Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
First of all, can we not pretend all trans people think the same or share the same goals? Some trans say their preferred gender is just...well their preference. Others say that are physically the gender they prefer and demand the world cater to their subjective sense of identity. Some go further and claim they are both genders and want specific treatment dependent on the situation. Others believe they are no gender and not bound by any law or gender specific limitation.

Bottom line is that their gender identity is nothing but their personal preference and no one has a right to tell them otherwise. No one has a right to deny them their basic human rights, and they do suffer from hate crimes like many other groups. They also don't have the right to force people to cater to their preference. That isnt a matter of rights, but mutual respect.

Issue is that the media only cares about controversy and is dominated by right wing policy, so it's only those who believe they are physically the opposite gender they claim or multiple genders, and tie that alone to humanity that gets the spotlight. It allows the media to paint leftist in general as such and lose favor with the public.
So you rather want the 'bad guys' to be 100% evil instead of balanced human beings who take responsibility for their actions?
I don't consider someone who buy the game a bad guy. Just someone who is not interested in the trans community situation. And I can understand that. A game is a game and this one seems fun, so buy it if you guys want to. It's ok.

What is not ok on the other hand would be to claim to be supporting trans people while buying the game. Because its actually put them in indirect danger. But hey! Even some trans people decided to buy it. So you do what you want, just be aware of the context if you are interested in it.

yeah it's the slippery slope, give a little bit and they go overboard and want it all
Wow.. you are right.. trans people are so priviledged right now.. It would be a shame for them to get a bit of respect..

dot dot dot.

You guys always see everything in black and white am I right?
In term of politic yes.

I see politic as a clash of values. Values are concept that you can either agree with or disagree. Being in between just meant you don't have an interest in the matter or you just don't know (and that's ok) but being in the middle is not a political standpoint.

Yes, then I don’t support trans people if you say so
You do you bro.

I figured

If someone’s nice and respectful to me, then I’m also nice and respectful to the person regardless of their ethnicity, religion and gender
I'd say that's a minimum. lol

Why not? It's a way to make up for the support he gives Rowling by buying the game.
No. Because the money that will go in Rowling's hand won't go away because of the charity. And the advertisment because of the stream will actually bring her a LOT of money. Enough to launch more terf compaign and rally more people to her cause. But like I said.. I understand the fact of buying the game and even streaming it.. But creating a charity is just hypocrisy, it will not undo the financing.

I'm ONLY here to give you the context and the reasons why buying the game and advertising it EVEN if you do a charity afterward.. will be putting the live of trans people in danger.

Now.. like someone said previously.. they are used to it by now.. It won't be the first time and it won't be the last time.. But be aware of the context. After that.. you do you. It's YOUR choice. I even thought of buying the game myself once. But I believe it's more important to fight.. even if it means sacrifizing a little bit of fun.

They also don't have the right to force people to cater to their preference
And no one is forcing anyone to buy the game. So stop with the altright rethoric. No trans is forcing anything on anyone.

How much does the game even cost?
Around 65 dollars

I mean how much of the game's price goes to Rowling?
And Rowling is known to have one of the best royalties and fees for adaptation Source (https://www.escapistmagazine.com/does-jk-rowling-make-money-off-of-hogwarts-legacy/) so its hard to say, but I'm sure this will be.. a lot.


I don't consider someone who buy the game a bad guy. Just someone who is not interested in the trans community situation. And I can understand that. A game is a game and this one seems fun, so buy it if you guys want to. It's ok.

What is not ok on the other hand would be to claim to be supporting trans people while buying the game. Because its actually put them in indirect danger. But hey! Even some trans people decided to buy it. So you do what you want, just be aware of the context if you are interested in it.

Wow.. you are right.. trans people are so priviledged right now.. It would be a shame for them to get a bit of respect..

dot dot dot.

In term of politic yes.

I see politic as a clash of values. Values are concept that you can either agree with or disagree. Being in between just meant you don't have an interest in the matter or you just don't know (and that's ok) but being in the middle is not a political standpoint.

You do you bro.

I figured

I'd say that's a minimum. lol

No. Because the money that will go in Rowling's hand won't go away because of the charity. And the advertisment because of the stream will actually bring her a LOT of money. Enough to launch more terf compaign and rally more people to her cause. But like I said.. I understand the fact of buying the game and even streaming it.. But creating a charity is just hypocrisy, it will not undo the financing.

I'm ONLY here to give you the context and the reasons why buying the game and advertising it EVEN if you do a charity afterward.. will be putting the live of trans people in danger.

Now.. like someone said previously.. they are used to it by now.. It won't be the first time and it won't be the last time.. But be aware of the context. After that.. you do you. It's YOUR choice. I even thought of buying the game myself once. But I believe it's more important to fight.. even if it means sacrifizing a little bit of fun.
choosing which game people can play is not respect, well not like i expect you to be smart enough to know that


Welcome to the House of Hope
One famous German streamer said that he doesn’t care about this Rowling topic and just wants to play the game BUT he will do a charity stream and give the money to trans organisations etc.
Guess what the hardcore leftists etc. did
They cut out the part about the charity stream and uploaded the rest on twitter
The streamer got a huge shit storm
Many people corrected this situation and uploaded the full clip
After that the hardcore leftist were like: "Oh but he’s still a hypocrite. He can do a charity stream without this game."

I’m gonna 100% buy it now
His intention is good.

But the saying goes:
Hell is full of good willed people.

He's still financing a transphobic hag who probably uses her money to fund institutions that mold political-social aspects of society. Like every freaking billionaire does.

He's just "self promoting" while trying to play the "neutral card".
Nothing but a coward move from someone that understands that there's a problem, but takes the "I don't actually care" route and pretend he's doing something against it.

I despise these kinds of people.
To him, playing a harry potter game and making money and fame out of it is more important.

Know what would be much more effective than his "charity stream"?
Pirating the game and donating his own money to charity.
Post automatically merged:

If you show off by doing charity, you aren't donating money.
You're investing in your image.

That's nothing more than a publicity move.
i don't think this is the meaning of politics
I have an over extensive approach of politics. In the sence that for me politic doesn't stop at public affairs, but also to the choice you make in the social realm. Ex of good and bad things that I think are political:

- A teachers who treats her studiant equally with trust rather than fear
- A customer that raises their voice toward a baker because the price of the bread is too high
- A studiant who stands up against the harrasment of one of their comrads

This is why, I see politic more as a clash of value rather than a clash of political blueprints. by seeing the words with values for example with the clashes around the notion of merit, you can easily understand why a lot of center left members tends to go to the right like Hollande or Macron.

Ok if she gets 60$ and the guy raises 70$ with his stream that's already a success
That will be a little win for trans, but the money that she will gain will permit her to finance her campaign either way. And right now (hceck twitter if you want to) you don't really see the tides leaning toward trans people. So a bit of charity won't be enough to turn over the balance of oppression.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness

And no one is forcing anyone to buy the game. So stop with the altright rethoric. No trans is forcing anything on anyone.

Around 65 dollars

And Rowling is known to have one of the best royalties and fees for adaptation Source (https://www.escapistmagazine.com/does-jk-rowling-make-money-off-of-hogwarts-legacy/) so its hard to say, but I'm sure this will be.. a lot.
Ever heard of the saying "Trans people are mentally ill"? Media literally uses the loud morons who can't argue within the trans community to push that narrative. Wanna push a narrative about the oppostion? Give the dumbass among them a platform. As I literally said above, let's not act like all trans people think the same. They are people with their own preferences and standards like everyone else. There are some who makes demands or else you are transphobic and that can apply anywhere. How that is an alt-right stance I do not know....
I have an over extensive approach of politics. In the sence that for me politic doesn't stop at public affairs, but also to the choice you make in the social realm. Ex of good and bad things that I think are political:

- A teachers who treats her studiant equally with trust rather than fear
- A customer that raises their voice toward a baker because the price of the bread is too high
- A studiant who stands up against the harrasment of one of their comrads

This is why, I see politic more as a clash of value rather than a clash of political blueprints. by seeing the words with values for example with the clashes around the notion of merit, you can easily understand why a lot of center left members tends to go to the right like Hollande or Macron.
IMHO politics are not about clashes at all.
Political are debates are debates on how humans are supposed to live, how to build society in general.
Ideological clashes will be inevitable because people have different views ,but they're not the main dish
Post automatically merged:

That will be a little win for trans, but the money that she will gain will permit her to finance her campaign either way. And right now (hceck twitter if you want to) you don't really see the tides leaning toward trans people. So a bit of charity won't be enough to turn over the balance of oppression.
I wasn't really serious in my previous comments🤣tbh I neither care about this game nor do I know enough about Rowling's alleged transphobia to make qualified statements on this matter

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
His intention is good.

But the saying goes:
Hell is full of good willed people.

He's still financing a transphobic hag who probably uses her money to fund institutions that mold political-social aspects of society. Like every freaking billionaire does.

He's just "self promoting" while trying to play the "neutral card".
Nothing but a coward move from someone that understands that there's a problem, but takes the "I don't actually care" route and pretend he's doing something against it.

I despise these kinds of people.
To him, playing a harry potter game and making money and fame out of it is more important.

Know what would be much more effective than his "charity stream"?
Pirating the game and donating his own money to charity.
Post automatically merged:

If you show off by doing charity, you aren't donating money.
You're investing in your image.

That's nothing more than a publicity move.
I'm pretty deep into the financial sector and this reminds me of all the fake "Financial Gurus" on YouTube. They got the image of trying to help people make money and good financial choices, but they clickbait and flip flop 24/7 for the views. Completely ignoring that people are losing money cause of it.
Ever heard of the saying "Trans people are mentally ill"?
Yup I've spoke about it in my thread:

choosing which game people can play is not respect, well not like i expect you to be smart enough to know that
No one is choosing the game you can play for you. Relax mate.

Ever heard of the saying "Trans people are mentally ill"?
Yup, I spoke about it in my thread, I even linked this video talking about it, dsaldy it won't appear on the post, too man
As no one is talking, let me grab the conversation for a moment.

So you all know that "Hogwarts Legacy" (the Harry Potter Universe's game) is coming up soon on february 10.

While I won't say to you "do not buy the game" (for reasons I will developp later) as you are all entitle to your opinions and choices of freetime, I think it's important to replace this game into its context.

First you must know one thing: People who worked on the game have already been paid. What you might not know on the other hand is that some people will receive money from copyright ownership. In short, the more the game will be sold, the more the money going to them. And among those people is - you guessed it - J K Rowling. Now I will talk about J K Rowling later but I want to talk about another subject first as I will try to be as inclusive as I can on this subject I will start at the basics:

Do you know who Transgender people are ?

It's okay if you don't, until a few years ago, I was completely oblivious to them and their struggles. First, a bit of basic:

As you may have understood here. It's important to separate sex and gender as those notion are scientifically and sociologically different.

Now, what being a Transgender really means ? I won't explain it to you, I will let Trans people tell you all about it:

From a science approach:

To a sociological approach:

It's important to understand that being Transgender is NOT a mental illness.

Therefore, all transgender people are VALID. They ALL deserve the same rights as Cisgender People. They deserve the same right as you and me.


What is important here, is to understand that Trans people are DISCRIMINATED and OPPRESSED by our differents societies:

For diverse act of violence against trans people:

To people who are trying to criminilize Trans communities or those who help them through moral panics:





This is where we need to talk about J K Rowling.

You see J K Rowling is now an well know anti Trans activist. She is what we call a "TERF", "a Trans-exclusionary radical feminist". "A person whose views on gender identity are considered hostile to transgender people, or who opposes social and political policies designed to be inclusive of transgender people."


Terf are known to be transphobe, this is not a news. But what is starting to become more concerning is the fact that this transphobe ideology (and JK Rowling as well as her followers) is starting to flirt with really DARK movements: the alt-right and fascist kinds.

(This following one is actually quite horrific)




This is where WE can have an influence:

You see, by refusing to finance those people, we are actually lessening the probabilities of those dark transphobes ideology to be shared. That's why it's important to understand where your money will go once you buy property owned by those type of people.


This is not a thread meant to culpabilize you. You would be completely legitimate to buy a game like Hogward Legacy, after all it looks like a cool game and I would LOVE to play it also.. but...

At least, you have the context.

While it might be the best Harry Potter game. Buying that game, is beneficial to the anti trans politics.

Now, You have all the informations to make a good choice.

I linked this video, but the video doesn't appear, too many link I think.


How that is an alt-right stance I do not know....
The alt right stance is too say "trans gender or homosexuals or X" are FORCING you to do this. When in reality the only thing most trans people are saying is "X is problematic, please stop promoting it".

No LGBTQ+ people is forcing anything on anyone. This fallacious rethoric comes from a moral panic from the alt right that are scared that because those community exist, they will overthrow the world and them with it.

IMHO politics are not about clashes at all.
Indeed, politics are all about values you hold dear.

Political are debates are debates on how humans are supposed to live, how to build society in general.
Ideological clashes will be inevitable because people have different views ,but they're not the main dish
Indeed, the main dish are the actual value themselves.

I wasn't really serious in my previous comments🤣tbh I neither care about this game nor do I know enough about Rowling's alleged transphobia to make qualified statements on this matter
I've linked a LOT of content explaining the problem with Rowling here if you want :)


Welcome to the House of Hope
I'm pretty deep into the financial sector and this reminds me of all the fake "Financial Gurus" on YouTube. They got the image of trying to help people make money and good financial choices, but they clickbait and flip flop 24/7 for the views. Completely ignoring that people are losing money cause of it.
LMAO I have an amazing example of that that recently happened here.

A student from a Medicine major in Sao Paulo diverted almost 1 million bucks from the "graduation party fund" of her class to invest in stuff she learned online with these kinds of "econo-coaches". She lost everything. And I mean EVERY LAST CENT.
Now she's facing a 10+ years charges.
LMAO I have an amazing example of that that recently happened here.

A student from a Medicine major in Sao Paulo diverted almost 1 million bucks from the "graduation party fund" of her class to invest in stuff she learned online with these kinds of "econo-coaches". She lost everything. And I mean EVERY LAST CENT.
Now she's facing a 10+ years charges.
What is a graduation party fund?

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
This game is a wrong hill to die on.

I feel sympathy towards trans community and i wish them the best.

But how many games, movies and what not were made by homophobic, cis hating and god know what else you can find?

Where was outrage for those stuff? Why do we need to put trans community on a pedestal above all else?

That isnt equality.

This game was made by the fans for the fans. Just bcs people will play it doesnt mean they auto hate trans people like gtfo

Bcs of shit like that people walk away from supporting trans - bcs you do one shit slightly wrong you will be fucking rekt