I have a problem with the pacing of Post time skip.
Fights are dragged on for too long.
multiple flashbacks in one arc, some of them good and do the job, some of them just meh. I never cared about or was super into the big mom backstory and the scarabs/oden flashbacks, decent but just wasn't my thing.
lots of inconclusive and incomplete plot points, some get resolved, some don't and are just forgotten. We don't know what happened to the vinsmokes. Jinbe was left with a cliff hanger back in WCI, but then reappeared in Wano like noting happened, no explanation whatsoever, so why didn't he leave with the straw hats in the first place? I know jinbe stayed to help the sun pirates but Oda could have done something different.
Lots of false hype that end up becoming nothing impressive(although this i feel like has more to do with the fans expecting too much rather than Oda showing too little). Bobbins first mate, judge top 5, sanji vs katakuri, big mom downfall, the list goes on. All of these were hyped to hell but never happened, waste of time.
A lot of stuffed are happening in the background but never shown or revealed, a lot of new stuff introduced but only teased and not explained. The big straw hat, teased rocks D xebec but we didn't even see his real face in a flashback. Sabo infiltrated the Reverie, don't know if he personally fought Fujitora or Greenbull of if he was captured or killed. Is burgess still alive and still on Baltigo? What happened to Moria? Who the hell is Imu and why should I care? What happened to Vivi's Papa. Why does Bonney care about Kuma, and how the hell did she even escape from Akainu? Pound is alive. Why? Didn't we see Oven execute him and there was blood???
Endless mysteries, but also endless unanswered questions.
All of this can just become tiring after a while.
Now the only thing im looking forward to the Wano arc are the fights and post arc bounty updates. Pretimeskip arcs like skypiea and water 7 i was more invested in the island's history and lore, and the backstories and conflicts of the new characters. Skypiea and the golden bell, franky/cutty flam relationship, thriller bark and brook's past were all great. Some of the stuff in Wano have been meh, didn't care about Kinemon's tease of the unrevealed sccarabs, oden's flashback was too long and didn't change my indiffrent opinion to him. kanjuro's betrayal was a surprise, but kinemon didn't finish him off and now he's lost. I still don't give a crap about Momonosuke. I like the beast pirates more than the scarrabs.