ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Lead them to paradise.
I already was voting for Tentei before that tag and pushed him to claim. I read his claim situation, it’s basically over for him at this point. Didn’t think it was possible for him to dig a deeper hole, but he somehow did.
I was more asking for your thoughts on possible mates here, he tried to clear Kagu so maybe shes not linked with him? Or is this some 5d hardcore chess distancing I am witnessing here.


Custom title
Btw among these more than 1 is mine!

[The Shield's Sword] has been used on [???]
[Game Battle] has been used on [???]
[Stalking Horror] has been used on [???]
[Broken Magnifying Glasses] has been used on [???]
[Filolial Egg] has been used on [???]
[True Form] has been activated
[Nickel Gun] has been used on [???]
[Scorches] has been used on [???]
[A Thausand Beautiful Outfits] has been used on [???]
[True Ultimate Despair] has been used on [???]
[Nun Cloth] has been used on [???]
[Kama] has been used on [???]
[Shadow Clone] has been used on [???]
[Cloak] has been activated
[Mokomoko-sama] has been used on [???]
[The Legendary Sword] has been used on [???]
[Studying Session] has been activated
[Black Hole] has been activated
[Magnifying Glasses] has been used on [???]
[Poison Luster Claw] has been used on [???]
Waiting for rej to get back to my couple final wishes and tpein I love I get to pay you back. It's gonna be so fucking sweet. If you are his scum buddies it'd be very smart for you to unvote. Because you are gonna lose the one person who knows who all of you are. It doesn't matter if you try to vig or vote. It's gonna happen regardless.

And once I finish uploading my data. This mothafucka gonna get wiped like a hard drive and can point each and every single one of you scum out. Being town does have its advantages. And tpein here is the kicker. If your team does not cooperate quickly you will suffer the wraith of town. Thus ending your game even earlier on two fronts.

Cause the moment you kill one town I'll know about it because I know the abilities. I'll be able to then have town nuke you. Not to mention have your old team trying to hunt you down. I'm giving you one more if you play against your wincon I will know. You would have to give the game town or run the risk of being considered a game thrower and get yourself banned from all.future games. It's gonna be one or the other for you.


Custom title
Waiting for rej to get back to my couple final wishes and tpein I love I get to pay you back. It's gonna be so fucking sweet. If you are his scum buddies it'd be very smart for you to unvote. Because you are gonna lose the one person who knows who all of you are. It doesn't matter if you try to vig or vote. It's gonna happen regardless.

And once I finish uploading my data. This mothafucka gonna get wiped like a hard drive and can point each and every single one of you scum out. Being town does have its advantages. And tpein here is the kicker. If your team does not cooperate quickly you will suffer the wraith of town. Thus ending your game even earlier on two fronts.

Cause the moment you kill one town I'll know about it because I know the abilities. I'll be able to then have town nuke you. Not to mention have your old team trying to hunt you down. I'm giving you one more if you play against your wincon I will know. You would have to give the game town or run the risk of being considered a game thrower and get yourself banned from all.future games. It's gonna be one or the other for you.
I don't think t pein is scum bro
I'm here to be a town leader and town leaders don't spite nor disrupt the flow of the game.
the town leader intention is noted, and usually a good point, but I don't see any thought about who asked for it and why - and i would need that because this kind of things are AI
@oddoddfruit you don't wanna town lead with me for old time sake?
why odd and what he did to deserve your trust?

I will not insist on the argument with Fuji, i will just note the aggressive playstyle who seems to be part of personality so it's not AI. Also there is a like a pattern, Ekko was asking what he has done in this game and the answer was
What have you done?

What has Muugen done?


I mean we can ask everyone what have they done. Lol
and that was exactly how he reacted at my request to share reads, instead posting them he asked about my reads.

Playing reactively is something I saw town and scum doing
Tentei was arguing with everyone/almost everyone in the thread but also he may pay for uninspired posts

he after started to ask for reads
Exactly. So town leader give me your reads since you doing something?

Everyone who tried this stance. Give me your reads.
Give me your reads one sided sir.
So why you like mango? Let's talk.
Give me reasons on why for all of these reads.
this is towny mindset, but he didn't share his own reads, yet he wanted the town leader position - in his defence is the claim he plays on phone, doubling down when SK said is forced. let's see what's next
Still need to give your reads.
Or you can give them when I ask.
I can say this that ussop changed his meta. Normally as town or scum he is very spammy. Been awhile I believe since I played with him. So I have to rearrange my meta read on him. Place him in null for now. I need to go reread his post this game.
Also it's also very unusual for Muugen to not have me on ignore. And he is not being his normal matter of factly tone which he does regardless of alignment. Very interesting n
meta takes, probably useful for later in the game and a long break of 24 hours (not AI imo)
P#1337 he is questioning the miller claims and in the next post, the post restrictions, saying after they are not so important
P#1346 implies Muugen is a mischop, and is nagl for Ekko to push Muugen.
He entered the trhead again at 3:18 (i think the forum gives me my hour) and posted the reads at 3:37. This either the fastest reader alive on earth or he is making up the reads, and there is nothing he couldn't post on phone in this post at the moment when he left the thread because all of them are active posters and he could give GTHs for them.
As for my reads:

Fuji: possible scum lean
Ussop: Possible Scum lean
Muugen: town lean
Nessos: Null (need to see more from him)
Al Sama: Null (I don't have much game experience playing with him, so I can't get a read on him right this second)
T-Pein: slight scum lean (conditional miller which would be the second announced miller and didn't share conditions and then disappeared)
soulkiller: town lean

everyone else is null lean, I need to see more from a lot more people. Some of you I have no meta basis to go off of. And, there is the chance that a gut read can always be wrong. And, I have been wrong before take Superman/Mickey Mouse in the recent game on NF/Fanverse.
i don't like this post, however he is not fully caught up so scratch the fast reader thing.
I'm still reading back
well, I was busy with RL as well but this is what I could read and put in a post, but now that he is posting this, after he said he will not claim a few times already, but if he is a tree stump now why didn't he open de day with the knowledge Kagu is a certain villager and make the lynch analysis?
a tree stump fears nothing, why not claim and make such a fuss over that?

I am naofumi iwantani and I stopped the lynch. That was my power and if I used it I become a tree stump. That was why I unvoted and since it was a passive I couldn't stop it from happening. So now I get stick around and help town but I have no vote power.

Such a fun role.

I'm pretty sure was to stop the lynch which killed me and made me a tree stump. That's how it works. Lol
Obviously I town read flower. The power only works on town.
That's the thing otherwise the lynch would have just happened.
I was saying I didn't want a mislynch cause I wanted to not be a tree stump lol
He was claiming something different here.
Now he claims he is a dead treestump.

Do we believe it?
I dont.
If he was a treestump he wulda just claimed it right away.
Just get to be a God damn tree yep that was my role had I not had this mislynch happen I could have been a bodyguard pretty much
Too bad your miller claim is more bs


Lead them to paradise.
the town leader intention is noted, and usually a good point, but I don't see any thought about who asked for it and why - and i would need that because this kind of things are AI

why odd and what he did to deserve your trust?

I will not insist on the argument with Fuji, i will just note the aggressive playstyle who seems to be part of personality so it's not AI. Also there is a like a pattern, Ekko was asking what he has done in this game and the answer was

and that was exactly how he reacted at my request to share reads, instead posting them he asked about my reads.

Playing reactively is something I saw town and scum doing
Tentei was arguing with everyone/almost everyone in the thread but also he may pay for uninspired posts

he after started to ask for reads
this is towny mindset, but he didn't share his own reads, yet he wanted the town leader position - in his defence is the claim he plays on phone, doubling down when SK said is forced. let's see what's next

meta takes, probably useful for later in the game and a long break of 24 hours (not AI imo)
P#1337 he is questioning the miller claims and in the next post, the post restrictions, saying after they are not so important
P#1346 implies Muugen is a mischop, and is nagl for Ekko to push Muugen.
He entered the trhead again at 3:18 (i think the forum gives me my hour) and posted the reads at 3:37. This either the fastest reader alive on earth or he is making up the reads, and there is nothing he couldn't post on phone in this post at the moment when he left the thread because all of them are active posters and he could give GTHs for them.

i don't like this post, however he is not fully caught up so scratch the fast reader thing.
well, I was busy with RL as well but this is what I could read and put in a post, but now that he is posting this, after he said he will not claim a few times already, but if he is a tree stump now why didn't he open de day with the knowledge Kagu is a certain villager and make the lynch analysis?
a tree stump fears nothing, why not claim and make such a fuss over that?

You should catch up girl. Tentei was caught in a lie.
Waiting for rej to get back to my couple final wishes and tpein I love I get to pay you back. It's gonna be so fucking sweet. If you are his scum buddies it'd be very smart for you to unvote. Because you are gonna lose the one person who knows who all of you are. It doesn't matter if you try to vig or vote. It's gonna happen regardless.

And once I finish uploading my data. This mothafucka gonna get wiped like a hard drive and can point each and every single one of you scum out. Being town does have its advantages. And tpein here is the kicker. If your team does not cooperate quickly you will suffer the wraith of town. Thus ending your game even earlier on two fronts.

Cause the moment you kill one town I'll know about it because I know the abilities. I'll be able to then have town nuke you. Not to mention have your old team trying to hunt you down. I'm giving you one more if you play against your wincon I will know. You would have to give the game town or run the risk of being considered a game thrower and get yourself banned from all.future games. It's gonna be one or the other for you.
Yep this is just scum.
We got one day 1.
Lit af
hey tentai
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