun's service.