Which character is stronger ?

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Why not? Isn't he Chaden for a reason? Assuming that Enma has a thirst that grew with Oden, which then got used to his haki pool and now has to get used to another user's haki pool is so much more convoluted than a simple -> Chaden, which is exactly how he was portrayed. As an absolute Chad, EVEN at 10 years old.
No. Why?

We've been told from 2 sources Swords can go in battle and it's also a testament to the swordsman, so there's no reason for Enma to stay stagnant while Oden himself is improving.
My point is that there will be more Logia awakenings than mythical ones. Mythicals got special portrayal by being even rarer than Logias.
And considering that Kaido couldnt awaken just like nobody could awaken Sun God in centuries, it means awakening a mythical one is hard af. Of course, all up to Oda's whim, he can make them all Awakened if he desires so...
We are pretty much out of mythicals at this point, any future one that stands a chance at Awakening is Blackbeard's, whichever he gets.

Kaido if alive and returned could Awaken since that would be the only point of his return.
Meanwhile, we have at least 4 Admirals with logias ahead of us.
Smoker's only way forward can be Awakening.
Crocodile trained his powers to perfection and is making a grand return...
You can expect to have twice more awakened logias than mythicals by the end of OP...
Don't forget Sabo.
He basically just got his Mera Mera some days ago but he will awaken it before the EoS..
Enel probably coming back with awakening too.
SO mihawk sword is the only sword in history that didint increase rank when turned black ?
Make no sense .
His swords would be in a diferent rank if it was already part of the best before being turned .
It's dubbed the strongest blade of its rank lol.
Infact your point is even more bullshit when we know that enma was created more than 40 years ago (before mihawk) yet yoru isn't. Thats Retardation hence why said your point was dumb..

Yoru was turned black by mihawk. Mihawk is 42. Yoru being in the top 12 predated mihawk which means it was om the list before turning blade. Hence why it's now dubbed the strongest blade to the greatest swordsman. Read
We saw ryuma corpse few arcs ago so why is this so hard to take his dna ?
ALso the wg do know about Ryuma they fear him . If they learned about his death they def would want his dna for cloning him .

Especially since cloning is not new in the story we legit just learned that we are behind with vegapunk .
If you have the possibility of making strong clone of ryuma of course oyu will try to do it . I know the wg has been shown as idoits a lot of time but this is somethign that worth the risk especially if moria is able to stole the whole corpse by himself .
Yes Vegapunk is just gonna randomly take DNA from some random corpse, that he somehow conveniently knows a pirate has hidden in thriller bark.....makes sense.

The WG knows about a dead guy from 400 years and then suddenly when they aquire VP and his cloning technqiues they tell him, "hey buddy go to wano where Kaido is ruling and go take some of Ryuma's DNA...good luck." Now did Vegapunk take the sample before Moria fights Kaido or after?

Your whole clone Zoro "theory" is because Zoro so happens to look like a guy from 400 years and nothing more. Oda might currently be on his mid-writing streak, but even he wouldn't write something so dumb :seriously:
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