Anyone else finds Andrew Tate's downfall absolutely hilarious?

Monster, in real life, are human.

The biased presentator, the confusionnist movie critic, the mad psychologist, the orange pumpkin, the red haired politician, the powerstarved producer, the Pizza turd, the coloumbine studiants, the islamist caveman, the right wing norvegian, the north Corean nuclear maniac... All of them are human.

Real and fair disruptors love, they doesn't kill, they create change.

Don't seek violence, don't seek revenge, don't seek blood.

Seek justice.
Seek Change.
Realty is that you can’t argue with monsters like them
Violence is needed sometimes (sadly)
People who disturb this love don’t understand the language of love and kindness
They’re a truly evil people.
There’s a difference between a human who’s good at heart but had a bad life and a human who’s bad at heart
You can reach out for the first one but not for the second one
They’re harming innocent people and won’t cherish your words or kindness
A human without “humanity" is not a human
I understand your view and I respect it a lot but I don’t think it’ll work
Give love to people who seek love but not to egoistic people
They’re a truly evil people.
There’s a difference between a human who’s good at heart but had a bad life and a human who’s bad at heart
Evil people don't exist. It's just a coping mechanism we create to separate ourselves from people who do bad things.

Evil actions yes, those do exist. Evil people, no. People are human, human are neither good or evil, they are just the product of their biology and their society.

Let's start by understanding that and we will be able to move on more freelly. Violence can be indeed a necessity, but "necessity" is just the past name for "justice". It's future one is "change".

So like i said: If you want to really open up the future, don't seek violence, seek change, seek for humanity.

Death sentence are not a necessity neither are they a solution. Prison, right now might be a necessity but they are not the solution either.. that's why we must go beyond.

Toward humanity, toward change.

First step: stop deshumanizing criminals.

But also.. stop giving them a tribune.

Close the thread.
Evil people don't exist. It's just a coping mechanism we create to separate ourselves from people who do bad things.

Evil actions yes, those do exist. Evil people, no. People are human, human are neither good or evil, they are just the product of their biology and their society.

Let's start by understanding that and we will be able to move on more freelly. Violence can be indeed a necessity, but "necessity" is just the past name for "justice". It's future one is "change".

So like i said: If you want to really open up the future, don't seek violence, seek change, seek for humanity.

Death sentence are not a necessity neither are they a solution. Prison, right now might be a necessity but they are not the solution either.. that's why we must go beyond.

Toward humanity, toward change.

First step: stop deshumanizing criminals.

But also.. stop giving them a tribune.

Close the thread.
I can respect your "peaceful movement" but I don’t agree the slightest with rest
Evil does exist and it’s not and shouldn’t be seen as natural
We should end this discussion here
Evil does exist and it’s not and shouldn’t be seen as natural
I don't advocate for a peaceful movement. I'm an antifascist and I'm by essence a revolutionnary. I deeply think that some things needs to be taken back by force. (force =/= violence)

But I'm also basing my thinking on reality. And in reality: Evil does not exist. Only harmfull actions do.

Rapists both male and female should be treated as objects.
No. That's only recreating the violence circle. It doesn't fix anything.
That's not how we will create a better society, but that's definitely the right blueprints for the middle age. Let's seek for something better shall we ?
Yeah OK but please understand that there are 'humans' who are not capable of feeling compassion, remorse or have a conscious.
Please come to terms with this fact.
People like you go full denial mode because they are scared of the thought that such 'humans' exist within our society.
there are 'humans' who are not capable of feeling compassion, remorse or have a conscious.
I know that. My point is: Those people are still humans. They are under the same environnemental and genetic pressure as we are. So we need to treat them humanly, EVEN if they have done something horrific.

The point is the question of justice.

Do we choose to see justice as a catalysis for revenge and nothing more, and we need thefore to accept that society will never evolve on those matter...


We choose to see justice as the first step for change. In that case we can actually reflect on possible solutions to create a world were criminal can actually be rehabilitated..

None of those option are simple and the second requires of course high end structural changes in term of the carceral and psychological system. But change is the better option.

By accepting "monsters" as they are, humans, we can accept that they can evolve and that we can therefore create a society were crimes is not an inevitability. A society were we will actually understand the process of those deviations, a society were "prevention" will rule over "reaction".

Accepting the humanity of criminals is foundamental in creating a fair society. Both inside and outside the carceral environement.
I know that. My point is: Those people are still humans. They are under the same environnemental and genetic pressure as we are. So we need to treat them humanly, EVEN if they have done something horrific.
They don't 'do something horrific'.
Their whole mindset is. You can't reason with such people.
You can't teach them normal human emotions. These things can NOT evolve