Character Discussion Oda confirms Zoro is Sanji's king?

Enma is the king of hell and nothing else that's common knowledge for Japanese, Enma is a god.
And the reason oda used Ifrit is that it's pretty popular to be used in Japanese fiction to name a fire spirit/demonic species/some creature/ something mythical related to fire..just to sound cool. Given how diablo was used..he used Ifrit as an upgrade. They are not thinking of any Djin or trying to fit it here. Just use it as a cool name.

He has also mentioned it.
Your imagination vs facts, a made up religion vs real one. Anyway as long as we don't know what Oda mean we will not know who is right also let me ask you can Zoro be Enma without Enma.
Your imagination vs facts, a made up religion vs real one. Anyway as long as we don't know what Oda mean we will not know who is right also let me ask you can Zoro be Enma without Enma.
Tell me this, are you stupid?
It’s pretty clear what Oda was doing with Sanji’s Infrit power, you refusing to accept Oda bases Sanji’s upgrades on devil powers is a clear view of how stupid you and the rest of the Sanji fandom is!

Anyway moving to the main point, I don’t think Oda made Zoro KoH to show he is Sanji’s king, Oda just probably made Luffy a sun god and Zoro a demon god to show their parallels as advCoC users and show that the 2 of them are on their way to rule the world
Just had a talk with a friend who has a strong academic background in islamic studies and theology and also quite some understanding in history and she said that it's not really clear what the origin of the Ifrit/Afarit really is; some would attribute them (or at least some of them) to hell and some not. Depending on the culture and time, the Afarit have different characteristics and its origin being a topic better answered by ethnologists.


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Sanji's ultimate mode is Ifrit Jambe. Ifrit is an inhabitant of the underworld or hell. Who is the king of hell? It's Zoro. Zoro rules over the realm Sanji inhabits.

Knowing Oda, he has reasoning behind such parallels.

@ConquistadoR @nik87 @HA001 OF THE RAIN @ShishioIsBack @L55 @Fleet Leader Fenaker @Cinera @CbShadow @Den_Den_Mushi @Sasaki Kojirō etc
@Wildfire Kaios @MonsterZoro @Warchief Sanji D Goat candybrothers:parkcry::parkcry::parkcry:
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He's not King of Hell, it's Enma.

Zoro wishes he was Enma. That's his life's goal is to become Enma in order to become strong
Just like he wishes he could be WSS