Who is gonna win this battle(of likes): Worst or Warchief Sanji D Goat?

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Mihawk fought 1B Shanks but he himself has 3.59B :risitasad: I wonder why

Maybe if you had more than one brain cell, you'd be able to tell me when match-up scaling became the only thing in existence?

I wonder why it's Zoro who's facing Mihawk's clone instead of Luffy? Surely there'd be some kind of logical reason?
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I respect Kuma; he could be a bonafide top-tier

I'm just giving this dude the salt back because he's an idiot
Nah you are the real idiot. Luffy>Zoro and Lucci>Kaku are clear. No argument so Kuma>Mihawk based on their sera match up. Stop crying like a femboy because your EOS fav opponent turned out to be dogshit
Whose stronger argument aside....

Kuma fought for two years straight. Plus he's a Cyborg, which means he doesn't have a natural healing factor, he needs to be repaied. Any damage incurred, remained the entire time, and just accumulated.

There's legit no other character who could do what he did, and walk away from it at the end.
His metal is canonically above normal Metal

Not only that but I doubt he has the same endurance as a Pacifista given that he didn't explode from a Named Ivankov attack
I think if you have a braincell then you would have realized bounty argument is invalid. WB was hyping Mihawk fight with less 1b berries Shanks while Nobody cared about Zoro beating 1.39 b berries King and Sanji beating 1.32b berries Queen.

Fix you brain you have a brain damage.
Nah you are the real idiot. Luffy>Zoro and Lucci>Kaku are clear. No argument so Kuma>Mihawk based on their sera match up. Stop crying like a femboy because your EOS fav opponent turned out to be dogshit
I genuinely need to know whose account this is :suresure:


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
The so called fodder crew of law was able to stall BB commanders and looking competent. On the other hand, SH crew are only good at running across the island for no reason.
Rename yourself as Monster Law lol
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This chapter confirms Mihawk is the weakest top tier since Kuma>Mihawk based on match up
Go back to sleep. You are still day dreaming
Man, when i read the spoilers i was like, why th S hawk get mr 1 df. Now that i calm myself, i am curious to see how oda will play this. Maybe because mihawk is a CoA freak and that kind of df would benefit him? Anyway i hope oda will show us something lol.
Another thing that i have in mind is, what will happen inside this forums if S- bear's air pressure cannons actually hit lucci or luffy.
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