Why you acting so nervous and showing bad reaction who rather put you in bad side?
Do you really ask me this, do you even read my post?
I feeling like speaking against a wall, you either doging my question or don´t react to them and repeat just you point again and again which I already answer along, then you exchange our words and making point which I never even ask about it.
Before you ask again, why I vote against you and have you on my suspect list:
User X had User Z on his Sus list until the first D1, so I voting against user Z.
But fact alone that user X neither had arguments or a ability to invesgato another users, so he couldn´t know that user Z was a scum since the first day.
So you voting against someone because user x have user Z for no reason on his scum list.
But you don´t even bother yourself to find arguments or points to vote against user Z, you just use a another user as point to start a lynch against a another user. Then you ask me why I vote against you?
Of course your arguments are totally baseless and don´t make anysense, you give me scum feeling judging seeing how nervous you became the last post.
You still don´t understand my example.
You said user X must be right because he having someone on his sus list form the first day(no arguments)
Yet you have User Z on your sus list since the d1 day and in the end you was wrong.
Do you understand that kinda arguments like this doesn´t work in mafia?
No it just my timeline complete most like different to you and Im going sleeping soon(german time).
Because you start a lynch build up against me for no reason
Im mean really

I though first that you just try to take reaction, but you really try to do the same as what you did with Sera, just going though all arguments and try to building up a another townie lynch victim.
Yes I write that Yo Tan Wa was suspect, wouldn´t it mean better for me to let him save rather then killing him?
Cmon dude that doesn´t make anysense for a mafia. Me and Yo start debate since the first day because of many reason and also why I vote against Celestia::
That wasn´t the point.
You said that I was on Yo tan wa list since the first D1, you also had Sera on your D1.
You know how unlogical this sounds, that was my point about your argument. Because of having someone on his scum list since the d1 it doesn´t mean directly that the one on the scum list is really a scum. Case wise Sera would be scum, but that isn´t the case.
So your whole argument and voting against me doesn´t make anysense.
Of course before going sleep
Look my post above, I explain it.
Because of your weak and lazy voting and try to bulding me as a scum.
In that case my vote approved later after seeing how nervous and panic over my arguments you became.
Your whole argument is really bad and doesn´t make sense, so many points rather would speak against you too then.
Again it isn´t about why and which you vote against Sera.
My whole point was about your argument and voting against me via using this argument:
"Yo Tan Wa sus Playa since D1 until yesterday so I bet Playa is my primary sus. "
This was your reason why you vote against me.
Now do you understand the logic behind your argument and the reason why it doesn´t make sense in the first place.
You had someone on your scum list since the first day and you try to lynch her/him everyday, yet in the end he wasn´t a scum.
Your logic doesn´t make anysense as I explain it manytimes above in my post.
This proof that you don´t even read my post and just try to attack me and build me up as a scum without having any backup argument.
I already answer this question:
Not if you would try to save Kiwipom ability for the next day. Lynching Sera would mean the scums get one day more without losing someone+Kiwi don't using her ability and saving it for the next day. Result: And they almost take this if Sera didn't sacrifice herself.
Yes right now even more.
-You react in panic over my post
-You use a weak and lazy argument to vote against me, yet your argument is baseless and the point which you use speak against you aswell(as I show above in my post).
-You dodging and ignorigen my post, don´t even try to read my post
-Your twist words to dodging important arguments of me.
Everything about your last post speak about a scum and judging by your gameplay from the last game it make more sense.
-You try to save TaC in the first day from Bogard(build him and Sera as Lynch victims)
-You use Sera to save Kiwi,
I will look more about your old post and want to see more details, but seeing your all last post, you are standing right now on my scum list as numer one.
@Rej ,
@Cinera ,
@Sentinel ,
@HA001 ,
@RayanOO ,
@Jew D. Boy
We should first take out Neutral, the points speaking against him and his last post show he was pancing and showing weird reaction towards me. If we gonna catch the last scum, probably either we winning the game or we need to catch also the last third parties.
I hope you guys vote in right way, don´t believe much in Neutral baseless against, I explain and show you how these arguments also speakst against him.